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Indians to outnumber Chinese in 2025: US

this over populated india, not to mention the huge number of overseas indians, poses a serious threat to the White people's existence. I just don't understand why Americans aren't taking this matter seriously. :hitwall:
r3alist said:

the institution of marriage is dead or dying, religion is dead or dying, extreme feminism is ruling, gays are ruling, people are no longer having children.....etc etc

the above is slowly happening in india

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:


Thanks for taking the entire discussion down the drain
That is your presumption. India is a 63 year old country and it has not invaded any of your neighbours yet. But your mind is already prejudiced against India. Therefore you are unable to see the ground realities.

Do I adore India? No, I don't. But that does not mean I can't discuss India objectively.

Like I stated previously, no one is born an expansionist. Nation tends to expand because it is motivated by actual desire, desire for land, desire for oil, etc. In this case, India's desire for land will be caused by its rising population. Larger population means more land to grow food, more water to drink, more oil to burn, more space to accomodate. Once the present India can't provide its people with these things due to shortage, it will resort to looting resource from other countries, which means invasion. That is just reality, every country is gonna do this, if its own resources can't meet the demand of its people. Why do you think US invaded Iraq? If it is not because American cars burn millions of gallons of gas every day, how the hell would US invade Iraq?
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talk on population control can very quickly sound like nazi ideology.

i find indian views intriguing on this, at times disturbing.

one point to note, the west manages to control its population in more sophisticated ways.

the institution of marriage is dead or dying, religion is dead or dying, extreme feminism is ruling, gays are ruling, people are no longer having children.....etc etc

the above is slowly happening in india

:D:D:D:partay::taz::taz::wave: you just drove the ratings of this forum down 12 points with that post. I honestly cannot find another post to match its stupidity :pop:
no. because india is expansionist.

Aeon has already said:

indians think in terms of centuries, they are much more cunning than what you guys estimate. they have already exported a huge number of their population to all the countries to create sizable indian community there who can slowly influence the concerned country's leadership and foreign policies and thereby make that country another hindustan.
This is funny..:lol:

I didn't think people in china also recognize India as HINDUSTAN..
I thought it's only pakistanis..

BTW i like the name HINDUSTHAN..
Pakistan has a fertility rate of 4 Children per woman. It might overtake India in the future.. India is going to hit 2.1 (stable) pretty soon

what a joke, even if your country india slows down to a population growth of 2.1% Pakistan still wouldn't be able to overtake india's present population of 1,000,000,000+ people!

Pakistan's population by 2025 will be 2 hundred and 10 million while indians population by 2025 will overtake China's population (that's almost 2 billion people)!!
this over populated india, not to mention the huge number of overseas indians, poses a serious threat to the White people's existence. I just don't understand why Americans aren't taking this matter seriously. :hitwall:

for ur kind inf. there are more chinese living abroad than indians & also in U.S, so there should be check on chinese ppl.first before indians.
Another Image which makes it obvious why West China is un-inhabited.


(it's a topographical map)

What's your point?


Just like the US government encouraged people to settle the west in the 19th century with economic incentive, the Chinese government is doing the same thing. China has built high rail links to Tibet (and recently from Tibet to Nepal) and is pumping billions into both XinJiang and Tibet. And let's not forget the link up between China and Pakistan through rail and the Gwadar port is going open the way further for trade and commerce (hence cities and jobs).

Face it, the Chinese government whether you like them or not, has vision and drive, whereas your government can barely distribute food to stop your people from starving.
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Here's something else in India's future to think about.

Global Warming and Agriculture
Impact Estimates by Country
William R. Cline • July 2007 • 250 pp. ISBN 978-0-88132-403-7

Although this study finds China a modest gainer in agriculture under business as usual warming (increase in agricultural capacity by about 7 percent with carbon fertilization), the estimate turns to a loss (7 percent reduction in agricultural capacity) if carbon fertilization effects do not materialize or are offset by excluded damages. For India, prospective losses are massive (as large as about 40 percent in the absence of carbon fertilization).


China is set to gain 7% of agricultural capacity at the current rate of warming and it can survive a 7% reduction, given its increase in Purchasing power. But can India survive a 40% reduction of agricultural capacity in a country where people are already starving?

I think there are only two ways out for Indians. One way, people fight each other within India, but the government won't let that happen, which naturally leads to the other way out, expansionism, fighting people without India for further resources.

All of these explain well why India is so greedy for other countries' land.

Not quite. There is a third road that India can take: starvation.

In fact, India is already taking this road: while I'm typing these words, there are several children die of hunger in India...
1.16 billion people within a country of 2,980,000 sq.km. can already be counted as a population explosion, not to mention that number is still climbing and no effective measures have been taken to curb it.

India is being overpopulated, critical resources such land and water within India has already became deficient, peopel are fighting each other for land and water. What will happen if another 200 million people is added to this situation? If you don't want a internal conflict, then you have to deflect it by fighting others, I am just being pragmatic and realistic here.

No effective measures to control the population? Seems to me that in your eyes "effective" measure simply means one child policy. lol please read up on measures taken to reduce population growth which do not include draconian laws. A poster, earlier on this thread posted a state-by-state breakdown of the fertility rate. As you can see, states which have very high literacy rates/booming economies have very low fertility rates...hell, some even have China's fertility rate of 1.8

Rank↓ State↓ Fertility rate↓
1 Andhra Pradesh 1.8
1 Goa 1.8
1 Tamil Nadu 1.8
2 Himachal Pradesh 1.9
2 Kerala 1.9
3 Punjab 2
3 Sikkim 2
4 Karnataka 2.1
4 Maharashtra 2.1
5 Tripura 2.2
6 West Bengal 2.3
7 Assam 2.4
7 Gujarat 2.4
7 Jammu and Kashmir 2.4
7 Orissa 2.4
8 Chattisgarh 2.6
8 Uttarakhand 2.6
- Whole INDIA 2.6
9 Haryana 2.7
10 Manipur 2.8
11 Mizoram 2.9
12 Arunachal Pradesh 3
13 Madhya Pradesh 3.1
14 Rajasthan 3.2
15 Jharkhand 3.3
16 Nagaland 3.7
17 Meghalaya 3.8
17 Uttar Pradesh 3.8
18 Bihar 4

This is evidence enough, that economic growth, coupled with literacy and access to information about population control would inevitably bring down fertility rates without the need for any draconian measures.

And I notice that you still keep on spouting the "population explosion".

1 You do not know what population explosion means
2 You want to continue to argue even though your claim has been proven baseless

take your pick

My post was wasted on you.
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Is this a good thing??? I think South Asia is already heavily populated if you compare to facilities we have. I think Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh should work on papulation control more.....

I agree. the whole south asia needs to decrease it's population. it will also help to reduce the poverty and along with corruption.
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