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Indians to outnumber Chinese in 2025: US

Another Image which makes it obvious why West China is un-inhabited.


(it's a topographical map)
The population explosion in India not only create problems within India, but also constitutes a significant threat to the stability of South Asia.

Au contraire....Even a basic knowledge of statistics would have prevented you from making such a faulty remark...

Population explosion? hardly. Why don't you take a look at the statistics before making such wild claims? For starters there is a big difference between the terms

population growth
fertility rate

population will ALWAYS grow unless the fertility rate reaches 2.0 (not zero as you and many others here have claimed). fertility rate of 2 implies that the population would be at replacement-level. in other words, each couple would have only two kids...resulting in 0 population growth.

further "population explosion" implies that the fertility rate is increasing....in fact the data given below(in graphical terms..as its easier to see the correlation) clearly shows a remarkable decrease in fertility rate in India. In other words, the population grows, but it grows Slower, every year compared to the year preceding it.

According to extrapolation made from past data, its safe to say that India would reach population-replacement levels(in other words, fertility rate of 2.0 (currently its 2.7)) in 10-15 years..20 at most (direct extrapolation says only 10 years..but I give added leeway of +10 as i might expect some slowdown as the line nears the 2.0 margin).Thus by a very conservative estimate the indian population would have stabilized (zero growth) by 2020-2030.

"Why then would China have a lower population than india by 2025" you ask? For the simple reason that Chinese population is shrinking as its fertility rate is 1.8( in other words -0.2 from the 2.0 limit). Thus even as the Indian population reaches zero growth, Chinese population would be less because of the shrinkage and Not because of "Exploding" Indian population.

I hope I have laid such fanciful and quite misleading notions to rest :)


All of these explain well why India is so greedy for other countries' land.

Ah...I would not have expect such a dig from you..but after seeing one of your recent posts on another thread about "curry eaters" I have revised my opinion.

Yes, i am an Eastern Chinese, but our Western parts aren't wasteland as you guys thought it to be.

There are at least dozen of different versions, i don't know which one is true.



But lets check some raw figures.

China 2007: 3438 billion kwh
India 2007: 568 billion kwh

Electricity - consumption(kWh) 2010 country ranks, By Rank

I never claimed its a wasteland, I simply stated that its very very sparsely populated. This has been the case throughout Chinese history as well; as I'm sure you would be well aware.
The population explosion in India not only create problems within India, but also constitutes a significant threat to the stability of South Asia.

In order to sustain such a large population, it means a lot of resources are needed on a daily basis. We all know resources such as land, water and oil are very limited, people are already fighting each other for resources in order to survive.

Imagine what is gonna happen when Indian population is getting larger and larger, the already crowded India is becomming full of people who is waiting for food, water and spaces to live in. What is gonna happen if the population exceeds the endurance of India's limited resources.

I think there are only two ways out for Indians. One way, people fight each other within India, but the government won't let that happen, which naturally leads to the other way out, expansionism, fighting people without India for further resources.

All of these explain well why India is so greedy for other countries' land.

we r not greedy and expansionist...

Don't worry..
We were on this earth with a civilization when people around the world were hunting animals and were nomads..
We are here now..
we will be there in future also...
we r not greedy and expansionist...
Don't worry..
We were on this earth with a civilization when people around the world were hunting animals and were nomads..
We are here now..
we will be there in future also...

No one is born greedy and expansionist. People tend to fight others for something because they are driven or motivated by their desire.

In this case, India will be driven by the basic needs of its large population if it fails to curb it, just like US was driven by the needs of oil to invade Iraq. Something is bound to happen if there is motivation.
You're in Canada right?

Google it and see the image pieced together from NASA satellites. Sheesh! Talk about ignorance (about your own country)

Here is the complete image


(it's huge ~2000x1000px)

The image is little misleading because if China and US have equal electricity consumption than they should have the same intensity in the pic, here US is more lightened, it might be an old image.
Au contraire....Even a basic knowledge of statistics would have prevented you from making such a faulty remark...

