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India's bid to join US alliance could irk China, Pakistan: Chinese media

You are right there is hardly anything we gained from this.......What could be the positives??? I dont see any direct, may be the govt gave away this for something indirect?

This is an alliance for the Future ; to keep CHINA in Check

After dominating South China sea ; China will turn its attention to Indian Ocean

We will need US navy's support in case of a future war with China
The trade-off, if we had cared to develop it in terms of a trade-off, would have been acknowledgement, or tacit acceptance of Chinese hegemony in the South China Sea, in exchange for a settlement of the Kashmir border, on the LAC, and for the eastern border, along the McMahon Line modified to meet watershed points, moving it back or forward as needed, and for a commitment of non-interference in the Indian Ocean. The last is the most important and least likely to happen. At least the first two could have been sought. After achieving that, neutralising their lobby for the Indian Ocean domination and other related issues could be neutralised.

What interest of ours is served?
Sir, can't you see China is breathing on India's neck? N.S.G., Masood Azahar, Pakistan, etc. It is India's diplomacy more than a security pack.
Giving bases, so here india becomes a colony of america.. of 21st century. India would never be able to use american bases but vice versa.
India would not be able to be independent international state. Pakistan has hardly thrown away american stamp, history tells american alliance always remaind one sided benefit. So india is a very new comfort woman for Americans.
Congratulations! woman for new job.
If we dont enter into an alliance with USA

Who will HELP us in a TWO front war

India NEEDS USA much more than what USA needs India

US has bases in Japan; Taiwan ; Korea and Philipines

Even Vietnam will seek US help in case of a future conflict with China
Nothing wrong in it..... We do the same..... Eg : Israel/Iran....... Russia is a trusted partner, and you cannot get some one better than that....... The are more trustworthy than US any day...... (only on this aspect)
How They Are trustWorthy What does they have Done For Us At Any strategic Preview

Its US Who tried To Trade with chinese in 2008 And in NSG

Russians Were Mum in Entire NSG Episode
they were Leaders And Our Partener in Brics
Giving bases, so here india becomes a colony of america of 21st century. India would never be able to use american bases but vice versa.
India would not be able to be independent international state. Pakistan has hardly thrown away american stamp, history tells american alliance always remaind one sided benefit. So india is a very new comfort woman for Americans.
Congratulations! woman for new job.
The key difference between US pakistan relations of yesteryear and India-US relations is MONEY. US paid you for sleeping with them. Here We are showing them the money. As long as we can pay the bill, we have a say.
If we dont enter into an alliance with USA

Who will HELP us in a TWO front war

India NEEDS USA much more than what USA needs India

US has bases in Japan; Taiwan ; Korea and Philipines

Even Vietnam will seek US help in case of a future conflict with China
This is what some of our Indian members are not getting.
To surround Pakistan from the bases in the Indian ocean and in Asia :D

Only base that India can use against Pakistan is in Bahrain/Kuwait which is like a shooting gallery if you want to get out of straits of Hormuz :lol: . I doubt that India needed American help to gain access to Vietnamese and Philippians bases. The entire purpose of this exercise was to show that Indian now sits in US lap which is always a comfort :lol:. Just make sure you didn't sit on their stinger rather than their lap. I for one support indian move to embrace US over Russia :partay:.
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