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Indian woman burnt to death for giving birth to girls

Yes, violence against women is rampant in India, although there are very strict laws against it. Also India's population is 1200 million, so the absolute number is high. Also we have an open media and our reporters don't get killed by government forces for reporting the truth (get the drift?)

But most importantly, this is PDF, and homicides in India make it to world affairs :lol::lol::lol:

it not the excuse, seen many time Indians are mentioning this when they talk.
enough everyone i knew this topic would become oh yeah it happens in ur country too and yeah well take that...... indians i am sorry to hear this and would like to say plz stay on topic guys its not defending when u say your country has this or that....
i am sorry for the young mother and hope that GOI would do something about this but doubt it since the subcontinental governments dont do much but hope they will
Although China and India goverment are hostile , but i never wanna this kind of tragedy happen on an innocent woman. The criminal should be verdict death.
Same way as Pakistani law.. Its illegal to determine the gender of the baby. The problem is that abortion is not illegal and is well within the rights of parents (to be).. So in India, its illegal for clinics and hospitals to tell the gender of the baby before birth to the parents. However its extremely difficult to implement.

well in Iran it's the exact opposite ,there is o problem telling the gender of the child ,but its completely illegal to do the abortion and you get charged with murder for doing that.
Baharampur, West Bengal: A young woman was burnt to death, apparently for giving birth to baby girls consecutively, at Khargram in Murshidabad district of West Bengal on Sunday.
Police said 25-year-old Rupali Bibi was set ablaze, allegedly by her in-laws and husband, on Sunday morning.
Her charred body was later recovered from the house. Bibi's family later lodged a complaint with Khargram police station that she was killed for giving birth to two girls one after another in past and the in-laws had been plotting to eliminate her for quite some time.

The in-laws family was absconding but none of the accused will be spared, Superintendent of Police Humayun Kabir said.

WB: Woman burnt to death for giving birth to girls - India News - IBNLive

This is not an isolated case in India. It is common. Disgusting and perpertrators must be made an example of

Baharampur, West Bengal: A young woman was burnt to death, apparently for giving birth to baby girls consecutively, at Khargram in Murshidabad district of West Bengal on Sunday.
Police said 25-year-old Rupali Bibi was set ablaze, allegedly by her in-laws and husband, on Sunday morning.
Her charred body was later recovered from the house. Bibi's family later lodged a complaint with Khargram police station that she was killed for giving birth to two girls one after another in past and the in-laws had been plotting to eliminate her for quite some time.

The in-laws family was absconding but none of the accused will be spared, Superintendent of Police Humayun Kabir said.

WB: Woman burnt to death for giving birth to girls - India News - IBNLive

This is not an isolated case in India. It is common. Disgusting and perpetrators must be made an example of
I read somewhere killing/eliminating of female girls/fetocides in india is rampant! how far is it true and who are these crminals what religion/castes do they belong to ?

It depends upon region to region but the sex ratio has improved in many states in 2011 when compared to 2001 census like Punjab and Haryana which shows people are realizing the bad consequences of these bad practices.
for Gods sake can't somebody hammer it in to the head of these peoples that the gender of the child depend on the father not mother
Indian Govt should protect human rights in India before teaching others about human rights

I know this is very sad

wait a sec guys, this is really getting out of limit now. any post in world affairs abt india is human right violations. before posting this i just searched on google "pakistan women burnt" and found a billion articles abt same ther. better post abt pakistans acts too. plz dont make us realize everyday that this is pdf, make us feel this is a respectable, unbiased international forum.
thank you

Ok well read this mate:

Women to men ratio were feared to reach 20:80 by the year 2020 as female fetus killing is rampant. Ten million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, either before they were born or immediately after, told Indian Minister for Women and Child Development Renuka Chowdhury to Reuters. According to the 2001 census, the national sex ratio was 933 girls to 1,000 boys, while in the worst-affected northern state of Punjab, it was 798 girls to 1,000 boys. The availability of ultrasound sex-determination tests leads to such mass killings in India.

Around 11 million abortions are carried out in India every year and nearly 80,000 women die during the process, says a report from Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
for Gods sake can't somebody hammer it in to the head of these peoples that the gender of the child depend on the father not mother

Brother you are learning about the real India contrary to the Incredible Shining India we are told about here on this forum by Indians. Women are abused big time in India:

Discrimination against Women

According to the 2001 census, female literacy in India is 54.16 % against male literacy of 75.85 %. Most of the working women remain outside the organized sector: A mere 2.3 % women are administrators and managers, and 20.5 % professional and technical workers.

