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India's Man Mission to Moon.. IAF to select Men for mission.

He he I have nothing to comment on this issue..:D:D


Kurama said:
Ok when you reach there, send back some martian rossogulla or the space craft, I would really like to taste some.:D:D:dance3:

Man they are all ex or current NASA expert. and why NASA was not able counter any of their BS.
Area 51 desert have the exact terrestrial surrounding as MOON surface. NASA has now lost the original footage on moon . WHY so? NASA moon mission was most expensive movie ever build. BUDGET 40 Billion dollars.

May be it is so tough for you to understand man landed on Moon because in 1969 most of India was uneducated and living to sun times. 90% without electricity and even now in 2013 many villages in Bihar/UP do not have electricity. When they can send an instrument out of solar system have satellite on Jupiter couple of working land rovers on Mars and a mission en route to Pluto!! how tough would it be for them to land man on moon which is 3 days away and does not have any atmosphere so no problems in landing and 1/6th of earth's gravity?
May be it is so tough for you to understand man landed on Moon because in 1969 most of India was uneducated and living to sun times. 90% without electricity and even now in 2013 many villages in Bihar/UP do not have electricity. When they can send an instrument out of solar system how satellite on Jupiter couple of working land rovers on Mars a mission en route to Pluto!! how tough would it be for them to land man on moon which is 3 days away and does not have any atmosphere so no problems in landing and 1/6th of earth's gravity?
If it was so easy why didn't soviet russia ever send the moon mission. Though russia being ahead of US in space race at that time.
Staying in canada dose not make you enlightened one having knowledge dose.:lazy2:
Except for the fact that these people have working in their own area and each department had no contact or know anyone else other than the people from their department. And yes, unfortunately there are more lies and scandals comin from Washington than truths. From Libya, vietnam, Iran Contra, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Grenada, USS Cole bombing, etc...all have proven to be a false flag to serve their agenda.

Ask yourself one question: if they have been there before, why not just use 1960s technology and go back again just to shut all those conspiracy theorists up? Why does NASA say they need to do more planning, assessing, etc...? to go to a place you've been before? The simple truth is they have not been to the moon!
Shutting up internet nuts isn't worth 100Billion dollars....doesn't matter what techology you have this is freakin expensive and as I pointed out in my other posts completely pointless undertaking.
Yes people have worked on different areas....but it would be foolish to believe they do not have contact with other areas....division of labor is a part of any job but so is integration......400,000 people did not do paperwork there....they made a lander,a command module...they made an entire rocket system which took flight infront of them.....there were thousands of people who worked on just co-ordinating the entire journey....they did not have to make anything but just monitor the flight...flight to outer space.....ANd the MOST important point still stands....The Soviet Union not only monitored the flight but attempted it themselves and failed.....There are multiple launch monitoring stations around the earth that tracks each and every single rocket flight that ever takes place....The soviet Union had these technologies.....they definitely monitored the flight of Apollo 11....And if a 3000 metric ton ROcket taller than the Big Ben had launched of infront of thousands of people had landed 'secretly' back on earth....The Soviets would know about it....and if they knew about it I believe they would at least make some noise about it.....But they the Soviets...the eternal enemies of the US instead went on and congratulated the US for the MOON LANDING.Nasa never said they need 'more planning,assessing' to the go to the moon....they have no plans to go back there!

NO need to see a rock of earth named rock of moon.
You enjoy NASA propaganda, Truth will be revealed in few years.
Good luck!:lol:

He he I have nothing to comment on this issue..:D:D

Ok when you reach there, send back some martian rossogulla or the space craft, I would really like to taste some.:D:D:dance3:
Are you Bengali??
Shutting up internet nuts isn't worth 100Billion dollars....doesn't matter what techology you have this is freakin expensive and as I pointed out in my other posts completely pointless undertaking.
Yes people have worked on different areas....but it would be foolish to believe they do not have contact with other areas....division of labor is a part of any job but so is integration......400,000 people did not do paperwork there....they made a lander,a command module...they made an entire rocket system which took flight infront of them.....there were thousands of people who worked on just co-ordinating the entire journey....they did not have to make anything but just monitor the flight...flight to outer space.....ANd the MOST important point still stands....The Soviet Union not only monitored the flight but attempted it themselves and failed.....There are multiple launch monitoring stations around the earth that tracks each and every single rocket flight that ever takes place....The soviet Union had these technologies.....they definitely monitored the flight of Apollo 11....And if a 3000 metric ton ROcket taller than the Big Ben had launched of infront of thousands of people had landed 'secretly' back on earth....The Soviets would know about it....and if they knew about it I believe they would at least make some noise about it.....But they the Soviets...the eternal enemies of the US instead went on and congratulated the US for the MOON LANDING.Nasa never said they need 'more planning,assessing' to the go to the moon....they have no plans to go back there!

