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Indians carrying ‘ganja’ arrested in Sri Lanka

What exactly does this medicine cure?

And there is a difference between a physical addiction and a psychological addiction. Marijuana smokers tend to exhibit the latter.

And real drug abusers tend to exhibit both. You want to know marijuana's symptoms, honestly? Happy, hungry, sleepy. That's it. Most other drugs don't exhibit such symptoms. In fact, most drugs don't make you hungry or sleepy. And an average person would have to smoke 5000 pounds of marijuana to overdose. You'd probably fall asleep before getting through even two.
I didn't know so many Indians on this forum are drug addicts or bhangees. :lol:

Lol after reading their posts it isn't that hard to understand that many of them are a full time charsis.

Weed's a seed that grows in the ground,
If god didn't want it then it wouldn't be around.

So if man created booze and god made weed - who do you trust?

Life's a *****. Then you die. Screw the world. Let’s get high.

Why bother drink driving when you can smoke and fly?

A friend that has weed is a friend indeed.

A smoke up in the morning.
I smoke up in the night.
I smoke up in the afternoon.
It makes me feel alright.

I smoke a joint it, it gets me high.
Now I'm ready to live my life.

Roll, roll, roll a joint.
Pass it down the line.
Take a puff and hold it in.
And Blow your fucken mind.
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