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Indians: A lost cause? | Malaysia Today

Malaysia's Indian minority -------------------------- ¶2. (SBU) Ethnic Indians constitute Malaysia's third largest ethnic group totaling nearly 8 per cent of Malaysia's 27 million people. The overwhelming majority of Malaysia's Indian population today are the descendants of Indian laborers brought to Malaysia during the British colonial period. Most Indian laborers brought to Malaysia were of Tamil origin; accordingly, the Tamil language and culture dominate Malaysia's ethnic Indian community today. Despite comprising 8 per cent of the population, Malaysia's ethnic Indian community holds only 1.2 per cent of the nation's wealth, and many of Malaysia's most hard-core poor are ethnic Indians. ¶3. (C) Since independence in 1957, the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) has remained the dominant Indian political party in Malaysia and has represented the Indian minority in the Malay-led ruling coalition, now called the National Front (BN). Since its founding in 1946, MIC has been committed to positive inter-racial cooperation and in promoting higher educational opportunities and an equitable share of Malaysia's economic wealth for ethnic Indians. MIC is currently led by its longest serving president, Samy Vellu, who has acted as MIC president since 1979. In recent years, MIC, and Samy Vellu in particular, have come under fire based over allegations of corruption and for a perceived decline in Malaysian Indian welfare. According to Embassy observations, Vellu does not enjoy high personal approval within the Indian community. Grievances grow with widening income gap ---------------------------------------- ¶4. (SBU) In recent years, as the gap between the rich and poor increased, Malaysia's ethnic Indians increasingly began criticizing the affirmative action policies ensconced in KUALA LUMP 00001684 002 OF 004 Malaysia's New Economic Policy (NEP), the application of which has focused almost exclusively on the majority Malay population. Thus, while MIC has remained an integral coalition member, many of the party's original goals remain unfulfilled and in some ways have shown negative progress. Traditional party loyalists have begun questioning the effectiveness of the party. The principle issues still facing the Indian community are adequate educational opportunities, equitable distribution of the nation's wealth, and inter-racial harmony. Vernacular Tamil schools have dwindled since Independence and decreased by nearly a third in just the last decade. Private support of traditional Indian schools has also declined as government-linked companies (GLCs) have taken over the plantations and estates that once employed the majority of Indians in the country. ¶5. (SBU) Government statistics reinforce many of the community's grievances, showing, among other things, that Indians constitute less than 5 percent of the 45,000 incoming university freshmen which annually enroll in public universities; 40 percent of criminals detained detain without trial under Malaysia's Emergency Ordinance are Indians; and Indians recorded the highest suicide rate in the country (21.1 for every 100,000) compared with Chinese (8.6) and Malays (2.6). Job opportunities in civil service for Indians saw a decline over the years with Indians holding 17.4 per cent of all civil service jobs in 1971, but only 5.12 per cent in 2005.

Indian Grievances And Racial Tensions; Gom Tries To Keep The Lid On

Hope Indian Govt. Takes necessary steps to solve this problem.

Improving trade relations with Malaysia is one way to help the Malaysian Indian community.

However, there are limits to relations with Malaysia as they are not interested in strategic relationship with India.
You obsessing over Pakistanis and joining Def.pk won't make us like you, in fact we pity you for the ugly nationality you are.

Now stay on topic.

Hey mr fugly national, do you know something about conversions ???
He just another Windjammer.

LoL....spoon feed time again for you......remember this is Pakistani Defence Forum.......me Pakistani.....you Indian......me no go to any Indian forum which are a cross between a zoo and a fish bowl, but you and the likes turn up in droves as your Pakistan obsession drags you here. :cheesy:
Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

Malaysia is a progressive developing Muslim country, it does not need to be turned into India.

Ok.. for starters what do U mean coming to Muslim countries? Do U own Malaysia? Or Saudi? Or Sudan? Still paddling your Ummah thing while other Islamic countries dont even care for your countrymen or the country, eho are over anxious to give up their lives for the sake of their `brothers`. Keep this in mind my Mujahid friend ... US/UK gives most of the AID to Pakistan , more than OIC combined.

And before poisoning this thread with your , oh why do Indians go to malaysia , it was a Hindu Country to begin with.. Just like Aboriginals are natives of OZ and Indians in US.

Begaani Shaadi mein Pakistani Diwana?

