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Indians Especially women must boycott this years Republic Day on 26th Jan.

Till one time i used to respect her for raising pertinent issues on the both sides of the border but now she has just joined troll brigade . Fake title , self edited hate spewing news et all .
You are not the only one. :D
The demand is wrong.

what happened with that girl is very disgusting, but we must not boycott Republic Day for it.

The republic day is a day when Indian Constitution came into force and India became Proclaimed Republic from an independent dominion.

Boycotting this day is an insult to people who wrote our constitution and thousands who died for a dream of free, sovereign India.
The demand is wrong.

what happened with that girl is very disgusting, but we must not boycott Republic Day for it.

The republic day is a day when Indian Constitution came into force and India became Proclaimed Republic from an independent dominion.

Boycotting this day is an insult to people who wrote our constitution and thousands who died for a dream of free, sovereign India.

nicely said.. The demand for boycott is childish to begin with. One unfortunate incident should not produce regressive actions. That will mean the nation's populace have accepted a meek surrender to such evil.

What is needed is a peaceful demonstration and a perseverance from the population at large.

The continued and widespread demonstration across the country is indicative of the fact that people are not doing this for kicks on friday night but driven by their honour and morals !!
The poster just posted what is proposed by the Indian people. Do you think the protesters are not Indians? Are you from Delhi? Which place?

You can SMELL the difference between what protestors say and OP say. Personal hate towards India stinks. Especially some of PDF members (belonging to Pakistan) have taken so level headed, conscious and responsive stand on matter like this, which is duly acknowledged; someone comes all of sudden from nowhere and tries present the facts as they want to see.

BTW, I don't support boycott of republic day what soever ! If there is idea of black flags. Go for it, but to show them to political clowns. No way for my country.

Rakhi Sawant of PDF

Embedded :sniper: in that quote
Funny how everyone wants to boycott Reublic Day but no one boycotted the new year parties.

Speaking of New Year Parties one of the recent gangrapeou was committed during one. So how come you want to boycott republi day parade and not new year parties?
Funny how everyone wants to boycott Reublic Day but no one boycotted the new year parties.

Speaking of New Year Parties one of the recent gangrapeou was committed during one. So how come you want to boycott republi day parade and not new year parties?

All were just crocodile tears. All these protests and law amendments will die down soon..
Should the country just shut down everything in protest then? Come on protest is one thing but things are getting out of hand. I genuinely don't see what those calling for a boycott want? Any new polices and laws take time to come
Into place, the accused being handed over to the public is NEVER going to happen. Capital punishment for rapists is unlikely. What can the GoI to pacify these demands for boycotts? And the fact is the issue lie with Indian society and the GoI is some scapegoat that is being used as a target for anger but is being wrongly targeted in this instance.

Now these people want to disrespect the Indian armed forces?
What will be achieved by boycotting Republic Day? :lol: Another pathetic attempt by a Pakistani to devalue Indian Republic.

On the contrary, I would suggest that maximum people come out not only to see the parade but also on the streets.

Let the government understand that public is in no mood to forget this issue and demands immediate strong steps.
Its so funny how a Pakistani calling Indians to boycott Republic day celebrations.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Get a Life Troll
Indians especially women must boycott this years Republic Day on 26th Jan and should mark it a black Day with black flags all over india and even abroad in protest of Govt. of India's and its ruling political elites' lethargy and failure in ensuring the security of India's women.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

The Internet was abuzz with people asking their friends to the shun 26 January parade.

ngered by the government's refusal to allow protests at India Gate, citizens, netizens and Indian Diaspora are pushing for a boycott of the customary Republic Day parade. The Internet was abuzz with people, cutting across region and religion, asking their friends to shun 26 January parade.

As the country woke up to the tragic death of the girl, people active on Twitter started tweeting about boycott Republic Day (#boycottrepublicday). The call to boycott the Republic Day parade was also shared through text messages and social networks like Facebook.

