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You mate, echo my exact thoughts!
Very few vices have as damaging an effect as collective hubris (a problem from which Indians are not immune as well).

On topic - now that we are facing the Chinese threat directly, our defence manufacturing capabilities will get a significant impetus.

lol you can wish and hope as hard as you want, but there's nothing you can do about China.

I suggest you look at

Kolkata,class destroyers
shivaullk class frigates
kormsta corvette
arihant nuke subs
light attack helicopters
dhruv helicopters
Astra bvr
agni ballistic missiles
Indian defence satellites
akash sam
rajendra long range radar

the list goes on and on and on

and they are all.in service
I looked already . They are just Russian licensed production or some are Russian clones with inferiority complex.
lol you can wish and hope as hard as you want, but there's nothing you can do about China.
I think we are quite happy with the way things are as far as China is concerned.
A lot of Indians are hoping for a long and dirty war with China, I am just happy that we can leverage the immensly negative world opinion against China and extract as much value out of it as is possible.
It would also be good if Vietnam becomes economically stronger as a result of the Anti-China sentiment in global trade and weilds more power and influence against China.
Good times.
I would not blame the pakistani members for making fun of Indian indigenous defense capabilities till now, as there is noting to be proud of ..

However India is in pivotal stage of leap forging in defense technologies in certain areas - missile technology, nuclear submarine, missile defense system, artillery systems and A2A systems, where a lot of success has been achieved in indigenous development of technologies. From here, it will take much shorter time for India to develop new generation of systems.

I have no trust on the public sector enterprises in India (defense PSU), but with more and more active involvement private sector manufacturing organizations, the improvement is going to be much faster than many here assumed ..

For the rest, its always good to have an overconfident and ignorant enemy

I would be inclined to agree, these weapons are getting more and more impressive.
Marut once brought down your F-86 sabre.

And the Sabre managed to shoot down a MiG-21.
Superpower Indians can shoot down Jet fighters with their assault rifles easily. Why do they even need missiles? Pajeet got mad skills with his rpg7 he can take down Chinese aircraft carriers with one shot!
I think we are quite happy with the way things are as far as China is concerned.
A lot of Indians are hoping for a long and dirty war with China, I am just happy that we can leverage the immensly negative world opinion against China and extract as much value out of it as is possible.
It would also be good if Vietnam becomes economically stronger as a result of the Anti-China sentiment in global trade and weilds more power and influence against China.
Good times.

be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
Winning without a fight already. India's economy is collapsing right now while its military is unable to do anything.
Collapsing feels like a strong word to describe the state of what's going on, if only your fighting spirit was as strong as your verbiage.
Collapsing feels like a strong word to describe the state of what's going on, if only your fighting spirit was as strong as your verbiage.

It isn't China that claims India occupied its land and is making noise about seizing back this or that hilltop or whatever. It's India. So as long as Indians don't attempt to attack the PLA and remain freezing in their positions, we're all good watching India go down the drain by itself.

I suggest you look at

Kolkata,class destroyers
shivaullk class frigates
kormsta corvette
arihant nuke subs
light attack helicopters
dhruv helicopters
Astra bvr
agni ballistic missiles
Indian defence satellites
akash sam
rajendra long range radar

the list goes on and on and on

and they are all.in service
All you have are either based on foreign designs or have a foreign technologies
I think we are quite happy with the way things are as far as China is concerned.
A lot of Indians are hoping for a long and dirty war with China, I am just happy that we can leverage the immensly negative world opinion against China and extract as much value out of it as is possible.

Yes, looking at those purchase in urgency, Americans, Russians, etc, everyone is very happy.

It would also be good if Vietnam becomes economically stronger as a result of the Anti-China sentiment in global trade and weilds more power and influence against China.

Good times.
Of course,
Vietnam got nothing to complain, they got those factories moving out of China;
China is happy that these factories are going to Vietnam, Thailand, etc, instead of India. China can continue to be the supplier of these RCEP countries. Now she can build a even closer relationship with these countries.
India, as you said, should be happy as well since you got a lot of anti-China sentiment in global, and lot of weapons, lot of diplomatic support.
See, everyone is happy.
Indeed, good time.

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