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India's Bitter Internal Insurgencies Take a Big Spike

This thread is the definition of Epic Fail.

A) No. of violent incidents by Maoists are at a 21-22 year low.

B) Not a single attack by insurgents in North East India in a year. Shiws tehy have been destroyed.

C) No major attack by Khalistanis in 20 years and all Khalistani leaders fled to Canada.

D) No bomb blasts by Islamist groups in main Indian cities in 6-7 years. They used to be common till 2008.
A) No. of violent incidents by Maoists are at a 21-22 year low.
Just few months ago 17 ISF men got killed, with few more in latest skirmishes.
B) Not a single attack by insurgents in North East India in a year.
Just in 2018 127 incidents happened in Manipur alone, with 252 incidents overall.
C) No major attack by Khalistanis in 20 years and all Khalistani leaders fled to Canada.
They are seeking to have a referendum for independence in the near future , see how things pan out after that.
D) No bomb blasts by Islamist groups in main Indian cities in 6-7 years.
Yet you are regularly burning Muslim neighbourhoods daily.
I would suggest dont count your chickens before they are hatched, just wait and see things dont look very rosy!
Just few months ago 17 ISF men got killed, with few more in latest skirmishes.
This year so far only 30 SF casualties in naxal areas which is the lowest in 21 years (Jan-Jun period).
Just in 2018 127 incidents happened in Manipur alone, with 252 incidents overall.
Not a single security forces casualty occurred in Manipur in past 20-24 months. No casualties among SF in NE since June 2019.
They are seeking to have a referendum for independence in the near future , see how things pan out after that.
Already shut down by Punjab govt
Yet you are regularly burning Muslim neighbourhoods daily
Never happened
Never happened
Ok i believe you!!!!!
There are no incentives for joining the Democratic line. I personally know people being informants of these insurgents, when I was working in Arunachal we had an engineer who gets 'extra' for simply reporting on a forest office. Their ring is big and vast and god knows where they get all that money. But when such amounts of money is involved you know they are not going to change their ways. You know after democratization, how the buried cash surfaced in Maoist regions.

All I can suspect is then they are doing mining underground, beneath the trees and more importantly finding corrupt sellers for it.
But it's also true, Naxalite moment is on its ventilator days. Other than in Chattisgarh, some regions in Jharkhand other region Naxals have surrendered.
What movement is big in AP though? I know they are more patriotic than mainland Indians.
What movement is big in AP though? I know they are more patriotic than mainland Indians.
AP has a lot of inaccessible areas that you need to trek for hours. There's no military or police, you need to get local help and that would cost thousands of Rupees, if I did some shit, that'll the place I go for hiding:D.
AP is a laid back place and felt more secure than when I was in Secunderabad where I moved from.

Bro, don't be surprised if the figure reaches over a million. In all seriousness, there is no limit to indian retardedness and lies. You are beginning to experience what we have done for nearly 73 years.

In years gone by, long time indian posters on PDF used to claim that the indian space program is more advanced than that of NASA.........:disagree:
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They have the ability to pull stuffs from their rear. We lack such ability.

In Feb 2019 they denied any of their Fighter jets were shot down until Pakistan
showed the wreckage and captured pilot to the world. Then they changed their tune to
Abhinandhan shot down an F16 before getting shot down. Even though Pak showed all his
missiles were still intact.

They still deny the Su 30 MKI that was shot down. But they did report 2 pilots died in car crash a couple of
months later. Here is a link to it.
I sense some advanced calculus is taking place....(a+b) ^2
We need to learn some Vedic math.

In Feb 2019 they denied any of their Fighter jets were shot down until Pakistan
showed the wreckage and captured pilot to the world. Then they changed their tune to
Abhinandhan shot down an F16 before getting shot down. Even though Pak showed all his
missiles were still intact.

They still deny the Su 30 MKI that was shot down. But they did report 2 pilots died in car crash a couple of
months later. Here is a link to it.
Thanks for sharing, bro.
Maoists possess great manpower to do huge damage to current establishment, imagine if they go on killing spree as TTP once in Pakistan? They have manpower to kill thousands every month but it seems they are not into business of killing civilians and their struggle is for rights and commie ideology.

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