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India's Hindu nationalists aim to 'convert' Muslims

try to reason with us for your own safety- the other lot you feel are educated ones doesn't appreciate differences- if you know what i mean- :lol:-

C'mon now, they are the "true upholders of Islam" and they will kill kaffirs of your sort on the spot as well. They have proclaimed themselves as the only true educated followers of Islam. Am just quoting them :coffee:

One wonders what made you so emotionally fragile- :lol:-
Maybe its your next door muslim neighbour feasting in cow meat-
Thats the level of fragility i am talking about- :lol:-

Your neighbor has to be "next door" or else he/she/it isn't your neighbor :undecided:
Abrahamic religions are any religion that revere the prophet Abraham. According to the Oxford dictionary.
Denoting any or all of the religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) that revere Abraham, the Biblical patriarch.
So I guess we should all believe you mr educated Hindu in 2014 over countless other sources in regards to islam being abrahamic.
Feeling left out rofl.
So I guess the fact that there was an estimated 1500 years between the birth of Abraham and
Mohammed nothing changes people stay the same and do not mix with each other . Logic.

I believe you love to be called as such-
Aint you proud if your animal admiring religion?- infact there are more Hindus who are proud of such terms on pdf than the people actually calling them-

What has Judaism has got to do with Christ or Muhammed ? It existed without these two startups coming up late, so very late.

If Abraham had endorsed Christ or Muhammed in Medina, I would have agreed to you.

Just latching on to the abraham's bandwagon to share in the abrahamic glory, naah...you keep rolling on that floor.
Do you also believe in the man on the moon story ?

The RSS goons have shifted into a higher gear since Modi became PM-
I cant understand how oblivious you can get to the new emerging threat-
Do you believe every thing is well and good when you dig a hole and put your head in it?-
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Indians doing this in India. One can understand that.
But the strange part is that of, those Pakistani Mullahs disguised as Cricket player a la Shehzad, visiting far off lands to convert people on their own soil...And still claim, they were merely playing Cricket as a sport..
Now that is hilarious...
Yup- atleast i am trying- by the looks of it- soon you and rest of muslims of india will be forcibly converted back to hinduism- good luck-
You gotta be kidding me!!!

Jona Chillax!
You're loosing your temper without any reason.
Forced conversions have been going on for centuries or since as long as the religions have existed.
They waited for Modi to go to Japan before they started their conversion nonsense. Even Rahul is complaining that "Modi is listening to Japanese drums whilst India is suffering" :D

I told you man, this Modi sarkar has some serious plans.
The RSS goons have shifted into a higher gear since Modi became president-
I cant understand how oblivious you can get to the new emerging threat-
Do you believe every thing is well and good when you dig a hole and put your head in it?-

Dude, you need to understand the Indian constitution, the Indian judiciary and the mindset of the majority Hindus to realize that these RSS chutiyas are reaching for a pie in the sky dream. They will bang on any drum to get heard. This is just one of the many empty drums which they are banging on
Hinduism needs mass and planned conversion of other communities into hinduism.
All radical nutjobs eventually get exposed for their own selfish political agendas and desires. RSS remains no different :coffee:

What do you know about RSS?
If you have Army relatives ,then please ask them ,how they were sacrificed their lives for the protection of innocents starting 1947-48 war to following wars.
Yes you are right some rogue elements is a problem .But dont generalise entire RSS for that.
What do you know about RSS?
If you have Army relatives ,then please ask them ,how they were sacrificed their lives for the protection of innocents starting 1947-48 war to following wars.
Yes you are right some rogue elements is a problem .But dont generalise entire RSS for that.

My father is a retired extremely senior officer of the IA. Trust me, he despises the RSS as much as I do

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