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Indians Especially women must boycott this years Republic Day on 26th Jan.


May 25, 2010
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Indians especially women must boycott this years Republic Day on 26th Jan and should mark it a black Day with black flags all over india and even abroad in protest of Govt. of India's and its ruling political elites' lethargy and failure in ensuring the security of India's women.


Indian women plz raise Black flag instead of tricolor on 26th Jan.

women should boycott the Republic Day parade. Because a country that can't protect its women has no business to show off its military might.


Call given for boycott of R-Day
The Internet was abuzz with people asking their friends to the shun 26 January parade.

Protesters light candles during a rally in New Delhi late after the death of a gang rape victim from the capital on Saturday. | PHOTOGRAPH: Imtiyaz Khan
ngered by the government's refusal to allow protests at India Gate, citizens, netizens and Indian Diaspora are pushing for a boycott of the customary Republic Day parade. The Internet was abuzz with people, cutting across region and religion, asking their friends to shun 26 January parade.

As the country woke up to the tragic death of the girl, people active on Twitter started tweeting about boycott Republic Day (#boycottrepublicday). The call to boycott the Republic Day parade was also shared through text messages and social networks like Facebook.

Alka Singh, a graduate research assistant at University of Memphis, wrote that the nation should make sure that 26 January is a "no show" in view of the Delhi "brave heart" who passed away last night. "We have a failed government rooted in corruption! It's time for revolution," her Facebook status read.

Similar views were echoed by Kapil Agrawal, an employee of Tata Technology, who is based in Coventry, United Kingdom. "Please boycott the Republic day, if they (the government) cannot allow us to come together to register a peaceful protest, there is no point in attending their pompous show," Kapil wrote on his Facebook wall.

By evening, hundreds of Twitter users had expressed their anger on the popular micro blogging site and #boycottrepublicday became one of the most used hashtags. A user rammitsharma wrote — "Ensure a 'no show' on Republic Day. Why should crowds gather to hear them at their convenience?" Similarly, another user Geetanjali said, "Had an influential politician died, Republic Day would have been cancelled. Will the government do it now? Lets #boycottrepublicday."

A tweet by the popular parody website fakingnews.com (Fakingnews) said, "Republic day parade tableau for Delhi should show two eyes in tears and tear gas shells lying on the ground." This was one of the most re-tweeted tweets.

A user Sa'd Mohammad wrote, "If the nation wants to protest then we should boycott Republic Day celebrations to show the government that we are not happy." Another user teemus said, "Dear non-rapists of NCR please boycott the 2013 Republic Day celebrations. Do not go and watch the parade."

The cause found support in the intelligentsia too. Professor N.K. Pandey (Nkpandey), an IIT Delhi alumnus tweeted, "If people can't show their concern, anguish and protest at India Gate in Indian republic, what's the use of celebrating republic day!"

The message was shared through text messages too. One such message read "The nation should boycott the republic day celebrations in totality. Ensure a 'no show.' What is the nation celebrating anyway? Failed government that is loathing in corruption."



I support Wg Cdr CK Sharma’s appeal to boycott India’s “Republic Day” this year

Received this appeal over the internet:

In view of death of Delhi's braveheart, nation should boycott Republic Day celebrations in totality! Ensure a "NO SHOW". They don't want the citizens gathering even for a peaceful protest, so why should crowds gather to hear them at their convenience? And what is the Nation celebrating anyway?
We have a failed Government loathing in Corruption! It is time for a Revolution!

Let the PM & the President address vacant spaces & buildings. They don't want our presence now but let us be absent when it matters most. Let the world get a taste of our disgust. Let us shame them by playing their game."

Let us prepare for a New India!


Wg Cdr CK Sharma
I fully agree with this appeal.

As some FTI members note: Let all government functions on Republic Day across the country face a boycott. Celebrations under the situation we are in, today, is mockery of people. The Republic has failed, We should observe its passing. We form the Republic but Republic is not us, it is our creation. It is time to build the second Republic of India. Let this message spread across all Indians;

Only PM and his securities will be there to address the empty "gatherings".

Let us signal that change is needed. NOW.

Let us demand that India become a Sone Ki Chidiya once again. NOW.

FTI has operated a Facebook page to boycott the corrupt politicians of India for a very long time now. This is the time to operationalise this boycott.

NEVER should ANY citizen salute any corrupt politician.

Extrapolating what an FTI member has noted: There is nothing to celebrate. Let only politicians "celebrate" their loot and destruction of India.



Fed up with the government's inaction, protesters across the nation are signaling that they are in for a long haul. To make it bring strong laws against rape. The movers of the anti-rape movement are now calling for a boycott of the Republic Day. One of the more telling statements on Twitter says, women should boycott the Republic Day parade. Because a country that can't protect its women has no business to show off its military might.NewsX believes that the Republic Day is a day when India recognises its martyrs and the soverignity of the people. But our Government, instead of working for its people, by taking appropriate steps to stop the violence against women, is keeping the nation backward by neglecting a legitimate demand.





women should boycott the Republic Day parade. Because a country that can't protect its women has no business to show off its military might.



