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India's Nuclear Agreement

:lol: we already know that US is going to offer us the same.

Secondly even if it offers us the same nuke deal it will harm us badly as US is not going to give us any concession rather the deal will be like a last nail in our already achieved nuclear strength.

So i believe that those who desire or wish to have similar deal with US are only fooling themselves.
It would be much better for us to workout such deals with other countries like China and France, or speed up defence pacts with other countries.

But it requires the NSG approval also. How it will be achieved.?
:lol: we already know that US is going to offer us the same.

Yep. US will offer the same to Pakistan. But it will take some time may be 20 or 30 yrs. Till that time it records has to be clear and no further test.
:lol: we already know that US is going to offer us the same.

Secondly even if it offers us the same nuke deal it will harm us badly as US is not going to give us any concession rather the deal will be like a last nail in our already achieved nuclear strength.

So i believe that those who desire or wish to have similar deal with US are only fooling themselves.
It would be much better for us to workout such deals with other countries like China and France, or speed up defence pacts with other countries.

jana, do you think that US will permit pakistan to have open nuclear cooperation on lines of India, specially when pakistan needs everyday financial
aid from US, i think you are dreaming,although Indo-Us nuke deal was important to end India's isolation though it now formally recognizes India as 6th nuclear state that many nsg members were not agreeing but it happened
It's not about getting the technology, it is about implementing it. You can get the blue prints, but you have to make the centrifuges yourselves. Indians for years have tried to make the centrifuges, with blue prints, but were not able to make them of the required standard.


darkstar pakistan is not even allowing Indian car manufacturers in its market as they provide much cheaper than imported one ,tell us about the competetiveness of any manufacturing industry in pakistan that competes with world biggies in any manufacturing industry, am not saying that pakistan cant but it lacks such tech to develop its own uranium enrichment tech,why to compare with India then?
all the enrichment machines in Pakistan were chinese designed and some imported, with India is developing its own based on its own needs and had never got any blueprints,if you have any such proof/links please share, you can find a bulk of links on tech transfer from china to pakistan.
As I stated earlier we still have to wait and see the aftermath of Indo-US deal, no guarantees nor timeframe can be given for such a waiver for Pakistan.
At best we can hope for a single IAEA/NSG waiver to strike a bilateral deal with China and China only in less than a decade.

Remember that the ball is in our court and we're still in full command of our nuclear programme and we've survived nuclear boycot for over three decades yet still managed to build four reactors including one and a considerable nuclear arsenal.

Once the country and economy stabalises the best option for Pakistan is to start testing new designs, detonate H and N bombs and make it difficult for India to show restraint. Its widely expected that India now will boost her nuclear capacity by fully dedicating eight reactors to produce weapon grade plutonium so Pakistani tests will be justified.

Yes, there will be new sanctions and we'll be hard hit but consequences for India will be much worse as further testing will make all of NSG a nuclear proliferator.

This is when we demand equal treatment and sign CTBT. :coffee:
jana, do you think that US will permit pakistan to have open nuclear cooperation on lines of India, specially when pakistan needs everyday financial
aid from US, i think you are dreaming
Ohh cut the crap, our economy is in turmoil due regional insecurity...we have every right to demand compensation from US and Nato members for the impact Afghan war is having on our economy.
But its a temporary problem, we have a very stong base and infrastructure to pull us out of this misery.

Look at your own 700+ million poor who still struggle from day to day to feed their families before you lecture me about Pakistan. :crazy:

although Indo-Us nuke deal was important to end India's isolation though it now formally recognizes India as 6th nuclear state that many nsg members were not agreeing but it happened
Now you're dreaming...India is not N6 and its not going to happen any time soon. :pop:
Once the country and economy stabalises the best option for Pakistan is to start testing new designs, detonate H and N bombs and make it difficult for India to show restraint. Its widely expected that India now will boost her nuclear capacity by fully dedicating eight reactors to produce weapon grade plutonium so Pakistani tests will be justified.

Yes, there will be new sanctions and we'll be hard hit but consequences for India will be much worse as further testing will make all of NSG a nuclear proliferator.

This is when we demand equal treatment and sign CTBT. :coffee:

Neo, I do not know you are speaking which language ? or this is just a reaction.
India will never respond to such tests by Pakistan. Then what ? :azn:
darkstar pakistan is not even allowing Indian car manufacturers in its market as they provide much cheaper than imported one ,tell us about the competetiveness of any manufacturing industry in pakistan that competes with world biggies in any manufacturing industry, am not saying that pakistan cant but it lacks such tech to develop its own uranium enrichment tech,why to compare with India then?
all the enrichment machines in Pakistan were chinese designed and some imported, with India is developing its own based on its own needs and had never got any blueprints,if you have any such proof/links please share, you can find a bulk of links on tech transfer from china to pakistan.

