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Indians tell Israeli Ambassador to F*ck off

It’s not their entire nation, just the loudest vocal portion of the political base that make up the die hard supporters of the current government. Basically India’s Trumpers , and underneath all the other stuff these kinds of people have a hate for dissenting voices especially from people they consider the “other” so they are primed by that kind of hate to become anti-semites. A potentially dangerous segment of the population I’m sure organizations like the ADL has its eyes on. The younger generation of Indian Americans are mostly law abiding but this possible cause for violent acts, especially amongst newly arrived immigrants is now understood more and more by law enforcement.

Can you explain from the shill piece you posted (that i just happened to quickly glance through) why India as part of its CAA is beholden to give displaced muslims citizenship in India?

These are the sons and daughters of the same muslims who broke India in 1947.

Now 75 years on because things are not going swimmingly for them we should kindly adjust and make room?

Agog with anticipation.
Much obliged, sir. :lol:
piyasa was the missing link in my comprehension.

It is a metaphorical Seraiki saying, also used in Punjabi. It is spoken, when two weak persons or parties start fighting each other, on some trivial dispute, and ultimately both get harmed.
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Can you explain from the shill piece you posted (that i just happened to quickly glance through) why India as part of its CAA is beholden to give displaced muslims citizenship in India?

These are the sons and daughters of the same muslims who broke India in 1947.

Now 75 years on because things are not going swimmingly for them we should kindly adjust and make room?

Agog with anticipation.

1. India is not as “secular” as it claims.
2. Second, even those that served India’s interests but are no longer considered useful can get in. Says a lot of how India operates and how much others should trust India. India can’t have it both ways, and at least it’s going openly with one way.

(Btw, just realized your an Indian, now I better understand your line of questioning :) )

Probably Muslim Indians?
Nope Greek immigrants in India

Ah yes because some film maker represents the entire state of Israel.

Just like @beijingwalker thinks I represent the entire state of Israel.

Israel is a free country and its citizens including film makers make free decisions to support whoever they want
Free to murder
Free to steal Palestine homes
Free to dig up 100s of year old olive trees
Free to do any heinous crimes
Free to cry feel sorry for me I am a jew
Free indeed
. . . .
1. India is not as “secular” as it claims.
2. Second, even those that served India’s interests but are no longer considered useful can get in. Says a lot of how India operates and how much others should trust India. India can’t have it both ways, and at least it’s going openly with one way.

(Btw, just realized your an Indian, now I better understand your line of questioning :) )

Still didn't answer my question, but then I realised you're Pakistani. :azn:
. . . .
Indians showcasing their usual Indian-ness, what's new? prod an Indian a bit and their "yoga loving peaceful vegetarian" facade instantly fades away reverting to their true Indian selves. This Israeli saw the worst simply because he trashed their worthless propaganda films designed for the masses of unwashed low IQ Indian audiences.
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