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India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

LCA looks so cool especially on its craftwork or material tech,but you keep expecting it to be super and super in every past decade,as the concept of super refreshes itself every single year. Now it's still fighting with time.

ps. similar reports also seen at Indian website.

Yeah, the material tech on LCA was really a breakthrough in India. The only problem in LCA is the time overruns. The plane itself is fabulous. Nevertheless, it has helped create lots of industries in India. That itself counts for a lot.
Thats exactly the characteristics of a good economy, thankyou very much:tup:

Though you should also know, we have VERY successful Indian companies who are acquiring western companies also. Check the Indian economy thread in detail.

So you agree India isnt a Democracy and that its troops in Kashmir are convicted to rape,murder, Massacre and illegal occupation, well thats good to hear.:tup:
So you agree India isnt a Democracy and that its troops in Kashmir are convicted to rape,murder, Massacre and illegal occupation, well thats good to hear.:tup:

Huh? Interceptor, are u mentally ill or delusional? I call every one here to have a look at your post, and let some sane man explain how did you reach this inspiring conclusion?

[WebMaster Edit: Refrain from name callings. Dont want to discuss, leave the thread.]
Huh? Interceptor, are u mentally ill or delusional? I call every one here to have a look at your post, and let some sane man explain how did you reach this inspiring conclusion?

[WebMaster Edit: Refrain from name callings. Dont want to discuss, leave the thread.]

Yeah you go do that. I used it because the Indian defence is mostly used against the Kashmir's, and towards the Pakistanis.
Well to be honest, I think this forum already have an entertainer, your posts on these few threads lack any relevacy or substance, these are merely salogans of some politician.

I mean you want me to post you the reports from Assian Developmet Bank and World bank to assure you that people of India need this money more then tanks and bombs do, be practical.

Although this is ur money but these people are human beings and deserve basic human needs not bombs.

You dont care if 14 states in India are controlled by maoists?

Pitty your people, we do not have any further intrest in your moeny.

Same can be said about Pakistan. Now close your eyes and think, why we spend money on the military arms? Simple answer, because we have a strategic enemy next door. Same can be said about India pointing the fingers towards China and Pakistan, and if politics in Bangladesh doesn't go well. Welcome another enemy of India.
BATMAN, your post did not help or contribute in this disucussion. Rather it was a flame bait. Please dont try to pull this kinda stuff.

An insight of the problems would be more helpful if you can manage that.

Do you disagree or are you satisfied they way Indian scientists have performed over past many decades, considering the un-intrupted funds and academic support from technologicaly advance countries like Israel and Russia.
We count on you to give us the insight, we only know the problems, which are indisputable.
Please, don't get angry, I can change my word to 'wel done' now perhaps VIVEK RAGUHUVASHI will get up-set, along with billion tax payer Indians.

I agree with you, we would not need to spend that huge amounts if we do not have enemy next door, the root cause is not hidden from anyone, that is kashmir.

If, and thats a big IF, India honestly thinks that his people deserv this money, they can resolve the issue, it them who are invaders not us, now rest is China, how powerfull India might be, they can never dream to go for a war with China.

BD, SL etc do not have balls to take pangga with India.

Who is pushing the entire region in to arms race? Obviously its India, they have delusion of becomming a super power and pushing their people in to hell of poverty and Maoism and making us spend on arms as well.

Hopefully you get my point.

I agree with you, we would not need to spend that huge amounts if we do not have enemy next door, the root cause is not hidden from anyone, that is kashmir.

If, and thats a big IF, India honestly thinks that his people deserv this money, they can resolve the issue, it them who are invaders not us, now rest is China, how powerfull India might be, they can never dream to go for a war with China.

BD, SL etc do not have balls to take pangga with India.

Who is pushing the entire region in to arms race? Obviously its India, they have delusion of becomming a super power and pushing their people in to hell of poverty and Maoism and making us spend on arms as well.

Hopefully you get my point.

Why cannot India goto war against China? Is the exact same reason, China being bigger, having more money? Is that the same reason why Pakistan cannot dream to goto war with India? Your logic is flawed. India can goto war easily against China, India will not be the agrresor but we have a more than capable military to promise defeat to any Chinese incursion.

India may have a delusion become a super power, why is it wrong? What you try to o MirBadshah, is instead of trying to promote your country, you try to demean others aspirations to make yourself feel important. India has the potential, it is a very important regional player, it will be the third biggest economy in the future. I say we have every right to become a super power. If Pakistan cannot become one, or lacks the ambition to become one, dont criticise others.

You are not qualified to comment whether India is sending her people to poverty or not. Do you know Pakistan spends more % of GDP on military than India. Do you know India spends more % of GDP on welfare and social sectors as well as education. When you dont know ANYTHING, how can you comment.

Indian economy has benifited so many people, our economy is shifting towards manufacturing sector which would be a double boon.

India has fears of an unstable neighbourhood, there are enemies, ie Pakistan and no other. For China, India does not expect any war with China, however our military has to be geared for any eventuality. There is no other country who would goto war against us. You blame India, and India blames Pakistan.

Bottomline is, India can afford it, yet we spend a more amount of money compared to our GDP on social sector, whereas the dictatorship in Pakistan spends more on money. And newsflash, military expendutire is only going to increase in India, with the economy growing at such a pace, expect massive amounts of money being spent.

P.S: We are starting to have very good relations with BD, and SL is our backyard. They are not our enemy, neither do they wish to take any panga with India. We count them as our friends. The only enemy in the neighbourhood is Pakistan. No other country WANTS to take panga with India.
Webby, you are telling me to refrain from name calling, do you even see how Interceptors post was related?
I count on your judgement in this case, look at my post and interceptors reply. How was that post even remotely logical?

The man does not know anything.
Why cannot India goto war against China? Is
You are not qualified to comment whether India is sending her people to poverty or not. Do you know Pakistan spends more % of GDP on military than India. Do you know India spends more % of GDP on welfare and social sectors as well as education. When you dont know ANYTHING, how can you comment.

How old you are exectly?

These are forums kid, every one is free to expres their openion, you can not decide who is qualified and whao is not. Your posts are just like a politicain making a spech, always with no substance and no facts, simply delision.

You dont like some ones openion just ignore it, that is how mature people do, you can not enforce that every one should sing same song which you are and become a part of delusion.

Your answer is in above posts, read again and try to contradict with facts and figure, or just pass on, leave us alone.
No, you should contain it, attmempts have been made by Badshah and interceptor to start one.

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