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India’s first Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle being tested

I will sincerely congrat the Indian if they achieved the real breakthru but by misled others and twisted facts to suit its own agenda. Trying to claim credit that does not deserve. That more or less show what kind of culture and inferiority complex Indian has.

Trying desperate to paint a ballistic missile as hypersonic vehicle and brag about it is a terrible things to do. We are not jealous in fact, we feel disgusted of that act.

And the fact, China is not the one who brag and openly talk about their new hypersonic vehicle achievement. It is USA who reveal our secret trial with careful monitoring and announce to the world which force us no choice but to humbly claim we are right up there on par with US on hypersonic vehicle technology.

look who is talking ?,the real creator of copy paste technology .we can see it when su-30 become j11b .true paint job
All right, I'll stop teasing you. Since you are all getting defensive and sensitive. I was going to say that its a copycat of X37B, but I'll refrain from saying that

The X37B was launched early this week. Its interesting that when America do something, Indian papers would fill with articles about how India also have the same project "under development" Isn't this an interesting scenario.

Air Force launches top-secret mini-space shuttle .

India has been working on Hypersonic technology since 1988 ...

It has got nothing to do with US test ...

Test of Hypersonic vehicle has been on cards for few years ...it was delayed as most of India's other projects .

It is mere coincidence that this news is making round when US may have tested their own mini shuttle ....

India is working towards mastering some those advanced technologies and is bound to cross those milestones some or other point of time ...so what is the point ???

It is not like Chinese buying Soyuz off the self from China and copying and turning it into Shenzou or so ...

Thank god that India did Mars mission before China and launched MOM before MAVEN ....

otherwise you would have said that India copied mars mission from US and did mars mission to match China ....!

On flip side can I ask you a question ?

why do you hate India and Indians so much ???
India has been working on Hypersonic technology since 1988 ...

It has got nothing to do with US test ...

Test of Hypersonic vehicle has been on cards for few years ...it was delayed as most of India's other projects .

It is mere coincidence that this news is making round when US may have tested their own mini shuttle ....

India is working towards mastering some those advanced technologies and is bound to cross those milestones some or other point of time ...so what is the point ???

It is not like Chinese buying Soyuz off the self from China and copying and turning it into Shenzou or so ...

Thank god that India did Mars mission before China and launched MOM before MAVEN ....

otherwise you would have said that India copied mars mission from US and did mars mission to match China ....!

On flip side can I ask you a question ?

why do you hate India and Indians so much ???

I don't hate Indians or India. I love the people. Just not the bragging attitude of many Indians here, its media and its government officials brag too much as well.
I don't hate Indians or India. I love the people. Just not the bragging attitude of many Indians here, its media and its government officials brag too much as well.

I think India is 10 notches below China when it comes to bragging.
I think India is 10 notches below China when it comes to bragging.

That would not be possible as India is the clear winner when it comes to bragging. Check out facebook on how many Indian superpower pages. When India change the light bulb, its a 20 page thread in this forum. Even many Indians believe that India brag too much.
That would not be possible as India is the clear winner when it comes to bragging. Check out facebook on how many Indian superpower pages. When India change the light bulb, its a 20 page thread in this forum. Even many Indians believe that India brag too much.

Oh please no one can brag as much as Chinese. Even if they see the image of a toy plane they start bragging about how this is the future of aviation of whole world and how their plane is superior to anything ever created before by mankind.

It is a everyday affair to come across posts on how China is going to overtake US before 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030. It is also a regular feature to know how China is increasing the gap exponentially and how in half a millions year, China would have a gdp which will be quadrillion times bigger then India and all other bla bla bla bla.
Dr. B.N. Suresh, then Director of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Center [VSSC] had made presentations where he spoke about India's Reusable Launch Vehicle program [India's Space Shuttle].
Posting the relevant presentation slides here for information.

Can you re-post the first slide ?? It's not showing .
China is to conduct the first test of a new hypersonic vehicle today。

Watch out for confirmation by the Pentagon(or the Freebacon:lol:yummy)。
Can you re-post the first slide ?? It's not showing .

