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Indian troops’ vehicle ‘deliberately’ mows down man hurling stones in occupied Kashmir (Video) Three

I won't force. But I will invite you to Islam.
Break the idols. Embrace freedom. Reject monuments of pornography aka temples.

There’s is no rejection when one doesn’t believe in them. God lives in my heart and mind. Not in some temple or mosque. Nor do I need some prophet to tell me how to reach god.
Yeah no thanks to Islam and no thanks to Hinduism.
There’s is no rejection when one doesn’t believe in them. God lives in my heart and mind. Not in some temple or mosque. Nor do I need some prophet to tell me how to reach god.
Yeah no thanks to Islam and no thanks to Hinduism.
When the Shariah comes in place just follow the law then. :D
Sad is the day when those that claim to rule others have to beg and whine to free what they claim is their own.
And not to forget, get a new asshole torn into them in the process of it.

Urgent supply of vagisil needed for the poster being quoted...someone please send a consignment on the pronto lol

After 1000 years of abuse and being beaten and raped into the dirt and having bharat mata torn into pieces I understand your hindus pain

It's why Jinnah said we should never trust any hindu, they have just been too psychologically damaged to live near

Thats all Kashmiris want, just to keep indians and hindus away and out of their state
After 1000 years of abuse and being beaten and raped into the dirt and having bharat mata torn into pieces I understand your hindus pain

It's why Jinnah said we should never trust any hindu, they have just been too psychologically damaged to live near

Thats all Kashmiris want, just to keep indians and hindus away and out of their state

Funny you talk about raping your own mother. Considering you claim Hindustan was yours for a 1000 Years. It’s sad to hear that you would talk about raping your own mother(land) just to piss of a hindu. Pathetic!

You’re a sick creature.

Let that sink in for a second.

When the Shariah comes in place just follow the law then. :D

You probably won’t see the light of day the day people like me come to power.

Your sharia will dissappear faster than hot gas. Remember this.
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We dont like hindus

Trust me, most of the world dont like Muslims as well, just by shouting Allah hu akbar in public place might land you in jail.

We dont trust hindus

No one trust muslim, every where you go they are matter of hate, all the terrorism in this world is originated by muslims and there ideology, saying terror has no religion is wrong.

We dont want to be their friends or neighbours

No one wants to be your neighbour as well, if you throw a choice everyone will accept Hindu as neighbour but none will choose muslim, you have brought so much of shame that even your race tries to hide there identity in western world.
Funny you talk about raping your own mother. Considering you claim Hindustan was yours for a 1000 Years. It’s sad to hear that you would talk about raping your own mother(land) just to piss of a hindu. Pathetic!

You’re a sick creature.

Let that sink in for a second.

Im not trying to piss off a hindu its just the reality

This land was steeped in ignorance and jahilat and trash of the worst kind worshipping pagan idols and obscenities. It needed cleansing

For all the fury and blitzkrieg of muslim invasions it was necessary to awaken a ignorant population out of its cess pit stupidity of believing in demons, monsters and freaks

We accepted God's path Islam and drew a line in the sand seperating from us from the hindus forever

Partition was supposed to be the final chapter so we didn't have to be around you, see you or talk to you ever again
Yet your greed snd stupidity led you to try and force a muslim majority state into a union full of hindus
We have had 70 years of conflict since because of indian stupidity

Trust me, most of the world dont like Muslims as well, just by shouting Allah hu akbar in public place might land you in jail.

No one trust muslim, every where you go they are matter of hate, all the terrorism in this world is originated by muslims and there ideology, saying terror has no religion is wrong.

No one wants to be your neighbour as well, if you throw a choice everyone will accept Hindu as neighbour but none will choose muslim, you have brought so much of shame that even your race tries to hide there identity in western world.

