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Indians I have a Suggestion on Kalbhushan


Apr 28, 2011
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Indians I have couple of suggestions for you on the issue of Kalbhushan Yadav. First you need to stop saying it that he is not your spy he was your SPY and the moment we would send his body back your RAW will admit it or at least through all the media hiding behind sources. Secondly he is our enemy and we are going to send him to gallows but you should be proud he was serving your country and he served till end until one mistake he ended up making which led to his capture. But he served his country as for that even I salute him. I am not the kind who either under estimates the enemy or not appreciate the enemy soldier on his commitment to his job and bravery.

@Horus @MilSpec @nair @Levina @Water Car Engineer @GURU DUTT and others
BUT GoI is just following GoP's footsteps (remember Kasaab?)
Thanks for the tag @Zarvan bhai.

Like @Arsalan told me yesterday this topic is being exaggerated. IMO it should not discussed for next 60 days.
Let's face it despite the jingoism from both sides on many ocassions we have exchanged our spies and sorted out issues.
Let the authorities do the talking.

Meanwhile I have been strictly instructed not to speculate anything on the forum (PDF and associated forums) or my twitter account.

So I guess I'm done with this topic.

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It would have been much simpler if India just manned up and owned him.
Now it is already past that point I think. He have admitted to be involved in spying and terrorist activities and will be treated same as other terrorists. I wont celebrate the death of a human being, even if he is my enemy but we have to do what have to be done. We should just get over with it now and close this chapter. There are many other foreign funded spies and terrorists in our country and we just need to catch them and punish them as well.
Ahh few important points to add here.

The day Jadhav was caught. he admitted to the very first person who he was without even getting a slap. Jadhav gave up all info on his terror networks and activities with out a single Chitar being laid on him.

I don't consider Jadhav a spy or a soldier but he is just a thug and a terrorists. Spy are after military installments and have professional levels but Jadhav was doing street crime in Karachi, He was induldged in terrorists activity and shit.

India owns him or not. it is not our concern and about returning the body of jadhav. If India returns the body of Afzal Guru we will exchange with the body of Jadhav.
And how did you know he isn't a Terrorist ?
Is there a different word for Indian Terrorist in your discretionary ??
Kasab was photographed shooting innocent ppl on the street.
match this proof with that of kulbhushan and I will know.
However, if the kulbhushan guy is indeed a terrorist (or an indirect one) , and is responsible for the death of countless innocents in your troubled areas, then he should be punished, but its shouldn't be as easy as death.
I still cant get that thought of innocent school children getting killed because of the scums u have , out of my head.

Ahh few important points to add here.

The day Jadhav was caught. he admitted to the very first person who he was without even getting a slap. Jadhav gave up all info on his terror networks and activities with out a single Chitar being laid on him.

I don't consider Jadhav a spy or a soldier but he is just a thug and a terrorists. Spy are after military installments and have professional levels but Jadhav was doing street crime in Karachi, He was induldged in terrorists activity and shit.

India owns him or not. it is not our concern and about returning the body of jadhav. If India returns the body of Afzal Guru we will exchange with the body of Jadhav.
you said so, and even if I believe you, I would request you to substantiate the same with some sort of link.
thanks in advance.
Thanks for the tag @Zarvan bhai.

Like @Arsalan told me yesterday this topic is being exaggerated. IMO it should not discussed for next 60 days.
Let's face it despite the jingoism from both sides on many ocassions we have exchanged our spies and sorted out issues.
Let the authorities do the talking.

Meanwhile I have been strictly instructed not to speculate anything on the forum (PDF and associated forums) or my twitter account.

So I guess I done with this topic.

Their won't be any exchange, their hatred towards Indians is more than the care for one of their own.

Kulbhushan will be hanged and their will be consequences for Pakistan after that.
Their won't be any exchange, their hatred towards Indians is more than the care for one of their own.

Kulbhushan will be hanged and their will be consequences for Pakistan after that.
Remember incidents of 2003 and 2006?

Trust me we are underestimating things here.

Okay i'm out of this.
It would have been much simpler if India just manned up and owned him.

haha did you man up and own kasab ? :tdown::tdown::tdown:

on topic :
it takes courage to be a spy , to go deep inside enemy territory and cause damage especially at a time when we have proxy wars , its not an easy job , its more dangerous than patrolling the borders because the chances of you being screwed if caught is 100%. And the damage that a spy can do i think no sukhoi or rafael can do that :D , so every indian is proud of kulbhushan and his services.

finally , why we need spies ( skyfall:P)

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