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Indian woman burnt to death for giving birth to girls

How does the Indian/Chinese law deal with a couple caught with killing a female unborn/born child ?

Killing an unborn child is called abortion and is legal almost everywhere in the world.. Killing a born child (whichever gender) is murder and treated as such

wait a sec guys, this is really getting out of limit now. any post in world affairs abt india is human right violations. before posting this i just searched on google "pakistan women burnt" and found a billion articles abt same ther. better post abt pakistans acts too. plz dont make us realize everyday that this is pdf, make us feel this is a respectable, unbiased international forum.
thank you

Ah! the naivety of the young and new.. I remember the time I was like this ;)

The indian government should really go strict on these disgusting killings. I saw this video and I was shocked:

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How does the Indian/Chinese law deal with a couple caught with killing a female unborn/born child ?

I am not sure. But if we were to punish people upon our own set of morals, we would no longer need government or law. I hope this guys get max punishment, but under the rules of the law.
Killing an unborn child is called abortion and is legal almost everywhere in the world.. Killing a born child (whichever gender) is murder and treated as such

I will be following this story and see what happens to the digusting people who committed this disgusting crime..

wait a sec guys, this is really getting out of limit now. any post in world affairs abt india is human right violations. before posting this i just searched on google "pakistan women burnt" and found a billion articles abt same ther. better post abt pakistans acts too. plz dont make us realize everyday that this is pdf, make us feel this is a respectable, unbiased international forum.
thank you

Whats the point here ?
I will be following this story and see what happens to the digusting people who committed this disgusting crime..

Please let us also know.. Though I am pretty certain that the culprits will be caught and spend a large part of their balance life in jail
Ah! the naivety of the young and new.. I remember the time I was like this ;)

loll i am not new on this forum :disagree:, i feel sad that these guys hide their cruel acts and make us feel like we r the worst ppl in world. i have never seen a pakistani posting abt women burnt in his country. they r more worried abt our women than theirs. lol both pakistan and sri lanka are in a state of civil war and to satisfy their ego they make the most powerfull country in the region look like a brutal unstable state. i am not in the modd of trolling right now
loll i am not new on this forum :disagree:, i feel sad that these guys hide their cruel acts and make us feel like we r the worst ppl in world. i have never seen a pakistani posting abt women burnt in his country. they r more worried abt our women than theirs. lol both pakistan and sri lanka are in a state of civil war and to satisfy their ego they make the most powerfull country in the region look like a brutal unstable state. i am not in the modd of trolling right now

Dear Punjabi Janani,

If you knew that Indians post crap about us weekly, you would also know that that we denounce these types of atrocities in our country. You seem more concerned about the image of your country than the life that was lost. You seem to be a confused soul.
wait a sec guys, this is really getting out of limit now. any post in world affairs abt india is human right violations. before posting this i just searched on google "pakistan women burnt" and found a billion articles abt same ther. better post abt pakistans acts too. plz dont make us realize everyday that this is pdf, make us feel this is a respectable, unbiased international forum.
thank you
lol off topic but now that u have mentioned it, thats where the difference between an indian and pakistani comes in, a typical indian would ignore wts happening in their country, would find weak points of pakistan (like you just did) and try to protect that shupah powah secular india image, call it generalization but its true. I thank God everyday that i wasnt born in an ignorant society
lol off topic but now that u have mentioned it, thats where the difference between an indian and pakistani comes in, a typical indian would ignore wts happening in their country, would find weak points of pakistan (like you just did) and try to protect that shupah powah secular india image, call it generalization but its true. I thank God everyday that i wasnt born in an ignorant society

loll so a few incidents happening in 1.2 billion ppl makes u think we r ignorant and go around killing ppl. if thats the way u generalize good for u.
loll i am not new on this forum :disagree:, i feel sad that these guys hide their cruel acts and make us feel like we r the worst ppl in world. i have never seen a pakistani posting abt women burnt in his country. they r more worried abt our women than theirs. lol both pakistan and sri lanka are in a state of civil war and to satisfy their ego they make the most powerfull country in the region look like a brutal unstable state. i am not in the modd of trolling right now

Relax dude.. Read the 1st word in the name of the forum.. to be honest, I have seen worse partiality on Indian defence forums.. So chill and enjoy the adrenaline rush of a no holds barred arguments :)
Relax dude.. Read the 1st word in the name of the forum.. to be honest, I have seen worse partiality on Indian defence forums.. So chill and enjoy the adrenaline rush of a no holds barred arguments :)

Looks like you have shown your true colors. You will defend your country to the point of doom. I am one not ignorant enough to blame entire Indian population for this tragedy, but your attitude shows that I am most likely wrong.
loll so a few incidents happening in 1.2 billion ppl makes u think we r ignorant and go around killing ppl. if thats the way u generalize good for u.
few that you know of, god knows how many cases are ignored by indian media
loll so a few incidents happening in 1.2 billion ppl makes u think we r ignorant and go around killing ppl. if thats the way u generalize good for u.

few incidents? :blink: i dunno about other indians but u seem awfully ignorant.

few that you know of, god knows how many cases are ignored by indian media
gr8 minds think alike :lol:
In one corner of India, girls are shunned and goes to great extent to eliminate them and in my place (Kerala) there are more girls than boys. India is a very complex country.
Sad incident RIP to the lady.

Preference for a male child is prevalent in Indiain, Pakistani as well Chinese society.
Female infanticide has caused a skewed sex ratio in our countries, i doubt any amount of law's can change people mind.
Only if people attitude towards girl child changes will we see any positive change.
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