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Bragging is when your former president announced that India will be a superpower by 2012. When ISRO announced its going to send a probe to a moon, that is just a announcement.

And don't use "democracy" to justify Indian bragging. America is a democracy and we let our action do the talking. India accomplish little but talk a lot. Even many Indians agree to that statement, not just me.

If few Indians agree so it becomes a inviolable truth ???.

Can you differentiate the rhetoric from substance ?

Former president is a scientist and he is on mission to inspire people ....

what great job is ever accomplished without setting a greater goal ???

Is it wrong to aim high ???

well ISRO has done all that it has planned ....didn't it ?

there may have been little delays ...we may have missed deadlines that we set for ourselves ...

but that does not make us just braggers ....we have accomplished all that we set out for ourselves .

You seems to have been too pissed off due to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and other such people...especially that Superpower documentary ???

how long you are going to carry burden of your misplaced biases ???

No other country on this earth has '' True Democracy " ..... !
If few Indians agree so it becomes a inviolable truth ???.

Can you differentiate the rhetoric from substance ?

Former president is a scientist and he is on mission to inspire people ....

what great job is ever accomplished without setting a greater goal ???

Is it wrong to aim high ???

well ISRO has done all that it has planned ....didn't it ?

there may have been little delays ...we may have missed deadlines that we set for ourselves ...

but that does not make us just braggers ....we have accomplished all that we set out for ourselves .

You seems to have been too pissed off due to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and other such people...especially that Superpower documentary ???

how long you are going to carry burden of your misplaced biases ???

No other country on this earth has '' True Democracy " ..... !

Ok. Lets say US and Britain is a democracy. India is not. Most Indian votes are for sale and caste, poverty and religion determine the votes.

India is better off split to many pieces just like how it was before British unified it. Without British imperialism, India is still many small countries. As what Lee Kuan Yew, former premier of Singapore said, India is a country stitch together by the British railways.
Ok. Lets say US and Britain is a democracy. India is not. Most Indian votes are for sale and caste, poverty and religion determine the votes.

India is better off split to many pieces just like how it was before British unified it. Without British imperialism, India is still many small countries. As what Lee Kuan Yew, former premier of Singapore said, India is a country stitch together by the British railways.

US is a 'true' democracy ?
Noam Chomsky and likes do not agree with you . Me too !!!
Ok. Lets say US and Britain is a democracy. India is not. Most Indian votes are for sale and caste, poverty and religion determine the votes.

India is better off split to many pieces just like how it was before British unified it. Without British imperialism, India is still many small countries. As what Lee Kuan Yew, former premier of Singapore said, India is a country stitch together by the British railways.

India hater can never post rational posts about India. your opinion is biased and you only want to post -ve about India all the time.

You have no job other then to post -ve comments about India in Indian Defense Section. Get a life dude.
US is a 'true' democracy ?
Noam Chomsky and likes do not agree with you . Me too !!!

US is a federal republic. India is a place where the thugs rule. Even in English, the word thugs come from India. India is beset by internal rebellion, sectarian violence. India is about to elect a PM that had condone killing of Muslims. India is like Germany in 1932, just right before Hitler came to power.j
@timetravel , @Indo-guy :

Unlike the other thread which has become a troll fest , this is a technical thread .

The sole intention of that chinese loser is to derail this thread . Don't feed the troll .

The best way is to ignore him and carry with the technical discussion.
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Ok. Lets say US and Britain is a democracy. India is not. Most Indian votes are for sale and caste, poverty and religion determine the votes.

India is better off split to many pieces just like how it was before British unified it. Without British imperialism, India is still many small countries. As what Lee Kuan Yew, former premier of Singapore said, India is a country stitch together by the British railways.

Who is he?
Ok. Lets say US and Britain is a democracy. India is not. Most Indian votes are for sale and caste, poverty and religion determine the votes.

India is better off split to many pieces just like how it was before British unified it. Without British imperialism, India is still many small countries. As what Lee Kuan Yew, former premier of Singapore said, India is a country stitch together by the British railways.

An absurd statement.

Yes, because the U.S. spies on every one it is a democracy right? I now, India should have it's campaign donations from corporations.

No country in the world have ever had a 'true democracy' That word is subjective.

Most observable democracies operate within the cultural systems they have. The massive financial burden for running for office has ensured that politicians has to take the assistance of special interest groups in the west.

The closest thing we have to a true democracy are the small scandinavian nations.