Good luck!:lol:

I don't require your good luck buddy ISRO needs it. please send it to them.:woot:

Are you Bengali??
No I am not. but it one my favorite.:cheers:
Shutting up internet nuts isn't worth 100Billion dollars....doesn't matter what techology you have this is freakin expensive and as I pointed out in my other posts completely pointless undertaking.
Yes people have worked on different areas....but it would be foolish to believe they do not have contact with other areas....division of labor is a part of any job but so is integration......400,000 people did not do paperwork there....they made a lander,a command module...they made an entire rocket system which took flight infront of them.....there were thousands of people who worked on just co-ordinating the entire journey....they did not have to make anything but just monitor the flight...flight to outer space.....ANd the MOST important point still stands....The Soviet Union not only monitored the flight but attempted it themselves and failed.....There are multiple launch monitoring stations around the earth that tracks each and every single rocket flight that ever takes place....The soviet Union had these technologies.....they definitely monitored the flight of Apollo 11....And if a 3000 metric ton ROcket taller than the Big Ben had launched of infront of thousands of people had landed 'secretly' back on earth....The Soviets would know about it....and if they knew about it I believe they would at least make some noise about it.....But they the Soviets...the eternal enemies of the US instead went on and congratulated the US for the MOON LANDING.Nasa never said they need 'more planning,assessing' to the go to the moon....they have no plans to go back there!

Good luck!:lol:

Are you Bengali??

go to youtube and watch the 3 part series "nasa fake moon landing" There were conferences held by Armstrong, Aldren and a few other astronauts that suposedly went to the moon. When the reporter asks them questions, their answers did not corraborate with one another. Most of the time they looked at one another before answering, or one would start, the other would try to finish, it was quite embarassing to watch. The simple reason, they never went to the moon thus they could not describe what a star looked like when they were on the moon's surface. Simple questions like that would be easy for anyone to answer had they been there.
If it was so easy why didn't soviet russia ever send the moon mission. Though russia being ahead of US in space race at that time.
Staying in canada dose not make you enlightened one having knowledge dose.:lazy2:
They did and they crashed.....and then they went broke....they did not ave enough money to continue the lunar missions....also they spent a lot of time and money studying venus...they sent 28 different probes and landers there....that's a lot of money!
If it was so easy why didn't soviet russia ever send the moon mission. Though russia being ahead of US in space race at that time.
Staying in canada dose not make you enlightened one having knowledge dose.:lazy2:

Wow such Indian very knowledge . Kid got internet watched a couple of you tube videos and starts denying man's landing on the moon. Get real before you start typing bull shit. USSR tried but after US already landed man on moon and their own mission failures they dropped the program. Any way I have nothing to prove to ignorants like you. your choice no one fukin cares. Putting you on ignore so I do not have to read retarded comments like "Man never landed on moon" GTFO of here
They did and they crashed.....and then they went broke....they did not ave enough money to continue the lunar missions....also they spent a lot of time and money studying venus...they sent 28 different probes and landers there....that's a lot of money!
It was not like that my friend, They did not continue the lunar mission because it was not possible at that time. you have much more to know. better watch those episode. you will like it.:laugh:

Wow such Indian very knowledge . Kid got internet watched a couple of you tube videos and starts denying man's landing on the moon. Get real before you start typing bull shit. USSR tried but after US already landed man on moon and their own mission failures they dropped the program. Any way I have nothing to prove to ignorants like you. your choice no one fukin cares. Putting you on ignore so I do not have to read retarded comments like "Man never landed on moon" GTFO of here
And do you think everybody give a shit about you. It has become a trend that even taxi divers go to canada.
If you don't want to get insulted, start respecting others.
And you are no one to tell me GTFO or not.If you don't like it don't comment.
Wow such Indian very knowledge . Kid got internet watched a couple of you tube videos and starts denying man's landing on the moon. Get real before you start typing bull shit. USSR tried but after US already landed man on moon and their own mission failures they dropped the program. Any way I have nothing to prove to ignorants like you. your choice no one fukin cares. Putting you on ignore so I do not have to read retarded comments like "Man never landed on moon" GTFO of here

You should watch the 'Dark side of the youtube'..I did..it is a documentary about how CIA used Stanley Kubrick to fake the television footage of the moon landing.....it has confessions directly from Henry Kissinger,Donald Rumsfeld.....Vernon Walters....And I was dumb-struck and shocked...I know it sounds stupid....but please watch it!

After and only after you watch it you should view the wikipedia article about it....but watch it first!
You should watch the 'Dark side of the youtube'..I did..it is a documentary about how CIA used Stanley Kubrick to fake the television footage of the moon landing.....it has confessions directly from Henry Kissinger,Donald Rumsfeld.....Vernon Walters....And I was dumb-struck and shocked...I know it sounds stupid....but please watch it!

After and only after you watch it you should view the wikipedia article about it....but watch it first!

:hitwall: It is a mockumentary
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