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Indian workers strike over Modi labour reforms

in any capitalist system, like usa or india or pakistan, employee unions uphold the rights of the employee, the worker.

what is this growth that you want while causing injustice to the worker who brings you growth??

what you suggest is like the zamindari feudal system we know of very well in south asia or the factory workers from the middle part of the european industrial revolution??
by depriving voice to a worker who wants to protest injustice, what is the kind of society you want??

and who is this "someone else" person who will selfishly look to filling his own stomach ( at a pittance, of course ) while others around him suffer??
Employee unions that focus on employee welfare are a positive addition to any work environment. But unions that serve vested interests often go against employee rights.

Unions should ensure that salaries are paid on time, employees arent being overworked and are given adequate safety in hazardous work places. But going on strike when a company wants to remove someone because he/she is no longer needed, is nothing but a mafia tactic imho.

Proper democratic societies should constantly work on improving labour laws and forcing the Ministry of Labour to always be vigilant and protect worker's rights. By taking those duties upon ourselves, we are going into communism and anti-growth patterns.

Why shouldn't we also take law enforcement in our own hands as well? Why do we need doctors when we can cut ourselves open?

Leave the tasks to those who are qualified to perform them.

It seems mostly centered on state-run company employees.

Just waiting for all this to take a political color.

It's already politically colored. The strikes are being led by AITUC, it's a left-leaning organization.


If we were to abide by all the demands of AITUC, then we would have never reached where we currently are and perhaps disintegrated a long time ago.
But, these forces are required. They help to counter the extremities, maintains balance.
i agree to some your points but disagree with rest.

But going on strike when a company wants to remove someone because he/she is no longer needed, is nothing but a mafia tactic imho.

"not needed" cannot be just like that... there must be some reasonable reason, otherwise not only will it be illegal, it will also be anti-human.

how would go assess cases like these two ( from last year )...

1. from ( http://trak.in/tags/business/2014/02/13/ibm-job-cuts/ )...
“As per reports coming in, employees were asked to leave on the spot, their laptops confiscated by guards. Employees were seen crying and exiting the buildings with their personal belongings in hand."
and that was for tens of thousands over a period of a few days.

2. from ( http://trak.in/tags/business/2014/12/22/tcs-employee-firing-pink-slip/ )...
Evidence acquired by Trak.in indicates that India’s largest IT services company: TCS is firing employees en-masseUpto 25,000 to 30,000 employees can be fired in the next few months.

and look at this ( from jan this year ) !!

IBM may soon fire over 1 lakh employees in biggest ever layoff, says report - Business Today

By taking those duties upon ourselves, we are going into communism

and what is wrong with communism??

and anti-growth patterns.

again, what is this "growth"??

do you disagree with the "occupy" movements in the anglo countries??
1. not "subjects" but co-citizens, co-jamahirs.

2. india had the potential in the 50's to become one of the world's agricultural breadbaskets and a minerals exporter... what happened??
1. LOL

2. the gandi family happened

1. i don't understand what you mean by "arabs".

2. you should read gaddafi's essays and solutions.

3. libyan jamahiriya was perhaps the biggest supporter of revolutionaries and liberation movements all over the world, from the south american farc movement to the south african anc movement ( of nelson mandela )... the libya jamahiriya should be celebrated just for this.

4. how many times have i not spoken of the philosophical basis and theory of the "green book", the "great green charter" and the jamahiriya direct-democracy political arrangement of societies... this is the "third universal theory", elegant in theory and proved in application.

5. ( no invention from India in 60 years: n. r. narayana murthy )
1. saudi, qatar etc.. arab states ?

2. no

3. being an insignificant dictator run country, "supporting movements across the world" sounds a bit like they were trying to punch a little above their weight, good thing they fell flat on their face in the end.

4. no, but you should read Mark Douglas' Trading in the zone :agree:

5. did libya have a space program, or a pharma industry, or IT ?

btw, what that great capitalist entrepreneur is saying is that he wants us to do a lot, because we are capable... how you perceive it, however, is him taking a dump on India because he hates India.


Who is he to you anyway, a software coolie, right ? :azn:
It brings great joy to see the death of communism. Besides, these one day strikes are woefully insignificant.

If these people have any conviction, go on an indefinite strike. Lets see how long any such thing would last.
3. being an insignificant dictator run country, "supporting movements across the world" sounds a bit like they were trying to punch a little above their weight, good thing they fell flat on their face in the end.

newsweek cover in 1981.png

and search for "libya mathaba project" in google books.

4. no, but you should read Mark Douglas' Trading in the zone :agree:

thank you, but no thanks.

5. did libya have a space program

it could have had one... there were plans to start a visa-free city to invite businesses and innovators from all over the world... and then nato's peaceful democracy campaign began in 2011.

can you remind me what is 60 year old isro's launch luggage capacity compared to spacex ( a 12 year old private company )??

can i remind you that spacex is supposed to launch its first human in 2017??

can i also remind you that isro is nothing but a glorified satellite launcher??

or a pharma industry

okay, indian companies like cipla have provided service to the world.

no one should have a it industry... i am in computing, not it. :azn:

btw, what that great capitalist entrepreneur is saying is that he wants us to do a lot, because we are capable... how you perceive it, however, is him taking a dump on India because he hates India.

no, sir... he is wondering, sadly, why india hasn't contributed technologically.
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do you know the combined membership of the bank unions of india??

Are they all communists round the year? Nah they just behave like one every now and then.

Like I said, if they are let them go an indefinite strike and not indulge in such impotent gestures like striking for a day.

Any joker can strike for a day, it costs little in the government sector.
American company, can't compare India to them.

DRDO is also nowhere near lockheed martin, raytheon etc either

what's up with your fascination with american capitalist companies ? :)

he is wondering, sadly, why india hasn't contributed technologically.
because we're poor as hell, but still come a long way since we opened the economy and finally shifted course from left to right.

you should watch this interview with Jaitley

a bit of patience, have some faith in Modi sarkar, and maybe buy some blue chips for the long term while you wait for the spacex ipo so you can add some international flavor to your portfolio later :enjoy:
you know some of my line of work... let us say i have a comradely ( pdf dost ) interest in yours. :D

I still have absolutely no idea about your 'line of work', all I see is an endless hollow pipe filled with hopeless dreams and lies! :D

do you know the combined membership of the bank unions of india??

No wonder they are useless.

can you remind me what is 60 year old isro's launch luggage capacity compared to spacex ( a 12 year old private company )??

can i remind you that spacex is supposed to launch its first human in 2017??

can i also remind you that isro is nothing but a glorified satellite launcher??


@MilSpec @Skull and Bones :D

American company, can't compare India to them.

DRDO is also nowhere near lockheed martin, raytheon etc either

what's up with your fascination with american capitalist companies ? :)

because we're poor as hell, but still come a long way since we opened the economy and finally shifted course from left to right.

you should watch this interview with Jaitley

a bit of patience, have some faith in Modi sarkar, and maybe buy some blue chips for the long term while you wait for the spacex ipo so you can add some international flavor to your portfolio later :enjoy:

My goodness!! You are asking him to have some faith in Modi sarkar!!! He would rather jump in front of a state bus!! :D
I still have absolutely no idea about your 'line of work', all I see is an endless hollow pipe filled with hopeless dreams and lies! :D

huzoor, zara apna bhi taaruf deejiye... kabh tak mere pe personal attacks karenge aur apne "work" ko chupaayenge??

ji, huzoor... boliye...
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