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India's Muslim politics is shifting course amid Hindu majoritarianism

Wow.... That's a line I read after a long time. BTW geography remains same, lines on geography changes..

Well, it's Hindu.
The problem is Hindu leadership. They are jahils of superlative degrees, and I am often shaked by the fact that these jahils are leading a well educated nation.
That's a pity.
i.e running the country on its own funds, atleast8-)
Well if we take the popular Hindu leadership that represents the country on the international stage, yes, this leadership is comprised of jaahils, but within the country there are Hindu leaders like Kanhaiya Kumar, Yogendra Yadav and Sitaram Yechuri who well-educated in the real sense and sensible and are in progressive movements. So the situation is nuanced.
you mean communists, be precise.
The thing is, it's the Hindu mind set that caused partition, not Jinnah.
Even the guys who outright rejected Pakistan are unwillingly following the same path as Pakistanis followed pre-1947. And Jinnah died years ago, so I will ask who is trying to divide India? Again, it's Hindu, not Muslims.
was it hindu who divided bangladesh(east pakistan) and sudan ,
stand your stand now :dirol:
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i.e running the country on its own funds, atleast8-)

you mean communists, be precise.

was it hindu who divided bangladesh(east pakistan) and sudan ,
stand your stand now :dirol:
Hindus created Bangladesh and Christianity divided Sudan.
Batch mate?

I always thought that, because Kalyan Chatterjee and I used to encounter him in the Damayanti Shield and Loreto Shield Debates (both run by Calcutta's Loreto College). But then, we were straddling college under-graduate courses and post-graduate work (KC was a year my junior, and we were a team for seven years, including the years at school); Shashi MAY have been a fresh undergrad then. I just googled him, and he was born March '56; I was born August '50.

As for his English, we are looking at a completely different milieu. In our time, these were not unacceptable usages; I was a little taken aback at the amusement that met his 'farrago of nonsense', a fairly standard term. Times change; perhaps people want to hear speakers like The Donald, and anything more complicated is no longer relevant.

Me, I'm comfortable with what he is reported to be saying; it is quite possible that others are getting fed up of reaching for the dictionary when they read him. Tough.

PS: Afroz Alam was a personal friend (we have lost touch). I saw him enter my university to set up a law faculty, and became a great fan of his legal and administrative capability. Apparently he felt similarly about me.

I thought about this a little more after putting down my first impressions.

Shashi is not too greatly admired, but that is for several reasons more complex than is apparent.
  1. Most of his communication is in English. He is voiceless, as far as the fringe elements of the religious right are concerned;
  2. He represents the Congress, that is going through a slow, but inexorable decline. He has less clout than he might have had;
  3. He represents a constituency in Kerala. People from Kerala have not contributed a national leader after A. K. Antony.
  4. He is too nicey-nicey with the BJP. That makes him suspect in the eyes of many.
@Joe Shearer you're a gem. To me, you represent the disappearing subcontinental Mccaulayite creed of yore that I so admire- a few professors in college and my dad's bridge group buddies who all seem to have migrated abroad after retirement.

I thought Shashi Tharoor was upper-caste Punjabi Khatri. Very Karan Thapar Lutyens-esque. I'm surprised to know he's Malayali.
who were mukti bahini recruits
muslims or hindu

ohhh why is it so that whenever there is division between the nations, one religion is common reason for the division.
May that religion was also responsible for all Divisions in India in pre-Islamic times as well.
Hinduism divides, Islam unites.
@Joe Shearer you're a gem. To me, you represent the disappearing subcontinental Mccaulayite creed of yore that I so admire- a few professors in college and my dad's bridge group buddies who all seem to have migrated abroad after retirement.

I thought Shashi Tharoor was upper-caste Punjabi Khatri. Very Karan Thapar Lutyens-esque. I'm surprised to know he's Malayali.
itna outha mat inki...Log sach mein tujhe indian maane gaein :D
Yeah, he is good but I think he should reduce his flourish of language because that it takes attention away from his knowledge. :)

@Joe Shearer was his batch-mate at college, I think. Joe, what do you say about the above analysis of him ?

@Joe Shearer you're a gem. To me, you represent the disappearing subcontinental Mccaulayite creed of yore that I so admire- a few professors in college and my dad's bridge group buddies who all seem to have migrated abroad after retirement.

I thought Shashi Tharoor was upper-caste Punjabi Khatri. Very Karan Thapar Lutyens-esque. I'm surprised to know he's Malayali.