Alka Singh, a graduate research assistant at University of Memphis, wrote that the nation should make sure that 26 January is a "no show" in view of the Delhi "brave heart" who passed away last night. "We have a failed government rooted in corruption! It's time for revolution," her Facebook status read.

Similar views were echoed by Kapil Agrawal, an employee of Tata Technology, who is based in Coventry, United Kingdom. "Please boycott the Republic day, if they (the government) cannot allow us to come together to register a peaceful protest, there is no point in attending their pompous show," Kapil wrote on his Facebook wall.

By evening, hundreds of Twitter users had expressed their anger on the popular micro blogging site and #boycottrepublicday became one of the most used hashtags. A user rammitsharma wrote — "Ensure a 'no show' on Republic Day. Why should crowds gather to hear them at their convenience?" Similarly, another user Geetanjali said, "Had an influential politician died, Republic Day would have been cancelled. Will the government do it now? Lets #boycottrepublicday."

A tweet by the popular parody website fakingnews.com (Fakingnews) said, "Republic day parade tableau for Delhi should show two eyes in tears and tear gas shells lying on the ground." This was one of the most re-tweeted tweets.

A user Sa'd Mohammad wrote, "If the nation wants to protest then we should boycott Republic Day celebrations to show the government that we are not happy." Another user teemus said, "Dear non-rapists of NCR please boycott the 2013 Republic Day celebrations. Do not go and watch the parade."

The cause found support in the intelligentsia too. Professor N.K. Pandey (Nkpandey), an IIT Delhi alumnus tweeted, "If people can't show their concern, anguish and protest at India Gate in Indian republic, what's the use of celebrating republic day!"

The message was shared through text messages too. One such message read "The nation should boycott the republic day celebrations in totality. Ensure a 'no show.' What is the nation celebrating anyway? Failed government that is loathing in corruption."

Received this appeal over the internet:

I fully agree with this appeal.

Only PM and his securities will be there to address the empty "gatherings".

Let us signal that change is needed. NOW.

FTI has operated a Facebook page to boycott the corrupt politicians of India for a very long time now. This is the time to operationalise this boycott.

NEVER should ANY citizen salute any corrupt politician.

Extrapolating what an FTI member has noted: There is nothing to celebrate. Let only politicians "celebrate" their loot and destruction of India.[/COLOR][/B]

Fed up with the government's inaction, protesters across the nation are signaling that they are in for a long haul. To make it bring strong laws against rape. The movers of the anti-rape movement are now calling for a boycott of the Republic Day. One of the more telling statements on Twitter says, women should boycott the Republic Day parade. Because a country that can't protect its women has no business to show off its military might.NewsX believes that the Republic Day is a day when India recognises its martyrs and the soverignity of the people. But our Government, instead of working for its people, by taking appropriate steps to stop the violence against women, is keeping the nation backward by neglecting a legitimate demand.

Well after reading whole article , i noticed only 1 thing. This article is talking about only internet worriers. All news, comments, demand of boycotting 26th Jan, is coming from FACEBOOK, TWEETER and from rest online site only..
Let me ask to these people how many times they celebrated any national day ? Like they are demanding to boycott, in same way they celebrate These day by posting comments or tagging any pic of national day.. That's all. So this is easy for these people to boycott National day.

If people want revolution then come from your home. When i was in protest in Delhi, people were demanding for a change. Just imagine if they were protesting by these online site only ??? If any media is noticing this case, If country is talking about this issue, then this is just because thousands of people went to protest. They were not commenting sh!t online..

what the bull$hit is this. its our internal issue. why PDF allowing this kind of matters to discuss here in defence forum.
@on topic:
the person who wrote this is a n idiot. how can we boycott republic day.its a day of honour for our constitution. how can we disrespect our national flag by showing black flag. he is a moron.

then you peoples have to boycott your independence day too by raising black flag instead of your nation's flag in your parliament. because the whole world knows your internal matters.
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