Oh editing just to let you know , Your Iron Brother gave U only 9 Mill. that year $ !!
Ok.. for starters what do U mean coming to Muslim countries? Do U own Malaysia? Or Saudi? Or Sudan? Still paddling your Ummah thing while other Islamic countries dont even care for your countrymen or the country, eho are over anxious to give up their lives for the sake of their `brothers`. Keep this in mind my Mujahid friend ... US/UK gives most of the AID to Pakistan , more than OIC combined.

And before poisoning this thread with your , oh why do Indians go to malaysia , it was a Hindu Country to begin with.. Just like Aboriginals are natives of OZ and Indians in US.

Begaani Shaadi mein Pakistani Diwana?

Indian talking about aid?

do you know how much aid india takes per year from countries around the world in the name of poverty.?

Top 10 Nations of Foreign Aid Recipients | Madote

pakistan is not ranked in the top 10 but india is.
there was one source of WB from 2011-12.which mentioned india got 3.9billions aid in 2011-12 while pakistan only 900millions

hence it is now official indians are pathological beggers
LoL....spoon feed time again for you......remember this is Pakistani Defence Forum.......me Pakistani.....you Indian......me no go to any Indian forum which are a cross between a zoo and a fish bowl, but you and the likes turn up in droves as your Pakistan obsession drags you here. :cheesy:

Yes, we like punchbags ;) but don't get them on D F I or IDF.
Indian talking about aid?

do you know how much aid india takes per year from countries around the world in the name of poverty.?

Top 10 Nations of Foreign Aid Recipients | Madote

pakistan is not ranked in the top 10 but india is.
there was one source of WB from 2011-12.which mentioned india got 3.9billions aid in 2011-12 while pakistan only 900millions

hence it is now official indians are pathological beggers

World bank gives loans , they don't give aid like US gave you 22billion $ since 2002 and many more countries also give aid to you from time to time.Your Nawaz is going to KSA with begging bowl.
Indian talking about aid?

do you know how much aid india takes per year from countries around the world in the name of poverty.?

Top 10 Nations of Foreign Aid Recipients | Madote

pakistan is not ranked in the top 10 but india is.
there was one source of WB from 2011-12.which mentioned india got 3.9billions aid in 2011-12 while pakistan only 900millions

hence it is now official indians are pathological beggers

But we also give Aid, rather than just receiving it.. Not like Hypocrite pakistanis , remember the time when U had a natural disaster , we send Ur countrymen blankets to cover them (which was a good gesture anyways , serving Humanity) but U guys took them with both hands but ripped the `made in India` tags ...

How much Aid does pakistan gives to other under privileged countries?

2008 DATA - India gave 500 Million $ , our aid in Afg. is around 2 Billion till date.. but heres where it gets funny , I tried to find how much of an Aid does Pak gives to other countries , Google has NO results for that..

oh , yeah ... the AID does NOT goes to Govt. it goes to NGO`s N o n G o v e r n m e n t O r g a n i s at i o n s , (typing really slow for U so U can understand).. coz the culture in Pak is different.. Ur Military and Govt. take all teh Aid and poor ghets nothing!!
I can understand the Malays were regarded as lazy because they are local to Malaysia and were given special privileges so they didn't have to work hard.

The Chinese worked too hard and earned too much money for their own good.

But Indians? What are the reasons behind of which they were considered untrustworthy?
india isnt giving aid to afghanistan, its making investments, strategic and otherwise.

i think the rest of the world helps india a lot by taking in so many indians, it must keep internal pressures down, but with countries like malaysia which is on the path to development but not quite there indians cant push their luck so much....they already get a good deal in arab and western countries, and remember that countries dont have to be accomdating and its not as if india is that accomodating to foreigners....
india isnt giving aid to afghanistan, its making investments, strategic and otherwise.

i think the rest of the world helps india a lot by taking in so many indians, it must keep internal pressures down, but with countries like malaysia which is on the path to development but not quite there indians cant push their luck so much....they already get a good deal in arab and western countries, and remember that countries dont have to be accomdating and its not as if india is that accomodating to foreigners....
Majority of Indians are going to other countries with work visa, no as illegals. Which means the country needs their service as much as they need the job.
I dont think any country gives preference to Indians as such at least for low skilled workers, they are sourced from everywhere.
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