Lol...man its not about cars or busses, we're talking very advanced nuclear technology that only a few countries possess.
Pakistan is way ahead of India in enrichment technology. Whereas India started from scratch, we built ours based on state of the art tri-nation URENCO design where AQ Khan was a leading metalurgist and scientist. Kahuta is a copy of URENCO in Alemlo, Holland and currently we have fully mastered and improved the technology in finesse to produce every spare part including magnets and cillinders for gas centrifuges.
Thats a fact, accept it!
As I stated earlier we still have to wait and see the aftermath of Indo-US deal, no guarantees nor timeframe can be given for such a waiver for Pakistan.
At best we can hope for a single IAEA/NSG waiver to strike a bilateral deal with China and China only in less than a decade.

Remember that the ball is in our court and we're still in full command of our nuclear programme and we've survived nuclear boycot for over three decades yet still managed to build four reactors including one and a considerable nuclear arsenal.

Once the country and economy stabalises the best option for Pakistan is to start testing new designs, detonate H and N bombs and make it difficult for India to show restraint. Its widely expected that India now will boost her nuclear capacity by fully dedicating eight reactors to produce weapon grade plutonium so Pakistani tests will be justified.

Yes, there will be new sanctions and we'll be hard hit but consequences for India will be much worse as further testing will make all of NSG a nuclear proliferator.

This is when we demand equal treatment and sign CTBT. :coffee:

I Dont think US will allow any such tests in the future whether its India Or Pakistan.
Ohh cut the crap, our economy is in turmoil due regional insecurity...we have every right to demand compensation from US and Nato members for the impact Afghan war is having on our economy.
But its a temporary problem, we have a very stong base and infrastructure to pull us out of this misery.

Look at your own 700+ million poor who still struggle from day to day to feed their families before you lecture me about Pakistan. :crazy:

Now you're dreaming...India is not N6 and its not going to happen any time soon. :pop:

Yes I agree India has lot of Poors but at the same time india can manage to grow in all the sectors. Its difficult to remove the poverty.
It is a slow process by providing better education and living stds.
Compared to 1950s india has improved a lot.
Lol...man its not about cars or busses, we're talking very advanced nuclear technology that only a few countries possess.
Pakistan is way ahead of India in enrichment technology. Whereas India started from scratch, we built ours based on state of the art tri-nation URENCO design where AQ Khan was a leading metalurgist and scientist. Kahuta is a copy of URENCO in Alemlo, Holland and currently we have fully mastered and improved the technology in finesse to produce every spare part including magnets and cillinders for gas centrifuges.
Thats a fact, accept it!

As a result of its recently acquired ability to import LEU, India can devote the enrichment capacity of RMP to highly enriched uranium (HEU) for military applications. India would most likely use the HEU for fuel in submarine reactors and in thermonuclear weapons.
India doesn't need to spend its local LEU to the civilian reactors.
Nuke deal to strengthen US economy: NEI

Nuclear Energy Institute, the policy arm of US nuclear energy industry, has welcomed the Congressional ratification of the historic US India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement and said that it has the potential to strengthen the American economy.

"The agreement holds the potential to strengthen the US economy while fostering within India increased use of nuclear energy to cleanly provide the reliable electricity that is so vital in modern society," said Frank Bowman, president and chief executive of the Nuclear Energy Institute.

Based in Washington, the Nuclear Energy Institute has some of the top 300 corporate companies who are engaged in nuclear trade or technology.

It was part of the US nuclear industry delegation, which visited India last year to have a preliminary round of talks with the Indian Government officials and also the private sector.

According to an estimate the agreement has opened a market of over $150 billion to the US industry. This could end up in creating several thousand jobs in the country, policy makers in this field argue.

"The Nuclear Energy Industry welcomes congressional approval of the U.S.-India civilian nuclear cooperation agreement," Bowman said.

Following the ratification of the nuclear deal, the industry is looking forward to the White House now for it to be signed into law by the US President, George W Bush, so that the US corporate sector can start the process of indulging in nuclear trade and sharing of nuclear technologies for civilian purposes with India.

Bowman said the US companies has much to offer to India to meet its increasing energy demands.

"As an international leader in civilian nuclear technologies for an array of purposes, not the least of which is power generation, the US has much to offer to India and its people through this agreement," he said.

"Global efforts to address the threat of climate change make this agreement all the more timely, since nuclear power plants provide nearly 50 percent of the carbon-free electricity generation worldwide," Bowman said
Some of our Indian friends seem to think, that just because they can enrich uranium to 30 percent, they can somehow wage a magic wand, and the 30 percent transforms into plus 90 percent. I'm sorry to inform you, but this is not how uranium enrichment works. The jump from 30 to 90 percent is in itself a technological break through, as the Iranians have themselves found out, not having attained that threshold yet.

A poster above claimed that India does not need highly enriched uranium, as it is only going to use them for nuclear submarines. This is ok, if you are going to operate as a south asian power, because nuclear submarines with 30 percent enriched uranium need constant refuelling. USA's current submarines all use highly enriched above 90 percent, uranium, which is why they have a much longer operational time than the Russian equivilants.

But what will you do with the thermo nuclear issue? This deal with the NSG does not solve the problems inidan scientists have had trying to get uranium highly enriched, meaning you will still lag behind in the thermo nuclear weapon race.
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