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Indian truckers stop essential supplies to Bhutan

After China funded maoists in Nepal, your intention seems clear for Bhutan.

I have no intention for anything. It's my opinion that a country, large or small, should have its own sovereignty if it's so desired. As I said on my first post, no country should rely on one single country alone for its strategic supplies. When Myanmar diversifies away from China there were no counter opinions that say she shouldn't, was there? Even within China, one hardly hear the word betrayals by Myanmar.

This is the 21st century and Bhutan will always be poor and backward, and relies on India, if she doesn't open herself up for trade with other countries. It's also in India's interests Bhutan becomes a healthy and self sufficient independent country in more ways than one. The days of client state gives a foul smell in the international community.
Maldives got over ran by LTTE terrorists, this time bunch of truckers got a nation down.

Wonder how Bhutan's gross national happieness index is doing now.
With idiots like this (read truck drivers) in the country who needs enemies.
well, then Bhutanese trucks also enter India, right?

Another example of indian hegemonic terrorist's interference in its neighbors internal affair. Bhutan is one of the unfortunate country of the region like Nepal and sikkim , the later unfortunately got absorbed lost & her identity thanks to their naive king. Fortunately nepalese and comming out but Bhutan has a stupid king like one that was in sikkim. India wants to use Bhutan as a hedge against china all the while its people are suffering from Indian hegemonic agendas. Good to see that many bhutanese are rising up against these Hindutva terrorist act. What right does India have to prevent Bhutan from persecuting a criminal truck driver unless they consider Bhutan as part of their Akhand bharat dream. Infact Indira wanted to take over Bhutan after the illegal extinction of sikkim but due to possible backlash from the Intl. community she retracted back. But no doubt, Bharmin babus of delhi has their eyes on Bhutan. Fortunately this is the 21st century with a rising super power china to which people and gov of Bhutan are trying to cozy up and with which bhutan have unparalleled historical and cultural ties and similarity.
No country should depend on only one country for its daily needs. Bhutan should and must opens itself up to China also for the benefits of its people.
Ya like North Korea,Myanmar did by trusting China...Now see the difference between Per Capita Income of N.K,Myanmar and Bhutan.....

On Topic-

Serious action should be taken against the Lorry driver and lorry owner who refused to appear in court....We can't risk our relation with Bhutan just because of single person....
Bhutan has a oil rich neighbour down south- Assam...Assam can fullfill bhutan's oil demand.....bhutan has the right to have relations with all its neighbours....but bhutan will still be dependent on india just like nepal, bangladesh, srilanka& maldives are...china can give bhutan what india can't and india can give bhutan what china can't.
Not only that. All this talk of a trade link with China is baloney as there are no roads connecting Bhutan with China.

And constructing these which would need to be two way all weather roads at the least, will cost the earth as well as years to construct considering the inhospitable terrain.

Talking is one thing. But realities are another ball game altogether.
Another example of indian hegemonic terrorist's interference in its neighbors internal affair. Bhutan is one of the unfortunate country of the region like Nepal and sikkim , the later unfortunately got absorbed lost & her identity thanks to their naive king. Fortunately nepalese and comming out but Bhutan has a stupid king like one that was in sikkim. India wants to use Bhutan as a hedge against china all the while its people are suffering from Indian hegemonic agendas. Good to see that many bhutanese are rising up against these Hindutva terrorist act. What right does India have to prevent Bhutan from persecuting a criminal truck driver unless they consider Bhutan as part of their Akhand bharat dream. Infact Indira wanted to take over Bhutan after the illegal extinction of sikkim but due to possible backlash from the Intl. community she retracted back. But no doubt, Bharmin babus of delhi has their eyes on Bhutan. Fortunately this is the 21st century with a rising super power china to which people and gov of Bhutan are trying to cozy up and with which bhutan have unparalleled historical and cultural ties and similarity.

You should go and get your mind checked up I think it has got f**ked up while using too much 'made in china' product.
Ontopic-bhutan is a very important neighbour for us GOI should make sure that bhutan should not face any trouble from our side.
although i dislike the chinese posters, i hate their south asian cheerleaders the most.
i mean just look at Luffy 500. all he needs is a micro mini and pom poms
Another example of indian hegemonic terrorist's interference in its neighbors internal affair. Bhutan is one of the unfortunate country of the region like Nepal and sikkim , the later unfortunately got absorbed lost & her identity thanks to their naive king. Fortunately nepalese and comming out but Bhutan has a stupid king like one that was in sikkim. India wants to use Bhutan as a hedge against china all the while its people are suffering from Indian hegemonic agendas. Good to see that many bhutanese are rising up against these Hindutva terrorist act. What right does India have to prevent Bhutan from persecuting a criminal truck driver unless they consider Bhutan as part of their Akhand bharat dream. Infact Indira wanted to take over Bhutan after the illegal extinction of sikkim but due to possible backlash from the Intl. community she retracted back. But no doubt, Bharmin babus of delhi has their eyes on Bhutan. Fortunately this is the 21st century with a rising super power china to which people and gov of Bhutan are trying to cozy up and with which bhutan have unparalleled historical and cultural ties and similarity.

Do you cut and paste these lines from somewhere or are they written from rote ?
We should probably start a thread "Why do Bangladeshis hate India". Never understood that. We should get that out in the open. These guys are the biggest haters around on PDF :lol: even though we helped form it.
1) Indians committed crime in Bhutan.
2) Indians disregard law in Bhutan.
3) Indian govt not taking any action against these truckers encouraged violating Bhutan sovereignty.
4) Indian govt applied defacto aggression on land locked Bhutan.
5) Indian govt and intelligence contemplating on causing or party to ethnic strife.
6) Bhutanese people and independence are held hostage by india.

This incident actually brought out these litany of indian crimes against Bhutan and its people.
We can only guess but that's besides the point. A country's vital supplies, like food and energy, should diversifies to different suppliers so that when one supplier is having troubles, in this case the truckers strikes, the other can cover the shortages. It's nothing political about this but for national securities, especially for a landlocked country whose neighbors are limited in numbers.

Well then PRC should not have started building roads into Bhutanese territory which caused them to worry about and close relations.

The problem with you is that you like to "absorb" territories justifying weird historical facts. Other countries don't appreciate being absorbed you know.

1) Indians committed crime in Bhutan.
2) Indians disregard law in Bhutan.
3) Indian govt not taking any action against these truckers encouraged violating Bhutan sovereignty.
4) Indian govt applied defacto aggression on land locked Bhutan.
5) Indian govt and intelligence contemplating on causing or party to ethnic strife.
6) Bhutanese people and independence are held hostage by india.

This incident actually brought out these litany of indian crimes against Bhutan and its people.

Now we are coming after you. Let's see where you lot are going to hide. :devil:
Ya like North Korea,Myanmar did by trusting China...Now see the difference between Per Capita Income of N.K,Myanmar and Bhutan.....

On Topic-

Serious action should be taken against the Lorry driver and lorry owner who refused to appear in court....We can't risk our relation with Bhutan just because of single person....

LOL Now you are blaming North Korea and Myanmar economic difficulties on trusting China? I'm not even going to correct and educate you on this, so let others see how absurd your claim is. :lol: But I'll give you a hint though: have you ever hear the word 'sanction' or who likes use it?
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