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Indians to outnumber Chinese in 2025: US

YES..we should control else it would be too late.

Congratuations, india. In this field you indeed will surpass china.

We are not happy on this achievement dear..

No, you can't control. Because you have a great thing called democracy.

Face it and swallow it even if you are not happy. That's the essence of democracy.

The problem is in a democratic nation u can't order people to have 1 child..It's their will and wish..
If the Government force them,the government will go down soon and another govt come on..
One child policy can only be implemented in communist nation..

But educating people in India can control and tackle this problem
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(In the India hyperpower future...)

Maybe US will sell high tech weapons to Pak & China to get help in containing India! :woot:
Is this a good thing??? I think South Asia is already heavily populated if you compare to facilities we have. I think Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh should work on papulation control more.....

Bangladesh Govt used to promote two children for each family. Now they are targeting one child per family. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
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When you have high population and low resources it creates scarcity and gives rise to desperation and destitution. You end up with a populance willing to do anything and everything. High profile fraud and corruption becomes rampant. A direction where India is headed right now. Sorry to say but Indians particularly overseas ones be it USA or KSA are turning into desperate oppurtunists and exploiters who cant wait for a chance to snatch some wealth and run back to their shining india...india rising...definately..as a world scam capital. This is not an example India wishes to make out of its world largest democracy!
The population explosion in India not only create problems within India, but also constitutes a significant threat to the stability of South Asia.

In order to sustain such a large population, it means a lot of resources are needed on a daily basis. We all know resources such as land, water and oil are very limited, people are already fighting each other for resources in order to survive.

Imagine what is gonna happen when Indian population is getting larger and larger, the already crowded India is becomming full of people who is waiting for food, water and spaces to live in. What is gonna happen if the population exceeds the endurance of India's limited resources.

I think there are only two ways out for Indians. One way, people fight each other within India, but the government won't let that happen, which naturally leads to the other way out, expansionism, fighting people without India for further resources.

All of these explain well why India is so greedy for other countries' land.
If people still give birth at higher rate then parents should be ready to die of starvation. Its era of two kids, if somone is landlord then its differ story. Otherwise civic life doesn't allow more then two...

I agree with you Haider.. but we need to undertsnad that in Rural areas or both India and Pak .. people still think that they need to have more kids to have more earning hands...
so this mentality has to be eradicted using Education first to control the population explosion:cry:
Bangladesh Govt used to promote two children for each family. Now they are targeting one child per family. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

We are not ordered or pass a rule regarding it, we only make awareness to peoples.

The most famous of last decade is "We Two, Ours Two"

The most famous of this decade is "We Two, Ours One"

When you have high population and low resources it creates scarcity and gives rise to desperation and destitution. You end up with a populance willing to do anything and everything. High profile fraud and corruption becomes rampant. A direction where India is headed right now. Sorry to say but Indians particularly overseas ones be it USA or KSA are turning into desperate oppurtunists and exploiters who cant wait for a chance to snatch some wealth and run back to their shining india...india rising...definately..as a world scam capital. This is not an example India wishes to make out of its world largest democracy!

Any thing could happen, no problem we lived, we live, we are going to live.... more population here we send them to settle on other nation for work take the money...

I agree with you Haider.. but we need to undertsnad that in Rural areas or both India and Pak .. people still think that they need to have more kids to have more earning hands...
so this mentality has to be eradicted using Education first to control the population explosion:cry:

It cant change... don't compare any thing with pakistan always be yours always...what we are capable of...
Not really, most of China is frigid/arid wasteland, good for mining minerals but not suitable for human habitation.

Only coastal China is habitable. This picture will give a better representation


(picture of world at night)

This is what we call the Photoshop. :rofl:
This image from taken from a satellite, you can Google for "picture of the world at night"

These pics are bs, China has the electricity consumption on par with US, perhaps surpass it in 2010. Do you really believe that China is still a wasteland?

This is a Southwest city in China, Kunming.

These pics are bs, China has the electricity consumption on par with US, perhaps surpass it in 2010. Do you really believe that China is still a wasteland?

This is a Southwest city in China, Kunming.


I believe the point being made here is that the vast majority of Chinese population lives on the eastern side...which should come as no surprise to Chinese members like you...

This image is from the NASA site...i really do not think its photo shopped

check this link out
: The Lights of Earth: United States

(even though it has united states on the url, its an interactive globe made out of super-imposed satellite images of the night-time earth)
These pics are bs, China has the electricity consumption on par with US, perhaps surpass it in 2010. Do you really believe that China is still a wasteland?

This is a Southwest city in China, Kunming.


You're in Canada right?

Google it and see the image pieced together from NASA satellites. Sheesh! Talk about ignorance (about your own country)

Here is the complete image


(it's huge ~2000x1000px)
I believe the point being made here is that the vast majority of Chinese population lives on the eastern side...which should come as no surprise to Chinese members like you...

This image is from the NASA site...i really do not think its photo shopped

check this link out
: The Lights of Earth: United States

(even though it has united states on the url, its an interactive globe made out of super-imposed satellite images of the night-time earth)

Yes, i am an Eastern Chinese, but our Western parts aren't wasteland as you guys thought it to be.

There are at least dozen of different versions, i don't know which one is true.



But lets check some raw figures.

China 2007: 3438 billion kwh
India 2007: 568 billion kwh

Yes, i am an Eastern Chinese, but our Western parts aren't wasteland as you guys thought it to be.

There are at least dozen different versions, i don't know which one is true.



But lets check some raw figures.

China 2007: 3438 billion kwh
India 2007: 568 billion kwh

Electricity - consumption(kWh) 2010 country ranks, By Rank

From the image itself that you've posted, Western China is barren. It's consistent with the earlier image

Are you deliberately being naive? All that electricity is obviously consumed by Eastern China.

China is far more industrialized than India right ? Industries need Electricity right?
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