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Indians from India en masse on Social Media Celebrate PIA Passenger Airplane Crash in Pakistan!

Comparative to those who came before.

This generation actually reflects their country.

The Indians reflective of today's India don't survive here.

Just asking, have you met many pakistanis in real life? I on average meet a lot more pakistanis then i meet indians. In my experience many of the pakistanis members here dont represent the reality. But hey, thats sosial media in a nutchell.

Just like those indian nutjobs, subject of this thread. Havent met many of them i real life either.
they emphatically do not share the bigotry that the hard core 16% of the electorate does. That is a huge number, but it is NOT 100%.

Let me guess..
All the 16% are Hindus who support Sangh and BJP and are for most part Hindus.

rest of 84% that includes other faiths are profound secularaists who celebrate all faiths and all ideals equally.
Just for fun, in court when the discussion on gays was on, guess which groups opposed Gay rights.

dear joe, all these groups who opposed Gay rights, wanna guess who they were?
Wondering, would they be classified as bigots?
Or Gays must be thrown from buildings at the altar of secularism?


For record, neither Sangh not BJP opposed Gay rights,
they on record batted for it.
And for record, Secular parties including Congress never took a stance on it, platitudes, YES, stand NO.
Just asking, have you met many pakistanis in real life? I on average meet a lot more pakistanis then i meet indians. In my experience many of the pakistanis members here dont represent the reality. But hey, thats sosial media in a nutchell.

Just like those indian nutjobs, subject of this thread. Havent met many of them i real life either.

I live in India so real Pakistanis are a bit thin on the ground here.

I've met a few in passing abroad. No lasting interaction.

They sound different to us. Thats the first thing that hits you
Just asking, have you met many pakistanis in real life? I on average meet a lot more pakistanis then i meet indians. In my experience many of the pakistanis members here dont represent the reality. But hey, thats sosial media in a nutchell.

Just like those indian nutjobs, subject of this thread. Havent met many of them i real life either.

We should count ourselves fortunate.

I was just thinking what my Pakistani friends (yes, I have them) would make of the radicalised script-kiddies on this forum. First of all, they would walk straight into the First Class accommodation here. Second, they would give the pretentious third- and fourth-rate sort a screaming nightmare in terms of knowledge, and maturity of judgement. Third, they would match our better members in terms of grace and allowances for being forced to represent a nation under siege.
Why you got angry? This Pakistani poster asked me why did people continue to vote Modi? What do they REALLY see in him? I don't think his reputation as a genocide maniac is the only factor. There are other reasons as well.

To be honest I haven't been able to make one hundred percent sense of the Modi phenomenon. But I think his underclass image is definitely a seller. It's a separate matter that he eats rotis made of cashew flour these days.

Modi happened because all the LOSERS of India somehow got together to say a giant F U to their betters by just choosing one of their own. I see a pattern here: none of these Modi supporters can score with women. Wouldn't you agree there? :smitten:

You have said exactly what many here have been trying to express.
I guess out frustration at the sheer absurdity that is going on in India has left us without words.

I wish I could copy past this comment in every thread related to Modi and Hindutvas.
I was just thinking what my Pakistani friends (yes, I have them)

I will personally recommend you to work for India's embassy in Pakistan. Not everyone is a bureaucrat, some civilians also get in. Besides most are scared of going to Pakistan, but looks like you will be the best selection to build cross-cultural ties. :-)

I'm serious.
I will personally recommend you to work for India's embassy in Pakistan. Not everyone is a bureaucrat, some civilians also get in. Besides most are scared of going to Pakistan, but looks like you will be the best selection to build cross-cultural ties. :-)

I'm serious.

Highest praise.

Nishan e something.
I wish I could copy past this comment in every thread related to Modi and Hindutvas.

Go ahead I give you full copyright. Spread the word far and wide. Anything that embarrasses Narendra Modi and his handlers is a HUGE WIN for my side.

Put that thing on damn Wikipedia if you could, LOL.
Christianity is like Islam.

Inorganic faiths.

Don't demonstrate your ignorance.

Just post your handsome photo for us to enjoy.

What an interesting thing to say.
Could you explain what that means?
What is an "organic" faith?

is it one with no pesticides? (sorry, could not help myself :partay:)
What an interesting thing to say.
Could you explain what that means?
What is an "organic" faith?

is it one with no pesticides? (sorry, could not help myself :partay:)

I've never had a serious civilizational engagement with you.

Are you in it to troll or are you serious?
I also agree pakistanis in general are good people and my personal experience with them has mostly been positive. I've met also met many morons, but then i have met plenty of morons from every nation, including india But all in all i enjoy pakistani company. Some are very vocal about their hate for hindus though, especially when they find out my backround.

Pakistanis on this forum, im my opinion, dont represent the reality. I have never seen such consentration of hate filled pakistanis in one place. So i have to call you out when you say "except 1-2 people...most very nice people". Come on dude, you cant possibly mean that. Think you are trying too hard to be a good house indian.

a lot of us are a reaction to the absolute onslaught of Hindutva hatred against us online.
This very thread is proof of that hatred from the Indian side.

If you care to go back to my first year of posts, you can see how I never hated Indians and tried to understand why there was so much hatred in your people's hearts for us.
But there is only so much abuse you can take before you change your mind about the other side.

I've never had a serious civilizational engagement with you.

Are you in it to troll or are you serious?
I usually find your stuff pretty banal but I genuinely want to know what "inorganic" means
a lot of us are a reaction to the absolute onslaught of Hindutva hatred against us online.
This very thread is proof of that hatred from the Indian side.

If you care to go back to my first year of posts, you can see how I never hated Indians and tried to understand why there was so much hatred in your people's hearts for us.
But there is only so much abuse you can take before you change your mind about the other side.

I usually find your stuff pretty banal but I genuinely want to know what "inorganic" means

One which spills beyond its bloodlines.
One which spills beyond its bloodlines.

Why are you talking so cryptically?
And how does a religion have blood lines?

And that still does not compute in my head with the inorganic comment.
Deeply sad that some can take pleasure of such heartbreaking news. No one with half a heart can stoop so low.
Someone tonight will be getting ready for Eid after losing perhaps a father mother son or daughter. Someone tonight will have their hearts and dreams shattered. Someone tonight will be cry tears of blood.
Can any sane mind find pleasure in this? Beyond belief.
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