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India's Man Mission to Moon.. IAF to select Men for mission.

Environmentalists are appalled at this news - provided it is not another BS from India. Their concern is that these guys might sh-t in the open all over the moon!!!!

why are we doing this? What is the benefit of doing it, can anybody tell me.
Coz it's cooooooooollllll dude 8-)
Its not just about being cool.....

and how much are we going to spend to look cool.. :sarcastic:
Now some facts about our space research....
We spend just 7.5% OF NASA's budget and a quarter of european space agency's budget.ISRO's budget is just 0.34% of central government's expenditure....or 0.08% of GDP...believe it or not.
But still ISRO is one of the six elite space agencies of the world....Hail ISRO!!!

These space missions bring in direct and indirect economic benefits + informed decision making + predicting natural disasters.All of these returns surpass the space expenditure.
Do you want me to go into details??

Dark lord....what say???:devil:

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One of the most important steps is for the Indians to design a spacesuit that would allow the Vyomanauts to defecate in the open on the moon.

And the second clown shows up. Some of these Chinese posters are so retarded holy fuk. Can they be banned?
MoD tasked to recruit crew for ISRO's 'Man to Moon' mission
Press Trust of India | 27-Dec-2013 22:38 PM
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has been tasked to recruit crew for ISRO's "ambitious" Man to Moon Mission, Air Marshal AK Behl, Director General, Medical Services (Air) said on Friday.

MoD and ISRO have signed an MoU for the project. "We have collaborated with the ISRO a couple of years ago," he said.

The Director General for Armed Forces Services (DGAFS), who is looking after the project, is also supposed to asses whether the crew can maintain the spacecraft well and come back safely.

"Man to Moon is an ambitious project started by the ISRO. Since the Indian Air Force has domain expertise in aviation and in other aspects related to space, we have collaborated with them. The Institute of Aviation Studies Bangalore is also involved in this project," Behl added.

Rakesh Sharma, a former Indian Air Force pilot who flew aboard Soyuz T-11 as part of the Inter-cosmos programme by the USSR was the first Indian to travel in space.

Its not just about being cool.....

Now some facts about our space research....
We spend just 7.5% OF NASA's budget and a quarter of european space agency's budget.ISRO's budget is just 0.34% of central government's expenditure....or 0.08% of GDP...believe it or not.
But still ISRO is one of the six elite space agencies of the world....Hail ISRO!!!

These space missions bring in direct and indirect economic benefits + informed decision making + predicting natural disasters.All of these returns surpass the space expenditure.
Do you want me to go into details??

Dark lord....what say???:devil:

I was specifically asking about manned mission to moon, not about why we should have space agency. Unlike mars or earlier moon mission which used proven tech this is going to cost us a lot more (even though its a fraction of what others will spend)...
what will we get from that expenditure.
Its not just about being cool.....

Now some facts about our space research....
We spend just 7.5% OF NASA's budget and a quarter of european space agency's budget.ISRO's budget is just 0.34% of central government's expenditure....or 0.08% of GDP...believe it or not.
But still ISRO is one of the six elite space agencies of the world....Hail ISRO!!!

These space missions bring in direct and indirect economic benefits + informed decision making + predicting natural disasters.All of these returns surpass the space expenditure.
Do you want me to go into details??

Dark lord....what say???:devil:

ISRO will always cost less than NASA....first reason will be labor cost(including intellectual labors) is lower in India....and second ISRO is smaller(in terms of manpower) than NASA.....It is extremely costly to go to the moon I don't see any reason behind it....The US did not and I repeat did not go to the moon to do scientific research....They were at war with the USSR.....even if you leave out the international image of the US at that time they had actual military threat from the USSR....a military moon base at that time was not impossible....India on the other hand has no such threat.....India can send robots(way more cheaper and practical than sending humans)....infact India can try to return sample from the surface of the moon using robots....that will be a real milestone in-terms of technology....with the age of information-technology more and more countries will want to send satellites....and there are a lot of countries that are richer than India or rich enough to maintain satellites but does not have a big enough economy to maintain an active program to send satellites....India can get into the delivery system business.....money talks...so people will actually appreciate this more than informed decision making and saving lives from disasters!
I was specifically asking about manned mission to moon, not about why we should have space agency. Unlike mars or earlier moon mission which used proven tech this is going to cost us a lot more (even though its a fraction of what others will spend)...
what will we get from that expenditure.
Well there may not be direct benefits to the common man today.
But MOM may answer many questions in science that we may desperately need tomorrow. For example if we can understand how it is that Mars lost its atmosphere (it's widely believed Mars had an atmosphere once ) we can understand what it is we desperately need to do to protect earth's atmosphere. There are important lessons here.
We all know that energy and fuels on earth are fast depleting. If we can find, in future, maybe 20 years from now, some way of mining on mars and bringing a particular fuel to earth, we could solve the energy crisis we could possibly be facing for centuries together. (Though solar energy is still very under utilized..IMO)
The quest and excitement of science has always been to explain the unknown. And unless we can explain it, it will remain unknown!
Former Isro chairman said in a recent interview that 500 years ago explorers took 8 months to go to Australia. Today we can do it in 8 hours. Certainly we can't complain that discovery was unnecessary.:)
Vague but true...

Btw did you know Mars Orbiter will take 20 minutes to send a signal, and another 20 minutes to receive a signal from the control station so a time-lag of 40 minutes. Until then in case of any crisis this spacecraft has to work independently in the absence of a direction from the control room. It has to be a smart satellite. And this technology will doubtless be used in navigation satellits and remote sensing satellites from now on.And you do know the uses of remote sensing sarellites dont you??
And India desperately needs better communication systems in navigation in sectors like defence and disaster management.We cant afford another Kargil war.
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