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Indians arrested for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown

How pathetic! I mean she just asked about the shutdown.

I asked my buddies in Mumbai who said that all shops were shut, making buying of essential goods difficult.

How the hell does it insult the sentiments of the Hindus?

The effing politicians are bloody destroying temples and supporting mullas here in NE against local communities.

Where the fck is that supposed to be registered in? :angry:
Why are you jumping to the conclusion when only the FIR has been filed?

i am not jumping to conclusions, i am saying that what happened was wrong, and my views would not change if it had happened here in Pakistan, people have right to express their feelings about democratically elected personal or political parties.

Yes- the peaceful reactions to cartoons and the need to qualify a real Pakistani as one that has to be Muslim , tells u us about your democracy. Let us know when a non Muslim can be a leader of your country will ya?

What does those cartoons have to do with this scenario? you are comparing religious topic with a political and law topic here, to answer you,

1. We are Islamic republic and as per our law a non muslim cannot be rule of the country, but that does not means that minorities are not represented in assembly. Our democracy is in its immature state which is striving to get mature, You on the other hand claim to be advocates of democracy. I do understand that you have mentioned that you moved to USA at very early age and consider yourself to be American and your relation to India is only by virtue of birth so in my statement when i say "You" or "Your" it is refereed to India not to America.

2. i support the notion that religious figures of every religion should be given respect and should not be a subject to insult. When was the last time you have seen me or any other Pakistani on this forum supporting the notion of burning stuff or destroying? It's ironic for a person like you to say something about religious related hatred and destruction who openly supports Israel's "defending" against Ghaza.

My dear friend, we all regardless of religion, cast, race or color should be able to call spade a spade. What's wrong is wrong, end of story.
The United Nations declared Jama'at-ud-Da'wah a terrorist organization in December 2008 and Hafiz Saeed a terrorist as its leader.

UN declares Jamaat-ud-Dawa a terrorist front group - The Long War Journal

yeah....and still US put a bounty to gather evidence against him..... so what does that tell us ;)

Indian who support this hideous act are trying to change topic to Hafiz saeed....Nothing new... After all they are also scared that they will get beaten if they'll speak against the mighty shiv sena...
I dont know what you are talking about :what: Pakistan never carved an independent piece of land for its non-Muslims. Why should we? I clearly mentioned that we will deal with them exactly like the Pakistanis did...

Lol- newsflash- you hv been dealing with them like that- but you are failing??-
Lol- credit goes to indian farmers- they have nothing else to do than farm in day light and more farming in twilight all night- Lol-

You are underestimating the educated sick b*****s as well. These guys are into noon shows and pack up the enthusiasm for the night. :rofl:

i am not jumping to conclusions, i am saying that what happened was wrong, and my views would not change if it had happened here in Pakistan, people have right to express their feelings about democratically elected personal or political parties.

Agreed totally.
Thackery was a shameless murdering scumbag. Nothing religious about the man, he only used religion as a cloak for his evil deeds.
Thackery was a shameless murdering scumbag. Nothing religious about the man, he only used religion as a cloak for his evil deeds.

Religion is the weed for the masses.. !!!

And there is only one constant in this UNIVERSE. ie CHANGE. Everything is meant to go away. So is religion. U think any religion founded on a book is meant to last ? More so since people want to go back as back in time.. (shariah and all ) rather than moving forward and change ?

How many years did Egyptian last before its decay ? I think it lasted easily for more than the entire documented human history. (I am counting from 1AD here). But is it there ? Answer is BIG FCUKING NO !!!

Anyways, my post is against any religion as such and particularly against abrahamanic religions per se..
Her comment said people like Thackeray are born and die daily and one should not observe a ‘bandh’ (city shutdown) for that,

Bad stupid Idea on a day so many in mumbai mourning his death !!!

That said she shoud't have been arrested ,i guess police acted to calm down the situation to prevent further escalation.
We are talking about a city where few months back some ppl went on rampage for violence happening in Burma .

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