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India's bridge, China's bunker block road to detente on LAC

Well, I do. It's just that while your listing the symptoms is very very good, your diagnosis is rather poor. The question is, should I interfere? It's too long an explanation, and doesn't address @Cookie Monster

I'm not too sure I should be spending time elaborating on what @Robbie has already explained, wrong though it is. After all, the results are exactly as he describes; so why waste everyone's time on analysis?
Can't believe the level of incorrect information and myths in this post. Did you pull this all from a WhatsApp forward?
I don't entirely believe in it but I do believe major chunks of it. This is my understanding from talking to people living in India.
I'm always open to different views. That is why I tagged Joe because I knew he would have a different opinion. I'd be happy to receive them from you too @xeuss .

@Robbie care to comment on the above?
Nope. Not all posts need responses. I'm happy to just read and reflect on a different view.

The good (or bad) part of India is that it is very diverse in views and most people are vocal. No one person can talk for more than a handful of people.

I recognize that and is why I invited Joe to comment. He would have an opinion different from my own.
Just with China? Why not support talks with Pakistan too?

Because you are not China..China and India trade is around 100 Billion dollar.Do you think any one in GOI will risk to go for a war unless they have alternative to China for sourcing the good that are coming from China???
I don't entirely believe in it but I do believe major chunks of it. This is my understanding from talking to people living in India.
I'm always open to different views. That is why I tagged Joe because I knew he would have a different opinion. I'd be happy to receive them from you too @xeuss .

There are as always, kernels of truth in the stuff you posted, to make these fanciful stories all the more believable. At the heart of all this is prejudice that permeates society, that makes all these half truths believable and more palatable.

Take the example of what you stated that Muslims are allowed to run their own mosques while Hindus are unable to run their own temples, as government has involvement in the trusts.

Both have some element of truth in it, but the reality is very different. Most of the mosques that were built before 1947 fall under the authority of the Waqf board (state delineated). The Waqf Board of Muslims does have government oversight and the president of the board is usually a government appointee. They manage the properties (rent/buy/sell) controlled by the board and the income generated from them goes towards the upkeep of the mosques. Sometimes, salaries of mosque imams are also paid by the board.

Some of the larger Muslim shrines, like Ajmer Sharif, are run entirely by a government appointed board, separate from the Waqf board. Some newer mosques do not fall under the ambit of the Waqf board and are run by the own trustees, without involvement of the government.

A similar practice exists among the temples of India. Most pre-1947 temples were controlled by the principalities that they fell under. After 1947, the government of India became the sovereign inheritor of the these temples, and created a trust to run them. There were other reasons for the government to take control, most notably to end the caste discrimination, and wrest control of these temples from the mismanagement of trusts. Not all temples fall under this ambit, but I believe some states have provisions in the law that allow for the state to take over in the event of mismanagement or infighting.

Now is this the best practice - that can be debated. I can say for sure that in the case of Muslims, the political appointee of the Waqf board usually indulges in heavy corruption where Waqf land is sold. The Ambani residence in Mumbai is a prime example where Waqf land was illegaly sold to the Ambanis.

You stated:
"All major Hindu temples are controlled by the Government but Mosques and Churches are not controlled by the Government"

As evidenced, your statement is does contain some elements of truth, but is stated as such to imply that Muslims are receiving a perceived benefit that is being denied to the Hindus.

The complaint invites further ridicule when in some states in India, the supposed pro-Hindu BJP government has been ruling for 20-30 years, but has made no attempt to alter the situation. In fact in the state of Gujarat, where Modi has made an ideal Hindu state, no attempt has been ever made to change this situation. In fact, both Narendra Modi and Amit Shah sit on the board of trustees of Somnath Temple, appointed by the government of Gujarat of course.
She got pregnant and birthed a child. The picture was from then.
pregnancy? in her face, arms and shoulders?


envy of any sumotori


he hates Pakistan, loves pandit nawaz and his "hum sub ek hain" slogan. so anything that makes Pakistan look bad is good for "hum sub ek hain akhand bhratis" on either side of the border
She got pregnant and birthed a child. The picture was from then. Stop body shaming people on the internet.
Go to some social media like Twitter and see your brethren in action. This is nothing.
I'd appreciate your comments.

That was a good read. I felt the first section of the past was not all that relevant to the present as its length would suggest.

Personally I feel it is the narrative of history rather than actual history that makes us behave in the way we do. And the control over the narrative has shifted in India over the last decade.
That was a good read. I felt the first section of the past was not all that relevant to the present as its length would suggest.

Personally I feel it is the narrative of history rather than actual history that makes us behave in the way we do. And the control over the narrative has shifted in India over the last decade.

Precisely. The narrative has changed and so has the country. Or is it vice versa?
So you are the same category then?
It can also mean you guys are no better. It means look in the mirror. It means practice what you preach. It means pot calling the kettle black. It means don't throw rocks when living in a glass house.
I'll think of more if you want.
It can also mean you guys are no better. It means look in the mirror. It means practice what you preach. It means pot calling the kettle black. It means don't throw rocks when living in a glass house.
I'll think of more if you want.
So I am not me but India and you are not you but China. How stupid are you?
pregnancy? in her face, arms and shoulders?

View attachment 641792

You should allow a pregnant lady to put on as much weight as she wants.


Her photo today.

Precisely. The narrative has changed and so has the country. Or is it vice versa?

The country will change if we change the narrative back. The Sangh always had their narrative but that had few takers. Then the Congress bungled in their governance and leadership and the Sangh could gain control. The Sangh did not gain control because of their narrative but because of the failure of the Congress.
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