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India’s new foreign minister a strong fan of Israel


Feb 21, 2014
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shma Swaraj, India’s newly appointed foreign minister, has in the past publicly defended Israel against naysayers, and is said to be a strong admirer of the late Israeli prime minister Golda Meir.

Swaraj, 62, the first woman to receive the foreign affairs ministerial portfolio, called Israel “a reliable partner” in 2008, according to theEconomic Times. The statement arose in the context of criticizing the left-wing parties’ opposition to the Israel-India diplomatic relationship. Swaraj came to Israel’s defense and asserted that the government recognized the significance of ties with the Jewish state as well.

Swaraj also served as chairwoman of the Indo-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group from 2006 to 2009.

As the first female in that – and many other — political positions in India, Swaraj issaid to lookto Meir for inspiration. Like Swaraj, Meir had served as foreign minister under prime minister David Ben Gurion in 1956.

Swaraj boasts a long list of accomplishments in her 30-odd-year political career: At the age of 25, she became the youngest cabinet member India has ever voted into parliament; she was also the first female chief minister of Delhi and the first female political spokesperson.

Swaraj’s appointment, along with the election of Narendra Modi as India’s new prime minister, bodes well for Israel’s increasingly warm ties with its South Asian ally.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a congratulatory phone call to Modi following his victory in India’s national elections 10 days ago.

During the call, Netanyahu expressed his admiration for Indian democracy and the two leaders agreed to deepen cooperation between the two countries, according to a Reuters report.

Modi, who heads the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), “has long courted political and trade links with the state of Israel,”according to the International Business Times.

Modi had previously visited Israel as chief minister of Gurajat province, a position he held since 2001. During the trip, he suggested that, “as the possible next prime minister, he could make history by journeying to the Jewish state,” the report read.

“Modi’s ties to Israel, which BJP officials strongly endorse, has turned into a financial bonanza for the western Indian province of Gujarat, where he has served as chief minister for the past 13 years,” the report said.

India's new foreign minister a strong fan of Israel | The Times of Israel

Long live Indo Israel friendship:cheers:

love to see strengthen up our ties more under PM Modi:tup:
I don't know but for some reason our hosts would be dreading this decision.
I don't know but for some reason our hosts would be dreading this decision.
Not at all.
Can you tell me of India's relationship with Israel during the 90's, specifically during the Pressler embargo?
Not at all.
Can you tell me of India's relationship with Israel during the 90's, specifically during the Pressler embargo?
Israel was considered untouchable pre 1995(due to fear of loosing islamist votes),BJP government made establish good ties .
Not at all.
Can you tell me of India's relationship with Israel during the 90's, specifically during the Pressler embargo?

Our relations with them existed "under the carpet", many civilians don't know about.

From the 1967 war in Israel, India and Israel have secretly collaborated.

Even today, many think that our relation is only uptil a couple of missile or drone deals. But it is much bigger and only PMO, RAW, ISRO and other bodies know it.

Even we don't know.
Israel was considered untouchable pre 1995(due to fear of loosing islamist votes),BJP government made establish good ties .

BJP brought it out in the open proudly without fearing Arab-wannabes that's all.

There's no lion in Israel. There are US supplied planes+munitions, French supplied missiles, German supplied submarines, and western funding.

Without the West, Israel would be a sad pussycat.

The Lion is actually the Lion of Judah. Something to do with their religious beliefs. Not in terms of national animal.

Palestine doesn't even exist without GCC's petrodollars and aid money.
BJP brought it out in the open proudly without fearing Arab-wannabes that's all.

The Lion is actually the Lion of Judah. Something to do with their religious beliefs. Not in terms of national animal.

Palestine doesn't even exist without GCC's petrodollars and aid money.

There's no such thing as Judah. There was Canaan for thousands of years. European Jews have nothing to do with Hebrews. The 'Israelis' are also secular atheists.

What an ignorant nationalist inspired comment. :lol:
BJP brought it out in the open proudly without fearing Arab-wannabes that's all.

The Lion is actually the Lion of Judah. Something to do with their religious beliefs. Not in terms of national animal.

Palestine doesn't even exist without GCC's petrodollars and aid money.

Our relations with them existed "under the carpet", many civilians don't know about.

From the 1967 war in Israel, India and Israel have secretly collaborated.

Even today, many think that our relation is only uptil a couple of missile or drone deals. But it is much bigger and only PMO, RAW, ISRO and other bodies know it.

Even we don't know.

LMAO!! You need to go ask Israel who was supplying intel and ammo to Pakistan in the 80's, for the war in Afghanistan. Secondly, who supplied F16 parts to Paksitan via Europe in the 90's, and broke a US Embargo. There are tons of stuff I'm privy to, but should I post it here, you guys won't be able to digest it!

It's just another misconception that Israel IS your friend! Israel is no one's friend. The military hardware it sells to the world is NOT the same it deploys. It's the goy version it exports.

The minute you out live your usefulness they will drop you like a hot potato.
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Our relations with them existed "under the carpet", many civilians don't know about.

From the 1967 war in Israel, India and Israel have secretly collaborated.

Even today, many think that our relation is only uptil a couple of missile or drone deals. But it is much bigger and only PMO, RAW, ISRO and other bodies know it.

Even we don't know.

you forget to tell us how Israel saved india during kargil war by providing copperhead artillery projectiles and on ground presence of Israeli officers.
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