There are an estimated 40 million Hindu widows in India, the least fortunate of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married. It’s believed that 15,000 widows live on the streets of Vrindavan, a Hindu holy city of about 55,000 population in northern India. Many widows – at least 40per cent are said to be under 50 – are dumped by their relatives in religious towns and left to live off charity or beg on the streets. Their plight was highlighted in Deepa Mehta’s award-winning film Water, which had to be shot mainly outside India because of Hindu extremist opposition to the production.

Nearly 9 out of 10 pregnant women aged between 15 and 49 years suffer from malnutrition and about half of all children (47%) under-five suffer from underweight and 21 % of the populations are undernourished. India alone has more undernourished people (204 million) than all of sub-Saharan Africa combined. Nearly 20 % of women dying in childbirth around the globe are Indians. Six out of every 10 births take place at home and untrained people attend more than half of them. 44 % of the Indian girls were married before they reached the age of 18. It added, 16 % of girls in the age group 15-19 years were already mothers or expecting their first child and that pregnancy is the leading cause of mortality in this age group.

On an average one Indian woman commits suicide every four hours over a dowry dispute. During Indian marriage, women should bring jewellery, cash and even consumer durables as part of dowry to the in-laws. If they fail, the victims are burnt to death – they are doused in kerosene and set fire to. Routinely the in-laws claim that the death happened simply due to an accident.

Rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Every hour Indian women face two rapes, two kidnappings, four molestations and seven incidents of cruelty from husbands and relative
s [National Crime Records Bureau Report 2006]
I read somewhere killing/eliminating of female girls/fetocides in india is rampant! how far is it true and who are these crminals what religion/castes do they belong to ?

You are right. It is a must to eliminate these social evils or we could end up like China = totally funny female to male ratio because everybody wanted boys because of the one child policy.

Welcome to india, where giving birth to baby girls mean getting burned to death by your fellow countrymen. This is why I have 0 tolerance and respect for indians. In the UAE if an indian pulled off a stunt like this it would have it's hands chopped off.

India resembles the wild, uncivilized regions of Africa, it is a cruel and barbaric hellhole. Again, welcome to india!

I share your sentiments. It is a must that such practices should stop and I commend the U.A.E because forget an Indian, if even a Chinese would try to commit the female foeticide like the ones that has been in China due to the one child policy, U.A.E authorities will chop off the Chinese hands too.

All this shameful events whether it is due to a government policy (like in China) or due to the social thinking like in the case of this Rafia Bibi should stop irrespective of the religion or the region.
You are right. It is a must to eliminate these social evils or we could end up like China = totally funny female to male ratio because everybody wanted boys because of the one child policy.

Do not try to derail the topic and bring China into it. Indians as a group are disgusting to participate in this evil and then try to detract attention by mentioning China or other countries

Brother you are learning about the real India contrary to the Incredible Shining India we are told about here on this forum by Indians. Women are abused big time in India:

Discrimination against Women

According to the 2001 census, female literacy in India is 54.16 % against male literacy of 75.85 %. Most of the working women remain outside the organized sector: A mere 2.3 % women are administrators and managers, and 20.5 % professional and technical workers.

There are an estimated 40 million Hindu widows in India, the least fortunate of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married. It’s believed that 15,000 widows live on the streets of Vrindavan, a Hindu holy city of about 55,000 population in northern India. Many widows – at least 40per cent are said to be under 50 – are dumped by their relatives in religious towns and left to live off charity or beg on the streets. Their plight was highlighted in Deepa Mehta’s award-winning film Water, which had to be shot mainly outside India because of Hindu extremist opposition to the production.

Nearly 9 out of 10 pregnant women aged between 15 and 49 years suffer from malnutrition and about half of all children (47%) under-five suffer from underweight and 21 % of the populations are undernourished. India alone has more undernourished people (204 million) than all of sub-Saharan Africa combined. Nearly 20 % of women dying in childbirth around the globe are Indians. Six out of every 10 births take place at home and untrained people attend more than half of them. 44 % of the Indian girls were married before they reached the age of 18. It added, 16 % of girls in the age group 15-19 years were already mothers or expecting their first child and that pregnancy is the leading cause of mortality in this age group.

On an average one Indian woman commits suicide every four hours over a dowry dispute. During Indian marriage, women should bring jewellery, cash and even consumer durables as part of dowry to the in-laws. If they fail, the victims are burnt to death – they are doused in kerosene and set fire to. Routinely the in-laws claim that the death happened simply due to an accident.

Rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Every hour Indian women face two rapes, two kidnappings, four molestations and seven incidents of cruelty from husbands and relative
s [National Crime Records Bureau Report 2006]

This is what you need to address
What a sick individual. I hope GoI prosecutes this asshole to the fullest.

Indeed this kind of drastic crime needs an equally drastic justice. Actually I would be all for throwing acid on this criminal who put the woman on fire. Such men actually deserve the acid on their face rather than the women like those in Pakistan. Dreadful social evil all this. So much medieaval ages!!
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