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India's Ayni Military base in Tajikistan is Russia-Locked

Where does nonsense like this spread from?

Wait , you are talking about Soviets , right ? :azn: ... Well , it is Russia now with a completely different foreign policy ... I remember its dissolution , as my country put the last nail in the coffin and had the last laugh after USSR broke into many countries ... But , I am still not aware of any Soviet Union breaking my country ...

and what about Soviet Supported India in 71 ???
Yes they sold rd33 to china due to thier commitments to china, it didn't pose much threat, the cheapest russian fighter aircraft today uses twin rd33, an aircraft with one of those didn't seem to be a big threat to thier market anyways. And if it wasn't russians, pakistan/china would have anyways gotten something from europe or usa, so might as well be russian.

Chinese aviation market, irrespective of blotchy pics released every now and then, is no threat to the russians. Malaysia, rejected the J10 aircrafts in favour of the mig 29 in 2003-04 if I remember. FC1 wasn't even deemed worthy by PLAAF, who themselves still use J7's and A5's in their inventory.

But the problem is with PAF now, F16 spare controlled by US, FC1 Engines controlled by russia, Avionics and tooling controlled by china... Hence any wrong move to in foriegn policy to piss off any of the three and bye bye couple of squadrons
The Cold War has ended and the world has changed a lot ... :azn:

Indeed it has.

A Preview Of Russia's New Military Doctrine

Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a
large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most
likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike.
serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long
ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army,
he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has
little infrastructure, and a small Russian military
contingent. With the Russian army restructured to rapidly
respond to small-scale wars, the GOR would have to rely on
its nuclear deterrent to prevent a Chinese attack.

With China having such heavy importance to Russia, its evident that China's Israel will have some level of Importance to Russia.
Something i remember may be off-topic but, A USAAF personnel said "if you r underestimating Indians you r not coming home alive to tell that ":offtopic:
But the problem is with PAF now, F16 spare controlled by US, FC1 Engines controlled by russia, Avionics and tooling controlled by china... Hence any wrong move to in foriegn policy to piss off any of the three and bye bye couple of squadrons

Why , sell the engine in the first place if they are your so great friends ? :azn: ... What threat the poses , your countrymen know it well ... Your own source Vayu posted a very detailed report calling JFT as game changer and highlighting what it brings to the table ...

The same is true for you :rofl: ... Or you have any aircraft that isn't dependent on foreign suppliers ? :azn: So , any wrong move in policy and who knows the price for the carrier , PAK-FA or Sukhois may go up once again and the recently purchased shiny US toys always come with strings attached or your country is somehow an exception to rules of International politics :lol:
@secure you are overestimating your importance in this matter - Pakistan is not even in consideration - this is only between India and Russia and Tajikistan to think that any one of them will in any way alter their decision to consider Pakistan's position may it be Pro or anti Indian requirements is foolish.

And, to attack Pakistan we don't need a Tajik base to do that, but to support Afghanistan we do.
@secure you are overestimating your importance in this matter - Pakistan is not even in consideration - this is only between India and Russia and Tajikistan to think that any one of them will in any way alter their decision to consider Pakistan's position may it be Pro or anti Indian requirements is foolish.

And, to attack Pakistan we don't need a Tajik base to do that, but to support Afghanistan we do.

He'll Reply to your post: Why did Russia Give Engines..............:woot:

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@secure you are overestimating your importance in this matter - Pakistan is not even in consideration

Am I ? I have just said any attack on Pakistan by Indians from that country can result in massive retaliation , something which Dushanbe cant afford hence we are still in consideration ...
Time will tell ... So far the Russians sell weapon to both China and indirectly to Pakistan ! Smart businessmen , one would say :azn:

Pak is Russia’s ‘most important’ partner in South Asia: Putin

Moscow: Pakistan is Russia’s “most important” partner in South Asia and in the Islamic world, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Monday during a meeting with his Pakistani counterpart in St Petersburg.

Pakistan and Russia move closer toward military cooperation

Russia no longer intends to please India by refusing to cooperate militarily with Pakistan – a country that holds serious sway over the situation in Central Asia and Afghanistan.

The Cold War has ended and the world has changed a lot ... :azn:

The world has changed a lot and that's indeed true... but some uneducated folks still dwell in the past's nonexistent pride basically fed to the illiterate and uneducated mass... for propaganda purpose... however as we take them to the process of enlightenment... and towards the true light... they still resist knowing the resistance is waste and they would submit ultimately to the truth no other alternative remain... other than delay.

Meanwhile the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin spitting on their respective faces.

Russia rules out arms sale to Pakistan

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin Sunday ruled out any arms sales to Pakistan and stressed that unlike other countries, Russia never created problems for India.

“We are always cooperating with India to ensure safety of the region. We never created trouble for India in the region as compared to other countries,” he told reporters here.

Rogozin was responding to a question on whether Russia was planning to expand military relations with Pakistan.(this one's for the uneducated folks)

“That’s our political advantage as a friend of India,” he said. “If someone says otherwise, spit in his face,” he replied when asked whether Russia was planning to sell arms to Pakistan.

“We don’t do military business with your enemies. We don’t transfer any arms to them,” he said.

Early this month, Pakistan’s Army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Russia, fuelling speculation about a possible arms sale by Russia to Pakistan.

There were also speculations that the Russian defence minister deferred his visit to India, earlier scheduled for Oct 4 and finally held Oct 10, to meet Pakistan’s army chief, an impression that has been since rejected by Moscow.

There were some reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin was planning to visit Pakistan this month, but cancelled the visit due to Indian sensitivities.

Russia won't arm India's enemies: Dy PM Rogozin

Uneducated folks can use this to wipe the spit out of their faces...


Its not your fault.... However sooner your submit yourself to the true light and truth... the better is for you.
Why , sell the engine in the first place if they are your so great friends ? :azn: ... What threat the poses , your countrymen know it well ... Your own source Vayu posted a very detailed report calling JFT as game changer and highlighting what it brings to the table ...

The same is true for you :rofl: ... Or you have any aircraft that isn't dependent on foreign suppliers ? :azn: So , any wrong move in policy and who knows the price for the carrier , PAK-FA or Sukhois may go up once again :lol:

U.S sells hardware to us and same U.S sells to u ..
The question is not that they cant do business,real point is about the cutting edge tech which neighbors dont possess today n now.Jf-17 dont possess any threat to india in real and where it looked, india protested like india stopped french avionics for jf-17 :azn: and u had to go for cheap chinese one :rofl:

Same here for chinese hardware,india never asked china to stop arming pakistan with chinese junk,we protested for f-16 but not for chinese coz we know wats the worth of chinese :wave:
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