Population explosion? hardly. Why don't you take a look at the statistics before making such wild claims? For starters there is a big difference between the terms

population growth
fertility rate

population will ALWAYS grow unless the fertility rate reaches 2.0 (not zero as you and many others here have claimed). fertility rate of 2 implies that the population would be at replacement-level. in other words, each couple would have only two kids...resulting in 0 population growth.

further "population explosion" implies that the fertility rate is increasing....in fact the data given below(in graphical terms..as its easier to see the correlation) clearly shows a remarkable decrease in fertility rate in India. In other words, the population grows, but it grows Slower, every year compared to the year preceding it.

According to extrapolation made from past data, its safe to say that India would reach population-replacement levels(in other words, fertility rate of 2.0 (currently its 2.7)) in 10-15 years..20 at most (direct extrapolation says only 10 years..but I give added leeway of +10 as i might expect some slowdown as the line nears the 2.0 margin).Thus by a very conservative estimate the indian population would have stabilized (zero growth) by 2020-2030.

"Why then would China have a lower population than india by 2025" you ask? For the simple reason that Chinese population is shrinking as its fertility rate is 1.8( in other words -0.2 from the 2.0 limit). Thus even as the Indian population reaches zero growth, Chinese population would be less because of the shrinkage and Not because of "Exploding" Indian population.

I hope I have laid such fanciful and quite misleading notions to rest :)


Ah...I would not have expect such a dig from you..but after seeing one of your recent posts on another thread about "curry eaters" I have revised my opinion.


1.16 billion people within a country of 2,980,000 sq.km. can already be counted as a population explosion, not to mention that number is still climbing and no effective measures have been taken to curb it.

India is being overpopulated, critical resources such land and water within India has already became deficient, peopel are fighting each other for land and water. What will happen if another 200 million people is added to this situation? If you don't want a internal conflict, then you have to deflect it by fighting others, I am just being pragmatic and realistic here.
That would just be a short term solution, because the population explosion is not stopping anytime soon.
Do you people have any clue of what you're talking about?

Once India reaches a fertility rate of 2.1 the population will become stable (it's 2.6 now and decreasing fast)

BigTree.CN said:
1.16 billion people within a country of 2,980,000 sq.km. can already be counted as a population explosion, not to mention that number is still climbing and no effective measures have been taken to curb it.

India has more arable land than China :coffee:
1.16 billion people within a country of 2,980,000 sq.km. can already be counted as a population explosion, not to mention that number is still climbing and no effective measures have been taken to curb it.

India is being overpopulated, critical resources such land and water within India has already became deficient, peopel are fighting each other for land and water. What will happen if another 200 million people is added to this situation? If you don't want a internal conflict, then you have to deflect it by fighting others, I am just being pragmatic and realistic here.

Can you honestly say with a straight face that China is not overpopulated?
Can you honestly say with a straight face that China does not have a resource crunch (I hope you know about the water situation in western China)?

Did China also deflect it's problems by fighting others?

What kind of logic are you using man? I'm confused.:blink::blink:
@Chinese people who going on about India having not enough land so support its people. I'll summarize some points

Check this out

Country Arableland(km2)↓ (%)

1.United States: 1,650,062 18.01%
2.India : 1,451,810 48.83%
3.China :1,385,905 14.86%

Not really, most of China is frigid/arid wasteland, good for mining minerals but not suitable for human habitation.

Only coastal China is habitable. This picture will give a better representation



Map of world percentage arable land.


(it's a topographical map)

I hope you got the point :coffee:
Can you honestly say with a straight face that China is not overpopulated?
Can you honestly say with a straight face that China does not have a resource crunch (I hope you know about the water situation in western China)?

Did China also deflect it's problems by fighting others?

What kind of logic are you using man? I'm confused.:blink::blink:

China is overpopulated, but China has been curbing the population problem by introducing the one child policy for a long time because China realized the catactrophic consequence of an exploding population.

India is overpopulated, but it is unwilling to take actions to control it, because India is an irresponsible country.

A shortage of resources within India caused by your uncontrolled population is highly likely to lead to an adventurism of invading countries bordering on India, such as China, Pakistan, Nepal, etc. Such logic can be applied to any country, including China.
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