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Indians-RAW laughing all the way to the bank


Apr 20, 2011
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Indians-RAW laughing all the way to the bank

As a Pakistani I am just marveling at the masterful strokes of Indians and especially RAW in the past 10 years when dealing with Pakistanis.

While Pakistanis are responding with brute force, throwing punches everywhere, the Indians and RAW are dancing around like a butterfly and just sting Pakistan at will. You all remember the famous song by the great boxer Mohammad Ali.

Not only that they were able to face off with Pakistani strength directly, but they were able to steal an important source of strength from Pakistan i.e. American diplomatic support and military support. We could have replaced some of it with Chinese sources if it was only the American support.

What RAW has done is to make our strength into our weakness by turning some (or perhaps many) of our guns from India towards America. RAW knows we can amply defend ourselves against an enemy (aka India) that is 10 times bigger than us, but we certainly face utter destruction against our newly perceived enemy that is 1000 times stronger militarily (aka America). Isn’t this the work of a genius or perhaps our own utter stupidity or may be a combination of both.

Islamists in Pakistan are the biggest supporters of RAW not by faith off course but through their actions. Just think of it. Taliban have killed more Pakistani soldiers and officers that Indian could not in 2 major wars and several minor ones. And yet, Islamsits enjoy wide spread support in Pakistan across all different sections of our society.

Unfortunately many Pakistanis are singing the old tunes that are no longer applicable. Some Pakistanis realize this loss against RAW, but they fall into another RAW trap by becoming belligerent, and threatening to use nukes at the drop of the hat. This again strengthens the position of RAW that Pakistan is nothing but a den of terror and threats. In the game of chess, it is total and overwhelming checkmate by RAW.

The hour of need for us Pakistanis is to stop for a moment and rethink how we can smartly face off an old adversary in India. Americans may come and Americans my leave, but our old fight will be alive for the next 500 years. And the only way we can survive for another 500 years is to use our brain and our intellect in this challenging neighborhood of ours.
Last month's news: Indo-Americans terrorists caught by Sindh Police as they were supplying weapons to BLA:

Any success of RAW would not have been possible without the enormous support of Pakistan Army and their stuck streering wheel.

Unless RAW hid Osama in Abottabad, we would be magnanimous and share the credit.

Incompetence of Pak army for sure.

Pak law enforcement agencies caught 99% of Islamists terror and handed them over to USA. But they missed a really huge one and guess what all the hard work from the past went down the drain. That's what happens when you are not working hard 110% of time.

Islamists support RAW "indirectly" for sure, as I described in the OP.
Faujihistorian - Is it something you have written? If so, I say good work. But you seem to give RAW more credit than it is due. It is just that the U.S and Pakistan interests were different when it came to Afghanistan and nothing to do with RAW.
Last month's news: Indo-Americans terrorists caught by Sindh Police as they were supplying weapons to BLA:


RAW may be supporting Baloch nationalists. However the main source of BLA funding are the gulf countries.

It is possible that RAW may be channeling money through gulf but there are few Arab players involved too.

there are 14 main Sardars / tribes in Balchistan and only two or three are involved in anti-Pak activities.

We must spend money and encourage the loyal Sardars and make them shining examples for their tribes and for Pakistan. Then BLA will die automatically.

Unfortunately we are focusing too much on BLA and too little on the areas under loyal Sardars.

Faujihistorian - Is it something you have written? If so, I say good work. But you seem to give RAW more credit than it is due. It is just that the U.S and Pakistan interests were different when it came to Afghanistan and nothing to do with RAW.

Thank you. Yes the OP is by yours truly.

Coming back to the topic.

RAW checkmated Pakistan in Afghanistan too.

They were the first and the quickest to round up their "resources" close to and within good ole Northern Alliance and nicely package them and deliver them to USA.

Pakistan had enough tribes in its hands to do the deed for toppling Mullah Omer, but we were too slow in reacting to the change in circumstances.

