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India's Hindu nationalists aim to 'convert' Muslims

Hey add them to that list if it tickles your fancy. Just leave Congress out of it :D

I think Congress has more cockups than BJP......no?
Muslims believe the prophet Mohammed is a descendant of Abrahams son Ishmael.
Abraham spread the same message that Christ and Mohammed did that there is only one good
Please stop your trolling.

You answered yourself. I am not trolling. See...You get my point ?

Why is anything that breaks your glass shell of impeccable Islam trolling ? Chrriiisst !!!! If you have nothing to add, as in, not paste islamic scriptures about how abraham was a muslim...I'm done with this. Horus told us not to discuss religion. @Horus
They can feast on it all day along for all I care, chances are i may join them as well ;)
Funny you thought thats gonna hurt me. Yiu are just exposing typical Pakistani tribal mentality.. :lol:

You eat beef ?????? Shame on you !!! You just put me off my pork chops meal !!
Probably they got inspired from Ahmed Shehzad. :lol:
Since its happening i should accept that?-
Nope...resist it.
But then you should also protect the hindus from getting converted.
I think Congress has more cockups than BJP......no?

Now you are touching a sensitive nerve for me. They may have misjudged the BJP in the last election but they are a truly secular party which doesn't have nutjob radical organizations attached to it
My father is a retired extremely senior officer of the IA. Trust me, he despises the RSS as much as I do

Might be a General .But they know what the RSS did for them in 1947 -48 when Pathans tribes overrun Kashmir ..IA was too late .Till then they were there to help them in logistics and also protect the honour of Indian womans in there.
In your father's eyes that was a small thing .But for that poor people it would be different.
In following wars they gave logistics supply .But IA dont agree with that and We know it .
And that is why our govt turns a blind eye towards them when some rogue elements in RSS turns against public.

But you cant generalise entire RSS.

On topic: Fellow Indians ,these guys are more like politicians RSS dont do the shit like this.
It is a stupidity to call it as a conversion .Hinduism dont need conversion .Any one that follows other religion can be a Hindu without reject his/her own beliefs.We dont like forced intitiative.
Wtf is it with everybody calling me a Zimbabwean today ??? :undecided:

Just done buying my black and white flag. On my way to you :P

Those living in front or behind your house aren't your neighbors :P

I picked up the Zimbabwean thingy from another thread- :lol:-
Lol- if you come at me with your newly purchased black and white flag you still be a Zimbabwean- :rofl:-
As long as you share your wall with some one- you are his neighbor-
You answered yourself. I am not trolling. See...You get my point ?

Why is anything that breaks your glass shell of impeccable Islam trolling ? Chrriiisst !!!! If you have nothing to add, as in, not paste islamic scriptures about how abraham was a muslim...I'm done with this. Horus told us not to discuss religion. @Horus
You asked me what they've got to do with each other and i answered. Simples they had the same message in regards to one god
You can be replied to in a more nasty way...as a senior member I'm refraining myself. You being a think tank need not be reminded that offensive posts can be reported and moved on. What difference would be there between a fresher and think tank if your composure is lost!?

Composure is there. You just couldn't sense it, because of your blind hatred. If you could please check that i was having this quote conversation with another member, and as such, you decided to intrude into it without thinking for a moment.

Complete the sentence:
An eye for an eye makes the whole world___________

Next do bother checking the whole text and context.

If you still didn't get it, i was being sarcastic. Think Tank or not, i do have the right to sometimes, engage in fun.

And today more so, because i hit the greens after 18 months, and carded a +3 on 18 holes.

This is what I have in my mind....a 200kt TN in the middle of Karachi...:p:

Another one jumping in without knowing what is going on....

You still don't get it do you?

You can take out Whole Pakistan in your dreams. ISIS stills remains. and so do tons of other muslims.

I picked up the Zimbabwean thingy from another thread- :lol:-
Lol- if you come at me with your newly purchased black and white flag you still be a Zimbabwean- :rofl:-
As long as you share your wall with some one- you are his neighbor-

Hey, hey go easy with the Zimbabwean thing. It still remains a sensitive issue to me that I am posted here as punishment. :what:

Not really. You could share a long wall with somebody who lives 5 houses away from you. That wouldn't make em your neighbor :undecided:
Might be a General .But they know what the RSS did for them in 1947 -48 when Pathans tribes overrun Kashmir ..IA was too late .Till then they were there to help them in logistics and also protect the honour of Indian womans in there.
In your father's eyes that was a small thing .But for that poor people it would be different.
In following wars they give logistics supply .But IA dont agree with that and We know it .
And that is why our govt turns a blind eye towards them when some rogue elements in RSS turns against public.

But you cant generalise entire RSS.

On topic: Fellow Indians ,these guys are more like politicians RSS dont do the shit like this.
It is a stupidity to call it as a conversion .Hinduism dont need conversion .Any one that follows other religion can be a Hindu without reject his/her own beliefs.We dont like forced intitiative.

The article indicated that it was VHP.
Going slow on red.. Health reasons!! lol..

Abey chal.....

More like Bhagwan reasons......

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