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Indian workers strike over Modi labour reforms

Cant wait for the day these commies and congressis get wiped out. Will celebrate openly

and how will the commies and congis get wiped out?? :)

Any estimates of how much losses this strike incurred to the economy?

kya baat hai !! you are capitalist to the core, it seems.

janaab, the new indian sector, the it/services industry, does not have a employees union system... actually, i was trying to start one in a media services company i did job in until middle of last year.

ibm-usa has a employees union but ibm-india does not. :lol: :sad:

if you are part of this neo industry, you don't really have any protection against injustices.
and how will the commies and congis get wiped out?? :)

kya baat hai !! you are capitalist to the core, it seems.

janaab, the new indian sector, the it/services industry, does not have a employees union system... actually, i was trying to start one in a media services company i did job in until middle of last year.

ibm-usa has a employees union but ibm-india does not. :lol: :sad:

if you are part of this neo industry, you don't really have any protection against injustices.

Communism is a dead ideology across the world. Capitalism is the way forward.

Name me one successful Communist state.

Unionbaazi is just another form of laziness. They dont want to do any work just laal jhnada le kar hade ho jaate hain. Any they bloody expect to be paid for that also.
and how will the commies and congis get wiped out?? :)

kya baat hai !! you are capitalist to the core, it seems.

janaab, the new indian sector, the it/services industry, does not have a employees union system... actually, i was trying to start one in a media services company i did job in until middle of last year.

ibm-usa has a employees union but ibm-india does not. :lol: :sad:

if you are part of this neo industry, you don't really have any protection against injustices.

Not again! :hitwall:
Not again! :hitwall:

why, are you not concerned for your fellow worker and is he not concerned for you??

how many a "may day" have you all passed by without using them to establish rights for yourselves??

Name me one successful Communist state.

the closest to a true communist state had been the libyan jamahiriya.

Communism is a dead ideology across the world. Capitalism is the way forward.

no... true communism is a natural system and capitalism is artificial and obsolete.

in the last few years, southern europe has seen a surge in socialist activity, including direct action ( like in greece )... even the anglo countries had many formerly politically inactive citizens demanding end to at least the extremes of capitalism, like stock exchanges.

and 2017 will boost world socialist activism.
Commies on the run ,don;t worry guys it will die as it did in every other nation.
Err...dear chap, he specified "successful". Don't think Libya looks that from any side......
maybe his definition of successful is a raging civil war and atrocities by the ruling dictator
Err...dear chap, he specified "successful". Don't think Libya looks that from any side......

and why do you think that libya from september 1st 1969 to the war of 2011 was not successful??

and that war of 2011 was the "right to protect" ( r2p ) invasion of nato that was intended to protect libyan civilians ( :lol: ) by first terrorizing and torturing them through thousands of foreign "rebels" coming from indonesia to afghanistan to uk to usa, supplementing them with nato special forces and then adding to that the cruise rocket attacks and then air strikes and naval bombardments??

and when i say nato invasion, i mean 40+ militaries, and they helped murder 150,000+ libyan citizens... this was one of the biggest nato operations... the "arab spring" was the biggest nato intel conspiracy.

october 2011 was when libya was regime-changed by nato intels to have a "government" consisting of reactionaries/terrorists.

from the economically richest country in africa to suddenly in 2011 a war-torn land... yes, libya is no longer successful, because nato brought "democracy" to it.

maybe his definition of successful is a raging civil war and atrocities by the ruling dictator

and your definition of "civil war" is invasion by thousands of foreign terrorists/cockroaches and 40+ militaries of nato??
and how will the commies and congis get wiped out?? :)

kya baat hai !! you are capitalist to the core, it seems.

janaab, the new indian sector, the it/services industry, does not have a employees union system... actually, i was trying to start one in a media services company i did job in until middle of last year.

ibm-usa has a employees union but ibm-india does not. :lol: :sad:

if you are part of this neo industry, you don't really have any protection against injustices.
Not all US states have labor unions. Apart from obstructing growth, they have contributed almost nothing in terms of welfare to employees.

