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India's defense expenses to be 2nd highest ($100 bil.) in Asia-Pacific by 2016


Dec 19, 2009
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India's defense expenses to be 2nd highest in Asia-Pacific by 2016​

Bangalore: The defense sector of India is growing by the day and so is it's expenditure to modernize the Armed forces. These expenses are going to make India the second highest military spender in Asia-Pacific by the year 2016 and globally seventh during the same time period, revealed a study by Frost & Sullivan.

The defense budget for the fiscal year 2010-11 has gone up over eight percent as compared to previous years. This year's budget touched an amount of Rs. 1.47 lakh crore. With government importing a major share of its defense requirements, the amount is set to reach to $100 billion.

The report of the study further added that domestic private and public industries can do business in the areas of defense offsets and homeland security. They can end up in partnerships or on their own. There are several prospects open in the fields of military aviation, naval systems and land systems.

A release from the research firm said that defense offsets are mandatory business spin offs to the local industry, and play a key role in driving the local defense industry base. Defense offsets could be 30 to 50 percent of the value of the purchase; they are a big opportunity for the local industry to partner with the best global companies in terms of technology and be their sources of products and services, said the report.

The consulting firm said, "The Ministry of Defense now allows banking of defense offsets, which makes the landscape interesting and also opens avenues for greater Indian private sector industry participation apart from the defense PSUs."

Homeland security is a relatively new area and is fast catching up in industrial, manufacturing and infrastructure sectors, along with high growth areas such as airport security, mass transport security, infrastructure protection, seaport security and maritime security.

All hints point to one direction that India is preparing for a major war..offensive weapons are not bought at whole sale for defence. If anyone is being assertive in Asia is India.
All hints point to one direction that India is preparing for a major war..offensive weapons are not bought at whole sale for defence. If anyone is being assertive in Asia is India.

What's wrong with being assertive, we are not being aggressive.
All hints point to one direction that India is preparing for a major war..offensive weapons are not bought at whole sale for defence. If anyone is being assertive in Asia is India.
good job by india. with economy is growing at a fast rate, we can afford it. it is better to be safe than sorry. oops you didn't read that china is the no.1 importer.
good job by india. with economy is growing at a fast rate, we can afford it. it is better to be safe than sorry. oops you didn't read that china is the no.1 importer.

IMO the GOI should focus on spending for infrastructure, food security and education etc.

The China government has trillions in surplus and can well afford to spend more on defense plus their infrastructure is already top notch. Understandably every country needs good weapons for defense but having a nuclear weapon is already a good deterrent. Building the country up will least give it a good foundation and prosper in the future.

Right now it seems India is caught up with a arms race with China which is similar to what happened to Russia and US during the cold war. Luckily India has many innovative companies who are making money for the nation unfortunately the GOI is just squandering it like no tomorrow again IMO.
All hints point to one direction that India is preparing for a major war..offensive weapons are not bought at whole sale for defence. If anyone is being assertive in Asia is India.

Most of the procurements are aimed at replacing the obsolete Soviet equipments! and besides we are not being aggressive.So,it does not point towards a war.
All hints point to one direction that India is preparing for a major war..offensive weapons are not bought at whole sale for defence. If anyone is being assertive in Asia is India.
Looks like people realy become blind in LOVE!!!!
IMO the GOI should focus on spending for infrastructure, food security and education etc.

The China government has trillions in surplus and can well afford to spend more on defense plus their infrastructure is already top notch. Understandably every country needs good weapons for defense but having a nuclear weapon is already a good deterrent. Building the country up will least give it a good foundation and prosper in the future.

Right now it seems India is caught up with a arms race with China which is similar to what happened to Russia and US during the cold war. Luckily India has many innovative companies who are making money for the nation unfortunately the GOI is just squandering it like no tomorrow again IMO.

What's the use with the surpluses when a trillion of it is with US treasury...

Pakistan tries to match up with India and India tries to match up with China... what's wrong with the logical evolution... those who have successful economy survive...
IMO the GOI should focus on spending for infrastructure, food security and education etc.

The China government has trillions in surplus and can well afford to spend more on defense plus their infrastructure is already top notch. Understandably every country needs good weapons for defense but having a nuclear weapon is already a good deterrent. Building the country up will least give it a good foundation and prosper in the future.

Right now it seems India is caught up with a arms race with China which is similar to what happened to Russia and US during the cold war. Luckily India has many innovative companies who are making money for the nation unfortunately the GOI is just squandering it like no tomorrow again IMO.


Here we go again, Indians are frankly sick of all this false sympathy, heck when we launched Chandrayaan-I everyone started with the usual "take care of your poor first :blah:"

Remember China got ICBMs in the 1970, not exactly a time when China was ascendant. We live in a an extremely volatile neighborhood, easy for people sitting in the US/UK/Singapore to give us advice :rolleyes:

And please stop this arms race BS, the USSR spent ~30% of their GDP on weapons that's why they got screwed, we spend ~2.5%
What's the use with the surpluses when a trillion of it is with US treasury...

Pakistan tries to match up with India and India tries to match up with China... what's wrong with the logical evolution... those who have successful economy survive...

I fail to see how that matters unless the us economy fails completely, China can work out a weapon for bonds deal with the us in their favour and still have a tons of cash after.

Singapore spends a lot on weapons too but that was only after the nation was developed to acceptable levels, after building a good manufacturing base we now even manufacture our own weapons as opposed to buying them.
India's Def spending will be in conformity with its requirements and ability to spend.

In so doing what position it attains worldwide or in Asia - Pacific in ters of spending on def is immaterial.

Here we go again, Indians are frankly sick of all this false sympathy, heck when we launched Chandrayaan-I everyone started with the usual "take care of your poor first :blah:"

Remember China got ICBMs in the 1970, not exactly a time when China was ascendant. We live in a an extremely volatile neighborhood, easy for people sitting in the US/UK/Singapore to give us advice :rolleyes:

And please stop this arms race BS, the USSR spent ~30% of their GDP on weapons that's why they got screwed, we spend ~2.5%

I'm not talking bat ur poor I'm talking about infrastructure. Having worked there for a year I'm very familiar how it is.

Anyway to each his own, it's not my country but yours and if you think the infrastructure is where it is so be it.
I fail to see how that matters unless the us economy fails completely, China can work out a weapon for bonds deal with the us in their favour and still have a tons of cash after.

Singapore spends a lot on weapons too but that was only after the nation was developed to acceptable levels, after building a good manufacturing base we now even manufacture our own weapons as opposed to buying them.

Singapore is not India or vice versa. We live in a region where two of our adversaries have nuclear weapons. So please stop condescending on us. We are okay with spending 3-4% of our GDP on defense. Remember India is a vast country, we need to protect all our coastline from our opponents, otherwise Mumbai like Incidents would become quite common.
I'm very doubtful of the $100 billion defense budget by 2016 forecast. With analysts predicting a $2 trillion Indian economy by 2016, $100 billion means 5% of India's GDP which is exceedingly high for any country.
Singapore is not India or vice versa. We live in a region where two of our adversaries have nuclear weapons. So please stop condescending on us. We are okay with spending 3-4% of our GDP on defense. Remember India is a vast country, we need to protect all our coastline from our opponents, otherwise Mumbai like Incidents would become quite common.

To be honest Singapore's security situation is far worse than India's, they're a tiny city state surrounded by big neighbors.
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