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Indians: A lost cause? | Malaysia Today

Majority of Malaysian Indians are Tamil dalits who went there as indentured laborers to work in their plantation industry. They were extremely poor to begin with. The government's discriminatory policy and the faulty policies of the Tamil leaders has made sure the cycle of poverty continues.

Malaysia is probably the only country which actively discriminates against its racial and religious minority in education, jobs and business through its "Bhumi putra" policy. while the Chinese, being a business class can wade through this discrimination, the tamil plantation workers find it impossible to better their lives. On the other hand, Tamils who went to work as clerks and administrators for the British are very successful, along with merchant classes of Gujarat and Punjab. In fact the second richest Malaysian is a Tamil.

Malaysia is one, if not the most, disgusting modern country in the world for the reasons you stated. Instead of helping minority populations, the State actively implements discrimination against minority populations.

Where the heck is the self-proclaimed human rights watch dog, the U.S.? I would love to read its annual human rights whitepaper on Malaysia.

Personally, I will never visit Malaysia. My heart goes with those struggling dalits.
Malaysia is one, if not the most, disgusting modern country in the world for the reasons you stated. Instead of helping minority populations, the State actively implements discrimination against minority populations.

Where the heck is the self-proclaimed human rights watch dog, the U.S.? I would love to read its annual human rights whitepaper on Malaysia.

Personally, I will never visit Malaysia. My heart goes with those struggling dalits.

I have been to Malaysia. Though the city looked nice, there were places that were very shady and I felt pretty unsafe. I saw Malay gangs attacking a random brown man on the street. Most of the Tamils seemed afraid to speak up.
And I have a few Malaysian Chinese friends here in US . They had nothing good to say about their country. They never felt like Malaysian there and were more than happy to get out.
Malaysia is probably the only country which actively discriminates against its racial and religious minority in education, jobs and business through its "Bhumi putra" policy. while the Chinese, being a business class can wade through this discrimination, the tamil plantation workers find it impossible to better their lives. On the other hand, Tamils who went to work as clerks and administrators for the British are very successful, along with merchant classes of Gujarat and Punjab. In fact the second richest Malaysian is a Tamil.

Chinese generally do alright, despite the "Sons of the soil" policy that gives advantages to Native Malays. Because the Malaysian Chinese are financially well-off due to their control of the majority of the economy.

However, the poorer section of Chinese and Indians get affected negatively by the Sons of the Soil policy.

I believe there are even significant groups of Chinese Triads operating in Malaysia, created out of the lower end of the Malaysian Chinese community there.
Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

Malaysia is a progressive developing Muslim country, it does not need to be turned into India.
And you have rights to follow your religion in US...................Malaysia is not a Muslim country............Their State Religion is Islam.....But Syariah laws if applicable ,will be on Muslims only ................Read and increase you Knowledge...............Have you heard about Tony Fernandes & Air Asia...........................
Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

Malaysia is a progressive developing Muslim country, it does not need to be turned into India.

Chola Empire (A Tamil Empire) There is a reason why Indians (Tamils) are the third largest community. Read some history before posting and you are junior Think tank.

Please think before posting (Think! tank)

Indians need to stop bringing themselves to Muslim countries, the Muslims simply don't like them.

Mr icewolf please stay away from the affairs releated to my countrie
You seem to be obssed with the name india
Every thread you open seems to be about india
India india india india india india
My request to you please look after your own country
The Arabs who you call your brothers treat you like dogs I mean come on man leave us the F*** alone

Mr wannabe Riaz Haq
You obsessing over Pakistanis and joining Def.pk won't make us like you, in fact we pity you for the ugly nationality you are.

JR. THINK TANK??? What a misnomer? No wonder Def.pk is becoming more joke and more and more ugly nationalities joining here for ultimate amusement!
The point of OP:
No kafirs (Indians) should be in Muslim countries but Muslims can go and work in any non-Muslim country. Too much weird thinking tank :)
Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

Malaysia is a progressive developing Muslim country, it does not need to be turned into India.
It was never safe for an Indian, man or woman, she added, to hold a job in Malaysia because of the ostracism against Indians and people of her pigmentation, which she would insist included the Africans and even other Muslims who are not Malays.

Read carefully....it is not about hinduism or indians it is racism they even do it to the africans and muslims who are not malays...
i wonder how this guy was made a jr.tt..all the other guys are good..the pakistani jr.tt's may have different opinion than us,but have rarely seen them troll..


Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

Malaysia is a progressive developing Muslim country, it does not need to be turned into India.

and what exactly is india??according to u??
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Malaysians do not like Indians but are the only ones to issue only multiple entry visa:undecided: they want us to visit them again and again and again ;)
India has poor relations with her neighbours, Nepal, Pakistan, Kashmir, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh.

Australians and Malaysians are thought to be one of the tolerant countries, but even they seem to dislike Indians.

Why is that? What is the secret of Indians that make people dislike them?
They are embedded with your likes than anything else.
BTW, just to let you know, my roots lie with those who ruled over India for 200 years. work that one out sunshine.

Your Pakistani flags are indicating otherwise.:omghaha:
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