Shashi Tharoor is class while @Joe Shearer is gross

Shashi Tharoor is shrewd while @Joe Shearer is crude

Shashi Tharoor is a patriot while @Joe Shearer is a traitor

Shashi Tharoor is a gem while @Joe Shearer is a dim

Shashi Tharoor is a open secularist while @Joe Shearer is closet Islamist

Shashi Tharoor is pinnacle while @Joe Shearer is debacle
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Shashi Tharoor is class while @Joe Shearer is gross

Shashi Tharoor is shrewd while @Joe Shearer is crude

Shashi Tharoor is a patriot while @Joe Shearer is a traitor

Shashi Tharoor is a gem while @Joe Shearer is a dim

Shashi Tharoor is a open secularist while @Joe Shearer is closet Islamist

Shashi Tharoor is pinnacle while @Joe Shearer is debacle

:lol: That was the first funny post you ever made. You are always so serious.

BTW how is @Joe Shearer a traitor ? Just because he doesn't believe in Hindutva ? That is like a Taliban supporter on PDF saying I am not a Muslim because I care two hoots for the Taliban.

Also, you must know that Shashi Tharoor has said that he considers the Hindutvadis the first proponents of the Two Nation Theory. Here :
Speaking at the session 'Shashi on Shashi' with Micheal Dwyer on Day 2 of the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF), Mr Tharoor claimed that the Hindutva movement started by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar categorically rejected the Constitution.

He said that for Savarkar, a Hindu was one for whom India was his fatherland and holy land. Muslims and Christians were not considered in this.

"Savarkar, Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar and Deen Dyal Upadhay rejected the constitution and in fact agreed with the Muslims that religion should determine nationhood. In the historical sense, the first advocate of the two-nation theory was actually Savarkar, who as the head of the Hindu Mahasabha called upon India to recognise Hindus and Muslims as part of two separate nations three years before the Pakistan Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore in 1940," he said.

Mr Tharoor further said that according to them, the Constitution was full of imported ideas written in the wrong language - English.

"Another flaw they pointed out was that it assumes that the nation of India is a territory and it's (constitution) written for all the people on the territory. Nation is not a territory but its people and the people of India are only Hindus," he said.
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:lol: That was the first funny post you ever made. You are always so serious.

Actually, most of the times I am not serious.

BTW how is @Joe Shearer a traitor ? Just because he doesn't believe in Hindutva ? That is like a Taliban supporter on PDF saying I am not a Muslim because I care two hoots for the Taliban.

Shashi Tharoor's postion on Kashmir is patriotic while @Joe Shearer's is traitorous.

Also, you must know that Shashi Tharoor has said that he considers the Hindutvadis the first proponents of the Two Nation Theory. Here

I fully agree. Both Indian Muslim league and Hindu Mahasabha are the creation of the British and they both are stooges of the British.
I fully agree. Both Indian Muslim league and Hindu Mahasabha are the creation of the British and they both are stooges of the British.

Well, even if the ML wasn't created by the British it certainly became their stooge.

Shashi Tharoor's postion on Kashmir is patriotic while @Joe Shearer's is traitorous.

What do you say about this solution I have presented for Kashmir ?
:lol: That was the first funny post you ever made. You are always so serious.

BTW how is @Joe Shearer a traitor ? Just because he doesn't believe in Hindutva ? That is like a Taliban supporter on PDF saying I am not a Muslim because I care two hoots for the Taliban.

Also, you must know that Shashi Tharoor has said that he considers the Hindutvadis the first proponents of the Two Nation Theory. Here :
JS does give the muslims a pass every single time while saving all of his sharp wit and expertise in angrezi to have a go at the Hindutva people, that much is true.
JS does give the muslims a pass every single time while saving all of his sharp wit and expertise in angrezi to have a go at the Hindutva people, that much is true.
I don't get why Hindus want Muslims to be equally chastised. Muslims are 15% of India's population and no way comparable to Hindus in power. The state, police and judiciary is allied with Hindus. I see this all the time as an excuse thrown for the Gujarat riots, the Delhi riots, the Nellie massacre.
I don't get why Hindus want Muslims to be equally chastised. Muslims are 15% of India's population and no way comparable to Hindus in power. The state, police and judiciary is allied with Hindus. I see this all the time as an excuse thrown for the Gujarat riots, the Delhi riots, the Nellie massacre.
Hindus didn't get the, Hindu republic of India, unlike their counterparts.
So stop your bias from Islamic republic of Pakistan. :dirol:
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