By depriving a company from making money, you are taking someone else's chance of getting a job as well.
Libya had oil wealth that Gaddafi used to dole out to his subjects, apart from that they were just like any other arabs.. no science, no technology, no arts, no culture.. no contribution in any other field, even their military was pathetic, how could it be anything but with a sex maniac dictator colonel leading them ?

and jihadi rage was always simmering just under the surface.. fucking jamahirya got exactly what it deserved, total destruction.
and why do you think that libya from september 1st 1969 to the war of 2011 was not successful??

and that war of 2011 was the "right to protect" ( r2p ) invasion of nato that was intended to protect libyan civilians ( :lol: ) by first terrorizing and torturing them through thousands of foreign "rebels" coming from indonesia to afghanistan to uk to usa, supplementing them with nato special forces and then adding to that the cruise rocket attacks and then air strikes and naval bombardments??

and when i say nato invasion, i mean 40+ militaries, and they helped murder 150,000+ libyan citizens... this was one of the biggest nato operations... the "arab spring" was the biggest nato intel conspiracy.

october 2011 was when libya was regime-changed by nato intels to have a "government" consisting of reactionaries/terrorists.

from the economically richest country in africa to suddenly in 2011 a war-torn land... yes, libya is no longer successful, because nato brought "democracy" to it.

and your definition of "civil war" is invasion by thousands of foreign terrorists/cockroaches and 40+ militaries of nato??
Contrary to that opinion, Libya was not rich. Only Gaddafi and his cronies got rich while the masses suffered.

Why do you think Russia and China parted ways with socialist financial systems?
Not all US states have labor unions. Apart from obstructing growth, they have contributed almost nothing in terms of welfare to employees.

in any capitalist system, like usa or india or pakistan, employee unions uphold the rights of the employee, the worker.

what is this growth that you want while causing injustice to the worker who brings you growth??

what you suggest is like the zamindari feudal system we know of very well in south asia or the factory workers from the middle part of the european industrial revolution??

By depriving a company from making money, you are taking someone else's chance of getting a job as well.

by depriving voice to a worker who wants to protest injustice, what is the kind of society you want??

and who is this "someone else" person who will selfishly look to filling his own stomach ( at a pittance, of course ) while others around him suffer??

Libya had oil wealth that Gaddafi used to dole out to his subjects

1. not "subjects" but co-citizens, co-jamahirs.

2. india had the potential in the 50's to become one of the world's agricultural breadbaskets and a minerals exporter... what happened??

apart from that they were just like any other arabs.. no science, no technology, no arts, no culture.. no contribution in any other field,

1. i don't understand what you mean by "arabs".

2. you should read gaddafi's essays and solutions.

3. libyan jamahiriya was perhaps the biggest supporter of revolutionaries and liberation movements all over the world, from the south american farc movement to the south african anc movement ( of nelson mandela )... the libya jamahiriya should be celebrated just for this.

4. how many times have i not spoken of the philosophical basis and theory of the "green book", the "great green charter" and the jamahiriya direct-democracy political arrangement of societies... this is the "third universal theory", elegant in theory and proved in application.

5. ( no invention from India in 60 years: n. r. narayana murthy )

Contrary to that opinion, Libya was not rich. Only Gaddafi and his cronies got rich while the masses suffered.

rubbish, dear sir.
why, are you not concerned for your fellow worker and is he not concerned for you??

how many a "may day" have you all passed by without using them to establish rights for yourselves??

We are doing fine. Thank you.
and jihadi rage was always simmering just under the surface

oh, yea... reactionary groups like lifg always being funded by cia and mi6 and french intelligence to help overthrow the jamahiriya system.

you sincerely do not understand world politics.

We are doing fine. Thank you.

i have wanted to ask you this... perhaps i have asked you already... what is your line of work??
Kerala it was like bandh... barring few private vehicles, no vehicle on road, shops closed, trains empty
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