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India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

Adux, any link to support your claim or its just one liner?

In Pakistan people below pocerty line are 18% while in India it is 32%.

We have reduced poverty level by 10% in last 5 years.

Give me some link, dont make claims in air.

Mir, above figs are not correct I'm affraid. Its true that we've accomplished a significant decrease in population living below poverty line but its still around 25%, down from 32% recorded in 1999.
No Bro,

According to ADB it is 23%, according to indipendent sources its between 18-20% and governments claims are 18%, which I think are more acurate, but even if we believe ADB, even then its great achievement.

Now they guy ADX is claiming that India have lower number while they are around 32%, just close to aftica, while their government claims it around 28%.
ADB studied the GoP report on Poverty last year and concluded that official claims were too optimistic and the percentage should be somewhere between 22-25%.

We're determined to half that fig by 2015, its one of our ambitious millenium goals.
You are yourself a moderator of a forum, i do expect some more reliable sources and batter quality debate from you.

These both sources are worthless.
ok, u might call the india daily source as worthless because u think its biased. ok fine. i will look for another reliable source on india's poverty.

but why r u syaing the south asia source worthless? that study was done by the world bank. if that aint credible enough for u, then i dunno what is.
Over the past five years, India has imported arms and defense gear worth $12.9 billion, compared with $7.8 billion in 1998 through 2001, said defense analyst Mahindra Singh, a retired Indian Army brigadier.
In 2005, India’s defense imports totaled $5.4 billion, topping Saudi Arabia’s $3.4 billion and China’s $2.8 billion, Singh said. In 2006, the country imported $1.5 billion in arms and defense gear from Israel alone

Well Indian defence industry is also huge, you need to keep that too in mind.

It is realy too much spendings for a third world's developing country..

Its probably not to your liking, but we are very much comfortable with that. Pakistan, to which i think you belong spends more a % to the total money you have.

Rather then increasing saleries and pumping in more money in DRDO and defence imports India needs to look in to her foreign policy..


If they can stop the expension and super power dreams, it would stop arm race in entire region, I mean, look, 800 million people living under $ 2 a day and this huge spending on arms, realy dont make any sense..

800Mn?? Well US president Bush himself said that we have a middle class which matches the entire US population.

And Batman,

You are right its hopeless, but if you look around the entire region only few countries have been able to get hands on a reliable deomestic production, Pakistan, turkey, Iran are to certain extent sef sufficient in defence needs, but still need high tec to import.

Pakistan self suffient. :rolleyes:
You are yourself a moderator of a forum, i do expect some more reliable sources and batter quality debate from you.

These both sources are worthless.

Pakistan's Population below Poverty - 24%

India's Population Below Poverty line - 25% (2002 est)

Let me know if you donot believe these sources, Also do give your credible sources.

I do realise we have diverted from topic context, However all topics related to India normally gets diverted to Poverty in India.
Mirbadshah I am asking you because you keep on diggiing anti-India articles without doing any basic research and question others links for their credibility.
I don't see issues with such articles as long as they are supported by your so called credible links.
Pakistan's Population below Poverty - 24%

India's Population Below Poverty line - 25% (2002 est)

Let me know if you donot believe these sources, Also do give your credible sources.


I'd like to stay away from the fighting. (BTW, I'd like to suggest the same to kvlin.)

Unfortunately, I am addictive to data/facts/statistics and how they are obtained and measured. I’m also interested in finding as many reliable data sources as possible, so as not to be influenced by one side story. That’s why I’m getting interested when calls for statistics come into conversation.

CIA Web is usually a good source for reference data, but some data have to be taken with a grain of salt, for instance, Chinese GDP with PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) adjusted.

From CIA poverty data:

India 25% (2002 estimation)
Pakistan 24% (05/06 estimation)

If Indian government did certain amount of good poverty relief work, one may guess that 3 years’ work can reduce poverty from 25% to somewhat lower than that, say, 24% or even 22%.

United Nations have a HDR, or Human Development Report, every year. Which is probably a better source, since it is not sponsored by a particular government, though government cooperation is needed in acquiring the data. The following is what I excerpted from 2005 report:

32 Percentage of Population below Poverty Line (US$ 1 a day) - 1990-2002 34.7
33 Percentage of Population Below Poverty Line (National Poverty Line) - 1990-2001 28.6
32 Percentage of Population Below Poverty Line (US$ 1 a day) - 1990-2002 13.4
33 Percentage of Population below Poverty Line (National Poverty Line) - 1990-2001 32.6

US$ 1 a day poverty line is PPP adjusted. In another reports it is defined as “$1 a day—at 1985 international prices (equivalent to $1.08 at 1993 international prices), adjusted for purchasing power parity.”, whereas “National poverty line—the poverty line deemed appropriate for a country by its authorities. National estimates are based on populationweighted subgroup estimates from household surveys.” See http://hdr.undp.org/statistics/data/indic/indic_25_1_1.html

The following gives percentage poverty change in the past based on National Poverty Line:

------ 1993 1999
India 36.0 28.6
Pakistan 28.6 32.6

Hope it helps.

What are you trying to convey over here,
Though population is growing in the two countries according to your sources 1999, India reduced its poverty by 8% in 6 years. while Pakistan increased,
I can expect India to do something around the Same or more by 2006, 22%
But % dont tell the whole truth, since our 22% is higher than Pakistani 28% in real terms.

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