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Indians from India en masse on Social Media Celebrate PIA Passenger Airplane Crash in Pakistan!

No, we mean the genocide in the 40s when Muslim Kashmiries were ethnically cleansed from Jammu and turned that section into non Muslim majority.
Not your fake "genocide" where 5000 Hindus ran away, from Indian occupied lands no less, like a bunch of cowards.

We take responsibility post 47 and there was hardly any ethnic cleansing from Jammu. But we all know how the Hndu population of Pakistan disappeared post 47.

Maybe I will open a thread on how more than a 100 Thousand pastuns were given citizenship in kashmir by Sheik Abdulla.
If I was to guess my feeling is there hatred for Pakistan is more consistent, persistent and across the board then it is the case for Pakistani's toward India. Pakistani's tend to have a very conflicted, broken, variable hatred for India which ebbs and spikes. The reason is weaker sense of nationalism or a confused sense of nationalism. On top of this their schizoprenia is manifested in the love for Indian movies, Indian songs, Indian food, Indian heroes, Indian culture etc with opposing push by historical memory of migrants being forced out who retain viceral hatred for Hindus but otherwise love/tout all things Indian. And of course the rivalry over Kashmir which itself is a political gimmick.

On the Indian side. Pakistan is just bad. Period. They simply just look at Pakistan as a enemy. A monster that should not been born. Illegitimate child of the British. A feak of history that should not exist. Across the board. A very tiny % of Indians are free from this thinking. This points to a stronger sense of Indian nationalism and a narrative that has been successfully implanted in the Indian pysche by the state.
Report them to their employers if live outside india.
Exactly! This is the best revenge one can have - see a NRI spouting this crap, take a screenshot and tag their employer on LinkedIn.

edit: I do the same for any dangerous thoughts on social media -
Including reporting to authorities.

Be it from any nationality , race or religion.
Exactly! This is the best revenge one can have - see a NRI spouting this crap, take a screenshot and tag their employer on LinkedIn.

Gonna try to do that. Its gonna be degrading work to shift through the manure (posts).
It's weird that there is a thread on what Indians are saying when sadly the operations to rescue survivors and bodies is still ongoing. I understand there is grief and sadness in Pakistan at this moment but what some Indians on twitter say should not be a topic of discussion just a few hours after the crash.

I hope they find more survivors. My sincere sympathies to families affected and the people of Pakistan.
Apologies are meaningless when they come attached with a 'but'.

I was taught this a long time ago by my elders.

This is not the time nor space to be arguing 'equal equal'.

Some might say its no time to open up a thread about what some indians say on social media, when the tragedy is still going on
Gonna try to do that. Its gonna be degrading work to shift through the manure (posts).
Take it as rewarding - because it is also the same category that goes “bobs and vegane” to harass women, commits phone fraud in the US while pretending to be Pakistanis.. and beats up muslims in India.

They don’t deserve a humane outlook.
LIE. Jammu went from Muslim majority to minority because of cleansing done by the Maharaja and RSS volunteers from the Ganga plains.

Nope, Jammu was always Hindu majority. I have the census from the 40's to prove it. Do you really want to discuss that on this thread ?
1. Terrorism
2. Terrirism
3. Terrorism.
The same charge is leveled against India in Pakistan.

Terror-stan versus Terror-desh.

Nobody in India gives a single fcuk as to WHY you were born, IF you should exist of WHY you exist.
From what I have seen and read over the years that is not the case. I know. Any history thread I open will have kumb mela of Indians descending and croaking on about why Pakistan should not exist. They ignore India was also born on same day as Pakistan. Indeed it was the same act of British parliamant that birthed both dominions which would evolve to republics later.
The members here are reminded to discuss the topic rather than indulging in unnecessary debate on Kashmir and communal riots in India.

Just stick to the topic. Thanks.
It doesn't matter.

Whether they know, or guess, or misunderstand, is NOT the point.

The point is not to be swamped by the garbage being produced by others.

Most of all, I don't care if members here are influenced or not. I care very deeply that what I feel is expressed, and it is not hijacked by others.

Very simply, how do you feel - sincerely - about more than a hundred people dying? Suppose you say it out loud, does it harm anyone or anything? Do we need to influence people? Do we need to change opinions?

NO. A thousand times, NO. It's about what we, as individuals, stand for. Not about going along, not about holding out, not about any of those things.

Why don't you post what you feel and leave it at that? Why go into chess moves to figure out the consequences?

Come on, chief, be natural.

I think he is reacting to this thread, and not to the tragedy. I think he is making a mistake not opening up and telling us all how he feels. I hope he will. I know him for seven years now; I don't think what he wrote above is what he stands for.
How I feel?
Sincere answer wud be,,, nothing much.
Yes I do sympathise wid the victims.
But I don't feel the need to apologize onbehalf of others voicing thr opinions on internet(atleast on this forum) ,,, however despicable those opinions maybe.
Or do u think it's ok to celebrate deaths(civilian or military).
I have seen plenty of death,,,cudnt do nothing despite efforts.
So I have learnt to live with it. It IS the ultimate truth.
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