Just as you accuse Indians of having a wet dream of a soopa pawa, you need to stop telling us we are better of split.

Because we are to split of now, it will unleash a wave of conflicts.

You can keep telling how artificial India is, India will exist today, it will exist 200 years from now. It isn't going to change a DAMN fact.

You can drop that line of argument because it is not going to happen.

@timetravel , @Indo-guy :

Unlike the other thread which has become a trill fest , this is a technical thread .

The sole intention of that chinese loser is to derail this thread . Don't feed the troll .

The best way is to ignore him and carry with the technical discussion.

Oops. sorry.
Ok. Lets say US and Britain is a democracy. India is not. Most Indian votes are for sale and caste, poverty and religion determine the votes.

Same is true for USA bud. It's not only India-specific, votes are for sale in any democracy.

Want African-American votes? Go donate some money to the housing projects in either D.C, Chicago, or New York.
Want Mexican Votes? Make a statement about how you support the influx of immigrants into the U.S
Want Muslim votes? Attend a ceremony at a Mosque and shake some hands.

India is better off split to many pieces just like how it was before British unified it. Without British imperialism, India is still many small countries. As what Lee Kuan Yew, former premier of Singapore said, India is a country stitch together by the British railways.

The same fellow you quoted had this to say about India:

"India's private sector is superior to China's . . . . Indian companies follow international rules of corporate governance and offer a higher return on equity as against Chinese companies. And India has transparent and functioning capital markets.
India has a stronger banking system and capital markets than China. India has stronger institutions -in particular, a well developed legal system which should provide a better environment for the creation and protection of intellectual property."
"India's private sector is superior to China's . . . . Indian companies follow international rules of corporate governance and offer a higher return on equity as against Chinese companies. And India has transparent and functioning capital markets.
India has a stronger banking system and capital markets than China. India has stronger institutions -in particular, a well developed legal system which should provide a better environment for the creation and protection of intellectual property."

China does do better than India in almost all indicators though.

And India has used up pretty much all of it's good image due to the recent sexual violence.

But yes, the guy is a troll.
Same is true for USA bud. It's not only India-specific, votes are for sale in any democracy.

Want African-American votes? Go donate some money to the housing projects in either D.C, Chicago, or New York.
Want Mexican Votes? Make a statement about how you support the influx of immigrants into the U.S
Want Muslim votes? Attend a ceremony at a Mosque and shake some hands.

The same fellow you quoted had this to say about India:

"India's private sector is superior to China's . . . . Indian companies follow international rules of corporate governance and offer a higher return on equity as against Chinese companies. And India has transparent and functioning capital markets.
India has a stronger banking system and capital markets than China. India has stronger institutions -in particular, a well developed legal system which should provide a better environment for the creation and protection of intellectual property."

india show that it has a good responding market when the federal reserve chair made a statement and rupee fell through. that is Indian capitalism. A lot of Indian economy are barters.
india show that it has a good responding market when the federal reserve chair made a statement and rupee fell through. that is Indian capitalism. A lot of Indian economy are barters.

Are you saying someone made a statement and as a result of it the Rupee fell? That happens like everyday here in the US.

In 2008 when Ben Bernanke (Chairman of our Federal Reserve made a statement about the housing market and sub-prime lending being a major disadvantage to the economy, the next day the dollar fell like a sack of potatoes (not only that, but the stock market crashed, internationally).

I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know much about the Indian Economic situation, but what you just said is the same thing that can be said about the USA and just about every other nation in the world.
US is a federal republic. India is a place where the thugs rule. Even in English, the word thugs come from India. India is beset by internal rebellion, sectarian violence. India is about to elect a PM that had condone killing of Muslims. India is like Germany in 1932, just right before Hitler came to power.j

And after he comes to power he will start shooting missiles in all directions and take on half of ASIA and we all will be haling him...
What a waste of Bandwidth. I came here for some technical info's, and after 12 pages what do we get . . .

To Everyone posted above me,
Can we please come back to topic, lets leave economics, Indian Railway, Hitler and Germany out of HSTD thread.
Another thing China is Gr8. They did every thing b4 1980s they are just sprinkling few old things here and there now, which are still way advanced for average joe country like India.

So please let this poor toilet-less, daughter raping governed by thugs country carry on with its technical ( If you consider boasting, it your choice I cannot help it.) discussion. Obviously there is nothing this country can do to harm you right !!! After all there is a trillion light year technology gap between China and India.

lets come back to Topic.

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