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India's defense expenses to be 2nd highest ($100 bil.) in Asia-Pacific by 2016

same goes for china as well but when china buys india cries why double standrads
All hints point to one direction that India is preparing for a major war..offensive weapons are not bought at whole sale for defence. If anyone is being assertive in Asia is India.

Oh yes, we are following our Big Brother China...absolutely:pdf:
Defence budget are decided by the threats a country faces and not by comparing it to any country far away.

The location we are at and the number of troops we possess..i think this budget is justified...and until we are spending more than 3% i dont think anyone should complain.

Looking after the poor is also our duty but the first thing is to look after the country..if the country itself is not there where will the poor go?
Defence budget are decided by the threats a country faces and not by comparing it to any country far away.


Not quite so, especially in a democratic country, where budget is determined by interest groups.

When the warlords want tax money, they will in hands with corrupted officials. They together launch kinds of propaganda, crying wolf, hiding complete truth, and grabbing the public money and putting (much of) it into their bank accounts.

This is precisely the phenomena in US propaganda. If politicians want to show their achievements, the propaganda would say Chinese defense is worthless; but when warlords behind scene want to get tax money, the propaganda will describe a formidable Chinese defense, as if US defense would collapse tomorrow.

Laymen are normally ignorant. They tend to be more ignorant, more gullible and more credulous where the illiterate constitutes substantial amount of population.
Not quite so, especially in a democratic country, where budget is determined by interest groups.

When the warlords want tax money, they will in hands with corrupted officials. They together launch kinds of propaganda, crying wolf, hiding complete truth, and grabbing the public money and putting (much of) it into their bank accounts.

This is precisely the phenomena in US propaganda. If politicians want to show their achievements, the propaganda would say Chinese defense is worthless; but when warlords behind scene want to get tax money, the propaganda will describe a formidable Chinese defense, as if US defense would collapse tomorrow.

Laymen are normally ignorant. They tend to be more ignorant, more gullible and more credulous where the illiterate constitutes substantial amount of population.

While your arguement is true,it does not hold much significance with respect to india. There are no Private defence "Bigwig" companies here in India, politicians can earn much more political mileage by spreading false propoganda regarding casteism, western culture or reservation of muslims in govt jobs than they can ever do in crying for external threat. Believe me, this is India, most of the western theories will fail if you try to implement them in case of India.
If a reasonable percentage of this money is spent domestically instead of imports, this will be great for the Indian economy. People like WAQAS119 can flame and troll all they want, but they need to realize that what India is doing is, it's taking its first steps to try and have a Military Industrial complex of its own. And when we're through with that effort, we will have a thriving defence industry which will provide employment to millions.

Whereas those who resign themselves to accepting alms or relying on imports are destined to remain starving and tattered forever, with no hope of pulling themselves up.
Every male citizen in Singapore serves a 2 year stint with the army, if the situation is as serious as you say why not petition the govt to have conscription of all India male citizens? I have made sacrifices for my country for her defence and yes our security situation is no less worse then your abeit a smaller scale which is why we try to be friendly with our neighbours

India does not have a problem of manpower. We have a huge army - we don't need more people in the army. Your idea of a petition is suitable for countries with smaller populations like Singapore and some European countries.

India needs to develop military technology and hardware - that's a different thing altogether!
While your arguement is true,it does not hold much significance with respect to india. There are no Private defence "Bigwig" companies here in India, politicians can earn much more political mileage by spreading false propoganda regarding casteism, western culture or reservation of muslims in govt jobs than they can ever do in crying for external threat. Believe me, this is India, most of the western theories will fail if you try to implement them in case of India.

I believe more fully that this is an India that has top-notch corruption, which is well-known world-wide.

Facts also tell us that Indian military projects are either painfully slow in domestic development (so those in the circle can have more secured job/benefits) or unreasonably hiked in price when dealing with externals (so those in circle can benefit from more briberies/embezzlements).

Your type of propaganda results in a slow profit that trickles in over a long span of time. Military projects can harvest a big windfall over night. This is also well known.
Oops! I thought your potential #1 enemy is China. Now Pakistan?

When will other neighbors appear in your list? :lol:
We didnt make any one our enemy, they appeared them selves.

and if others want then we welcome them joining the party. We have absolutely no issue. Try conquering a land of a billion people :lol:

---------- Post added at 10:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 PM ----------

Thank you for your confession!

And thank you for telling me that you understand Hindi.
We didnt make any one our enemy, they appeared them selves.

and if others want then we welcome them joining the party. We have absolutely no issue. Try conquering a land of a billion people :lol:

---------- Post added at 10:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 PM ----------

And thank you for telling me that you understand Hindi.

And thank you for telling me that you understand Hindi.

gpit is under arrest.FBI is coming:lol::lol:
Man one article and so much bhasd!!!
the so called analyst must have made few more prediction in the past . let's check weather they came true or not before even discussing this issue???
2.5% of GDP is too less to allocate for defense considering that we are lagging behind in modernization of our armed forces. We need to make it 3 or even 3.5% for a couple of years.
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