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India's bid to join US alliance could irk China, Pakistan: Chinese media

Did you say China?
I hope you know China and Russia had signed a Sino-Russia friendship treaty in 2001, article 9 of which is seen as an implicit defence pact between the two.
So do not assume China and Russia to be bitter enemies.
lol, treaties have no value unless backed up by genuine national interest. In this case its only economic adversity of russia that has led to the pact. China- Russia had skirmish in 1969. Then the infamous siding of china with US.
After all this you think russia will trust china ? China will also compete with russia for influence on central asian republics.

Even on the technical side china does not get the latest hardware from russia its only India. either india is seen as a fool who can do no harm or trusts India as a strategic partner . Its also in Interest of russia to keep china in check, an unbridled one will be disaster. Given the population of russia is stagnating and chinese are nibbling at the border you would not take any chance.

As I said, the 2001 Sino Russia friendship treaty was a big turn around in their relationship.
It was described as ''an act of friendship against America" way before Ukraine issue happened. @anant_s
The treaty clearly says "If a threat of aggression arises,the two sides will immediately make contact with each other and hold consultations in order to eliminate the emerging threat".
If the threat emanates from outside ie US or europe. Remove US from scenario and tell me why they would have frndship?

Thumb rule in geo politics is that next door neighbor is always an enemy irrespective of how good your neighbor is. only few exception include US-Canada.
Even on the technical side china does not get the latest hardware from russia its only India. either india is seen as a fool who can do no harm or trusts India as a strategic partner . Its also in Interest of russia to keep china in check, an unbridled one will be disaster. Given the population of russia is stagnating and chinese are nibbling at the border you would not take any chance.
May be not as much as India, but Russia is China's largest hi-tech weapon supplier. Not bad eh?


China will also compete with russia for influence on central asian republics.
Yes I don't doubt that but that's a healthy competition.
Thumb rule in geo politics is that next door neighbor is always an enemy irrespective of how good your neighbor is. only few exception include US-Canada.
Change is permanent!
May be not as much as India, but Russia is China's largest hi-tech weapon supplier. Not bad eh?
true but they dont trust chinese as they do with India with crucial technologies, more ever chinese themselves are exporting military goods, clash of commercial interests as well.
Yes I don't doubt that but that's a healthy competition.
doubt it is a healthy competition, china needs resources & land, it will sooner or later turn into bitter competition. Think of a scenario where china will export finished goods & russia raw materials. Over a period of time russian economic power would considerably weaken inviting the chinese for take over of land & resources.
Change is permanent!
Would agree with you, if neighbours could be changed.
doubt it is a healthy competition, china needs resources & land, it will sooner or later turn into bitter competition. Think of a scenario where china will export finished goods & russia raw materials. Over a period of time russian economic power would considerably weaken inviting the chinese for take over of land & resources.
Not something that will in next 5 years.
Since it's not going to happen in immediate future, China and Russia's bonhomie will be not go for well with India. We should brace up for it.
Quite sane oldie. Quite sane. Did I quote you today at all? You did .. senile Alzheimer's perhaps? Get your self checked.

Jibes aside, you posted crap and you think you deserve attention? India had Coke since decades nationalised in 1977 ...... and you posted crap on that too!!! Get your facts straight. You are a laugh, be it "you indians" or whatever. If you have p1ssed me off, guess you have really pushed it a bit too much with your ignorance. Good day.


It my past time hobby, kinda mental state I would say which us Pakistanis, atleast majority of us get kicks out from. And That is to squash little Indian maggots like yourself. All in good fun aeey!

When a rat-indian is telling me I post crap, then I must be stepping on plenty Indian tails. so yea keep on squealing and stay miserable.
Read the article fan boys, it is for refueling and replenishment (oil and food), the US has the same deal with over 80 other nations.. What the fuss is about?
It my past time hobby, kinda mental state I would say which us Pakistanis, atleast majority of us get kicks out from. And That is to squash little Indian maggots like yourself. All in good fun aeey!

Ah, now you really touched me. You know, I am exactly a maggot, strange, you, of all people, who posted one intellectually challenged post after another on Economics, could figure it out!

My role right now is to undertake Maggot Debridement Therapy, of brains!

You have earned my respects with this!

When a rat-indian is telling me I post crap, then I must be stepping on plenty Indian tails. so yea keep on squealing and stay miserable.

You got me there mate! Guilty, as charged!!! Kudos to you!

Keep at it, someday, and just that might be someday, I will take your posts seriously.

Till then cheers and have a great day!

A sure sign that you are dealing with an insecure young person is when he runs out of arguments, and starts calling you 'kid'. Unmistakable clue. I'd be surprised if this person has graduated yet. What's mature guys like you doing with him (other than playing him for a fool)?

very interesting watching you Indians cheering among yourself. Plenty of builtin insecurities on display. Tell tale signs of inferiority complex. Some jokers and clowns cheering themselves up for the rest of crowd to laugh upon them.

Ah, now you really touched me. You know, I am exactly a maggot, strange, you, of all people, who posted one intellectually challenged post after another on Economics, could figure it out!

My role right now is to undertake Maggot Debridement Therapy, of brains!

You have earned my respects with this!

You got me there mate! Guilty, as charged!!! Kudos to you!

Keep at it, someday, and just that might be someday, I will take your posts seriously.

Till then cheers and have a great day!

Silly billy, no hard feeling, just putting you in your place.

Coming from someone who thinks that recent Saudi defacto king visit to Islamabad is somehow related to the Indian tail wagging sessions in Riyadh, while forgetting the last time Ajeet Doval was in Riyadh begging the sheikhs to pressurize Pakistan not to divulge details about Kulbashan, his recorded conversation within minutes was passed on to Islamabad by the Saudis for us to have good laugh.

Plenty of acumen and understanding to geopolitics on display! Too much vege munching and curry doze can cause digestive issue, which result in brain f@rts. for your sake, I am hoping you are all ok?

You taking my post seriously? when did I give you impression that I give almighty f*** for you and your kind? You are more then welcome to be a pied piper and lead the rats away.
very interesting watching you Indians cheering among yourself. Plenty of builtin insecurities on display. Tell tale signs of inferiority complex. Some jokers and clowns cheering themselves up for the rest of crowd to laugh upon them.

Silly billy, no hard feeling, just putting you in your place.

Coming from someone who thinks that recent Saudi defacto king visit to Islamabad is somehow related to the Indian tail wagging sessions in Riyadh, while forgetting the last time Ajeet Doval was in Riyadh begging the sheikhs to pressurize Pakistan not to divulge details about Kulbashan, his recorded conversation within minutes was passed on to Islamabad by the Saudis for us to have good laugh.

Plenty of acumen and understanding to geopolitics on display! Too much vege munching and curry doze can cause digestive issue, which result in brain f@rts. for your sake, I am hoping you are all ok?

You taking my post seriously? when did I give you impression that I give almighty f*** for you and your kind? You are more then welcome to be a pied piper and lead the rats away.

Keep at it ... you just might make it to be taken seriously someday!

Cheers and have a great day!!!!
Keep at it ... you just might make it to be taken seriously someday!

Cheers and have a great day!!!!

Woooo hang on a mintue! did I give you impression that I am seeking you and your kind approval? I am not here to please your kind.
Woooo hang on a mintue! did I give you impression that I am seeking you and your kind approval? I am not here to please your kind.

Great going ... my last words of cheering you .......!

Am on a sabbatical till 01 Oct 2016. Going offline ... so .. once again .... keep up and I just might take you seriously ......!!! You can, till then, review how debt is not an indicator of financial health, rather it's management and servicing capacity is!

Cheers and have a great day!!!
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