I had removed first 2 slides because they were related to SRE mission...

anyway here is the link to full presentation

India's Space Shuttle [Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV)] program - some information - AA Me, IN

and here are the first two slides ...

Posting the relevant presentation slides here for information.

The presentation is quite old ....done at least 8 years back ....but some of the stuff I felt is important and informative .

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China is to conduct the first test of a new hypersonic vehicle today。

Watch out for confirmation by the Pentagon(or the Freebacon:lol:yummy)。

yeah we will watch out for one or two grainy PSed images.
I don't hate Indians or India. I love the people. Just not the bragging attitude of many Indians here, its media and its government officials brag too much as well.

what you perceive as bragging ...is just talking too much . It is a cultural thing . India being a democratic country has a free media and there is lot of discussion , arguments-counterarguments on every single damn issue under the sun...
I do not suppose that it is just bragging .
and makes you think that bragging is bad ?

It has been well known that bragging is good ....it forces you to accomplish things you bragged about !

You can't go on bragging about things without delivering ....or people will find your bluff soon .

When India announced Mars mission ....people said same thing that India is bragging but ISRO proved you all guys wrong !

I think you are biased against Indians that's why you take everything we 'talk' or 'discuss' as bragging ....

Now I do not state that we do not go overboard at times ....

Yes Indians are deeply emotional and sentimental people ....and that's why the things are taken very seriously and personally .

Result is that we do tend to overplay the good things and we do tend to underplay bad things ...

But it is only natural ....

as human beings we do brag all the time ....we do overestimate all the time ...

and here is psychologists perspective . It is called as positive self -perception ...

I hope you will be able to understand this phenomenon of too much talking through this view point .

You also have to admit that we are much more frank and open ....

Will you agree with me that the amount of information and data that India puts in public domain is much bigger than possibly any other country including China ( off course I am not including US here which does put lot of data in public domain ) ?
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what you perceive as bragging ...is just talking too much . It is a cultural thing . India being a democratic country has a free media and there is lot of discussion , arguments-counterarguments on every single damn issue under the sun...
I do not suppose that it is just bragging .
and makes you think that bragging is bad ?

It has been well known that bragging is good ....it forces you to accomplish things you bragged about !

You can't go on bragging about things without delivering ....or people will find your bluff soon .

When India announced Mars mission ....people said same thing that India is bragging but ISRO proved you all guys wrong !

I think you are biased against Indians that's why you take everything we 'talk' or 'discuss' as bragging ....

Now I do not state that we do not go overboard at times ....

Yes Indians are deeply emotional and sentimental people ....and that's why the things are taken very seriously and personally .

Result is that we do tend to overplay the good things and we do tend to underplay bad things ...

But it is only natural ....

as human beings we do brag all the time ....we do overestimate all the time ...

and here is psychologists perspective . It is called as positive self -perception ...

I hope you will be able to understand this phenomenon of too much talking through this view point .

You also have to admit that we are much more frank and open ....

Will you agree with me that the amount of information and data that India puts in public domain is much bigger than possibly any other country including China ( off course I am not including US here which does put lot of data in public domain ) ?

Bragging is when your former president announced that India will be a superpower by 2012. When ISRO announced its going to send a probe to a moon, that is just a announcement.

And don't use "democracy" to justify Indian bragging. America is a democracy and we let our action do the talking. India accomplish little but talk a lot. Even many Indians agree to that statement, not just me.
Bragging is when your former president announced that India will be a superpower by 2012. When ISRO announced its going to send a probe to a moon, that is just a announcement.

And don't use "democracy" to justify Indian bragging. America is a democracy and we let our action do the talking. India accomplish little but talk a lot. Even many Indians agree to that statement, not just me.

and many Indian agree that China brags a lot more then India.

and more Indians agree that most of the information (whatever little they provide) coming out from China is fake.
and many Indian agree that China brags a lot more then India.

and more Indians agree that most of the information (whatever little they provide) coming out from China is fake.

I don't see China brag more than India. Search Facebook on "India superpower" and you will see all these pages bragging that India will be a superpower by 2020 or 2030. We all know that this are just wet dreams that your supa powa India will never fulfill.

India does not have a true democracy.
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