Perhaps it was Islamism that gummed up our gears, perhaps our incompetence.

However USA and Pakistan always had and always will have the same interests in Afghanistan until we were outsmarted and outwitted by RAW.
Issues raised and few points made are understandable....RAW is improving day by day.... keeping enemy indulged in facing its own internal matters like BLA and hence reducing any mis-adventure of pakistan like Kargil...RAW's support to BLA has been said to be true by many defense analysts and security forces.

Its help to anti-pakistani group also clears way for stability in Aghanistan....US says India should play more active role in AF, we give $ 2 billion, roads, schools, hospitals which is evident along with covert role through RAW which is responsible for increase in attacks in Pakistan due to their funding and logistics.

In a way, they are some how taking revenge of Kashmir insurgency. India don't want unstable Pakistan as it might become major threat to Indian interests both in home and AF. But they also don't want Stable Pakistan, coz if its stable, itwill grow economically and militarily which will become headache to migraine.
RAW checkmated Pakistan in Afghanistan too.

They were the first and the quickest to round up their "resources" close to and within good ole Northern Alliance and nicely package them and deliver them to USA.

Pakistan had enough tribes in its hands to do the deed for toppling Mullah Omer, but we were too slow in reacting to the change in circumstances.

Perhaps it was Islamism that gummed up our gears, perhaps our incompetence.

However USA and Pakistan always had and always will have the same interests in Afghanistan until we were outsmarted and outwitted by RAW.

Even in Afghanistan, Masood was in touch with CIA and CIA was seeking funding for Masood with the President when he was killed prior to Sept 11. CIA used its connections though India went out of way offering its support. So again you are giving more credit to RAW.
Faujihistorian, since you encourage new smart thinking... why not get rid of India-Pakistan enmity altogether?

Thank you. I really appreciate the kind thinking.

Unfortunately, ground realities are different. Both Indians and Pakistanis are sons of South Asian soil, so we must repeat the good ole game of Raja vs. Raja. Where one Raja colluded with a foreign power to bring down the other Raja. Off course when that foreign power was done defeating "enemy" Raja, it turned its guns towards "allied" Raja.

How else you can explain 3500 Brits concurring a vast "sub" continent and millions of people? It was done when one group Rajas joined in to defeat the other group.

Same thing happened when Mogals showed up at our doors, and the dynasty before that, and the dynasty "before -before-before" that.

In the end we are just Rajas in our mind and in our brought up.

My hope is that we'll become one day a bit smarter Rajas so as not to repeat the mistake of aligning ourselves with foreign powers to bring down the Raja across the border.
the problem with Baluchistan is there are gold mines and the land belongs to the local tribes.They are not willing to lent their land to government and hence its GOP vs Landlords and they are rich and can buy a lot of things.

Afghanistan? lol, India has only limited role in Afghanistan, though USA tried to involve India to the fullest but it is not in India's interest even to touch the cancer there.
RAW used martial arts tactics to unbalance Pakistan. In judo you use your opponents momentum to unbalance him and throw him over. This is what RAW is doing not only in Pakistan but in other neighboring countries to. I think boxing is an inapproprate anaolgy to describe RAW tactics.
Even in Afghanistan, Masood was in touch with CIA and CIA was seeking funding for Masood with the President when he was killed prior to Sept 11. CIA used its connections though India went out of way offering its support. So again you are giving more credit to RAW.

Perhaps you are correct.

Just remember that my argument is not assigning a percentage to the role of RAW, just noting it. One could say RAW help was 40% on some arbitrary scale, and one could argue no it was 30% but that should not diminish the role of RAW in its service for its country.

Appreciating your enemy makes one stronger and not weaker. That's the motto of this thread/post.

RAW used martial arts tactics to unbalance Pakistan. In judo you use your opponents momentum to unbalance him and throw him over. This is what RAW is doing not only in Pakistan but in other neighboring countries to. I think boxing is an inapproprate anaolgy to describe RAW tactics.

Well said.

thank you.
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