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What? They want foreigners to come to rape them? :what: Wah bhartiya naari.
Very idiotic request tbh. Why should all boycott Republic Day....bcz some attention seekers r inspiring us to do so ? An incident occurred which sparked the protests...for good, made govt realize some mistakes, measure r being taken, accused r in custody, charge-sheet has been filed/in process of getting filed, tough laws r being formulated...wht more r we expecting ? Republic Day is not just abt showing off our military arsenal. Its for celebrating establishment and implementation of our constitution. Such demands like what TS and many others r making r not only shameful but unpatriotic as well.
If you read the article you realise their is a call to boycott but not to Raise Black Flag . Its Figment of imagination of OP who is who to be way to imaginative .

And Sprinkling every single paragraph with Black flag and thinking no one will notice it . LOL . Best of Luck with your trolling .
Instead of Being Creative you are getting too predictable .
Isn't that an Indian internal issue???? Why should we care??

However, Indians coming out in support of that rape victim is really commendable.
Our constitution giving every rights to protest about anything and freedom of speech(including this statement) so you should be thankful for republic day that day which given real taste of freedom.
This is just the beginning. Those who eve tease, molest and rape women will know what is coming to them in due course of time. They must not assume that they have only women fighting against them. It is no longer women fighting against rapists and their supporters, it is now progressive men v/s rapists and their supporters. It will result in bloodshed but hopefully it will help us get rid of the rapists and their supporters once and for all.

I said in one previous thread, now removed, that rapists and those who commit violence against women are enemies of our society. They are our enemies and we must eliminate them. It does not matter if rapists and those who commit violence against women happen to be Indians, it does not matter if they have valid Indian Passports and Voters’ ID cards, they would still pose more serious threat to us than any non Indian.

A rapist is an enemy even if he manages to sing the Indian national anthem, even if he holds the tricolor, neither his Indian identity nor his patriotism can justify his crime against humanity, against the society, against us, against our mothers and sisters. He is our enemy and he deserves death and death only.

What is India? Does India mean just a land with mountains, deserts, rivers, forests, cities and their buildings, villages and their huts, markets, roads, vehicles etc? What about the people, the citizens of India? What about their safety and security? In the so called peace time, how could one protect them from numerous enemies who live among them? This is what that the protagonist in the Hindi film Prahaar asked to the judge at the culminating point of the film's story-line. The protagonist, an Army Major who had to kill some anti social elements in the film, was booked for murder charges and there he argued why not he should take on the enemies who live in India but pose a more dangerous threat to the Indians than those who live beyond the India's border.

The domestic enemies who are actual threats to our existence are the ones who live around us and who are eating up the nation gradually. These anti social elements who eve-tease, rape and molest women and commit all other crimes against women as well, have challenged the progressive Indians. That is an open declaration of war on progressive Indians. The president has dedicated 2013 to the improvement of safety and security of women in India and we must play a proactive role to eliminate all these anti social elements from our society to get rid of the real enemies of the nation within a short span of time.

Let us hope that the year 2014 does not see a single rapist alive. Let us ensure that this year 2013 gives us opportunity to identify, catch and eliminate all the rapists and their supporters. Lets transform Prahaar from reel life to real life. Rapists and other anti social elements only understand the language of violence and its time for us to teach them the lesson of violence.

BTW, Prahaar is the only Hindi film where the Former Army Chief V K Singh appeared for a few seconds for the role of a Col.

I support what V K Singh said.

Police used excessive force on protesters: VK Singh- Delhi- IBNLive

"We need to respect women and if we can't do that, we shouldn't consider ourselves humans.

There is a need to instill fear in the minds of those who commit crimes against women," he said.

"Even the death penalty is less" for rapists, he said.
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Chemist held for planning to blow up accused’s locality - Indian Express

A chemist from South Delhi has been arrested for allegedly threatening to blow off the Ravi Dass Camp in RK Puram, which was home to those accused of torturing and raping a 23-year-old woman. Rajesh Powar (37) was caught from Camp after he distributed handouts to the residents ordering them to vacate the camp else he would blow it off. Police later recovered two crude bombs from his possession. During questioning, Powar told police that he intended to blow off the colony to draw government's attention to ensure the most severe punishment for rape accused. Powar lived in Freedom Fighters Colony, Neb Sarai, and worked as a chemist.
क्या ख़ाक मनाएं 26 जनवरी (गणतंत्र दिवस) ! boycott republic day (26 January) !


दिल्ली में एक लड़की की सरे-राह इज्ज़त लूट ली जाती है और आरोपियों को अभी तक सज़ा नहीं दी जाती है। ऐसे में उसके परिवार पे क्या बीतती होगी? उसके होने वाले शौहर पे क्या बीतती होगी?? इसकी रूह पे क्या बीतती होगी??

आईये हम सब मिलके इस बार गणतंत्र दिवस का बॉयकाट करें!

आईये हम सब मिलके इस बार इस मिथक को काफूर करें कि मात्र गणतंत्र दिवस मना लेने से देशभक्ति की श्रेणी में गिने जायेंगे??

आईये हम बलात्कार करने वाले को सज़ा-ए-मौत देने के लिए भरकस कोशिश करें।
such an idiotic demand.

to the indians who support this,this is like saying that we should leave our country because we lost to china in 1962,and our country can not provide us security.
every country has short comings,but it doesnt mean that u boycott republic day or independence day.protesting is one thing,but boycotting republic day is idiotic.
Pakistan mein bhi yeh roz ki baat hai.. Tum bhi Independence day aur apna republic day mat banana.. Let Indians decide what they want to do..
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