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Indians: A lost cause? | Malaysia Today

Majority of Indians are going to other countries with work visa, no as illegals. Which means the country needs their service as much as they need the job.
I dont think any country gives preference to Indians as such at least for low skilled workers, they are sourced from everywhere.

but thats my point, illegal or legal it helps india in terms of less internal strain and remittances......
Indian talking about aid?

do you know how much aid india takes per year from countries around the world in the name of poverty.?

Top 10 Nations of Foreign Aid Recipients | Madote

pakistan is not ranked in the top 10 but india is.
there was one source of WB from 2011-12.which mentioned india got 3.9billions aid in 2011-12 while pakistan only 900millions

hence it is now official indians are pathological beggers

deduce per capita....
but thats my point, illegal or legal it helps india in terms of less internal strain and remittances......

no, you said other countries 'helping' India. Its not exactly help if you need workforce and dont have it. If there was preferential treatment to Indians by some country, then it will be called help.
Many countries did/do help India by investing in water. sanitation, education etc.
Majority of Malaysian Indians are Tamil dalits who went there as indentured laborers to work in their plantation industry. They were extremely poor to begin with. The government's discriminatory policy and the faulty policies of the Tamil leaders has made sure the cycle of poverty continues.

Malaysia is probably the only country which actively discriminates against its racial and religious minority in education, jobs and business through its "Bhumi putra" policy. while the Chinese, being a business class can wade through this discrimination, the tamil plantation workers find it impossible to better their lives. On the other hand, Tamils who went to work as clerks and administrators for the British are very successful, along with merchant classes of Gujarat and Punjab. In fact the second richest Malaysian is a Tamil.
This thread was just going fine.... unless the greens jumped in and started taking moral high ground.. oblivious to the fact this happens to their brethren in nearly all the countries!!
lol... look at the guy who started it, and his other threads... what do you think is the intension... :rofl:

Who cares what the intention was, the point is that this thread is infested now.

Instead of closing a perfectly good thread, they should ban the orange trolls.

It's much easier to just close the thread.
Malaysia should impose a one-child policy on Hindu women in Malaysia. Indians in Malaysia like to have multiple children in spite of the fact many of them are unemployed or work menial jobs, they are going to turn the country into little-India if it keeps up at this rate. Luckily ethnic Malays hold power and charge and are awake to the troubles Indian community there poses. UMNO already taking action against them.

Sri Lanka should deal with Indians like Malaysia is doing...
Malaysia should impose a one-child policy on Hindu women in Malaysia. Indians in Malaysia like to have multiple children in spite of the fact many of them are unemployed or work menial jobs, they are going to turn the country into little-India if it keeps up at this rate. Luckily ethnic Malays hold power and charge and are awake to the troubles Indian community there poses. UMNO already taking action against them.

Sri Lanka should deal with Indians like Malaysia is doing...


BURN !!!

Sri Lanka should deal with Indians like Malaysia is doing...

Indians got Their *** kicked when they tried to secede from Sri Lanka..
Everyday Sri Lanka kills Indian fisherman.

No mercy for Indians who cause chaos in other countries.
Who cares what the intention was, the point is that this thread is infested now.

It's much easier to just close the thread.
infested with what? this is a dedicated troll thread.. check post # 41 :cheers:
this is the quality of the forum now a days and I guess @WebMaster is only being realistic while making such people jr TT. :pakistan:
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