We are 1.8 billion and growing fast, we are set to become the largest faith group in the world in the coming decades.
We have a destiny to fulfil, we represent all races and colours of humanity
The tears and tantrums of idol worshippers dosent really bother us
We are 1.8 billion and growing fast, we are set to become the largest faith group in the world in the coming decades.
We have a destiny to fulfil, we represent all races and colours of humanity
The tears and tantrums of idol worshippers dosent really bother us

And what this 1.8 billion people has brought on themselves? How many of them are in conflict or war zones? Have you ever thought why? Why only majority of this religion is involved in the side of anti terror operations ?
And what this 1.8 billion people has brought on themselves? How many of them are in conflict or war zones? Have you ever thought why? Why only majority of this religion is involved in the side of anti terror operations ?

Very few are in war zones the vast majority of muslims across the world have better standard of living then indians from Indonesia to Malaysia to Iran to GCC to Turkey to Morocco

Whats the difference between isis killing someone and a hindutva indian mowing down a kashmiri. Its both terror, one is saffron terror
Im not trying to piss off a hindu its just the reality

And yet you would talk about raping your motherland?
Do you think your ancestors who were hindu at some point were spared by the invaders? The rape you speak of most probably happened to your ancestors.
You just have the worst case of Stockholm syndrome where you think somehow your lot was spared because you converted. No! Your lands were pillaged, your people humiliated to the point where they started identifying with their attackers. Then converted.

Either way, you’re glorifying the humiliation of your own ancestors.
But hey, what else can be expected from people like you! You will rape your mother(land) to piss off a hindu! You’re capable of anything!

Thanks you Jinnah truly! Definitely do not want anything to do with such people.

This land was steeped in ignorance and jahilat and trash of the worst kind worshipping pagan idols and obscenities. It needed cleansing

I suppose god came to you personally and told you that the native religions of the time were “jahil”?
Oh wait no, invaders with the intention of destroying and killing the natives did.
Hmm wonder why they would use god to justify their political and territorial conquests.

I don’t believe in religion, but I also don’t believe in insulting anyone else’s or looking down on them to the point of trying to kill its followers.

Another man in history named Hitler did that...look where he ended up. You seem to be of the same Ilk it seems.

For all the fury and blitzkrieg of muslim invasions it was necessary to awaken a ignorant population out of its cess pit stupidity of believing in demons, monsters and freaks

Hmm let’s see. So if the sanghi Hindus feel similarly about Islam and it’s followers, are you justifying their ethnic cleansing and killing? Because they believe your religion is “jahil”?

I certainly don’t and wont. But here you are voicing the same opinions as a sanghi, just dressed in green.

We accepted God's path Islam and drew a line in the sand seperating from us from the hindus forever

Partition was supposed to be the final chapter so we didn't have to be around you, see you or talk to you ever again
Yet your greed snd stupidity led you to try and force a muslim majority state into a union full of hindus
We have had 70 years of conflict since because of indian stupidity

Some glorious rulers you are!
Claim you ruled for a 1000 years and yet came out with the short end of the stick? A moth eaten theorcratic state 1/7th the size of what you claim is yours?!!
This is absolutely hilarious.
You must’ve wielded a lot of power in those 1000 years to have come out with such a good deal.

Happy that you’re happy. Enjoy your rule over what we have given you.
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I won't force. But I will invite you to Islam.
Break the idols. Embrace freedom. Reject monuments of pornography aka temples.
I too won't force you. Please return to the only natural religion in this world, it is your root.
Rest of others are artificial and full of propaganda.
You can be the change and correct the forcible conversion of your ancestors.:dance3:
And yet you would talk about raping your motherland?
Do you think your ancestors who were hindu at some point were spared by the invaders? The rape you speak of most probably happened to your ancestors.
You just have the worst case of Stockholm syndrome where you think somehow your lot was spared because you converted. No! Your lands were pillaged, your people humiliated to the point where they started identifying with their attackers. Then converted.

Either way, you’re glorifying the humiliation of your own ancestors.
But hey, what else can be expected from people like you! You will rape your mother(land) to piss off a hindu! You’re capable of anything!

Thanks you Jinnah truly! Definitely do not want anything to do with such people.

I suppose god came to you personally and told you that the native religions of the time were “jahil”?
Oh wait no, invaders with the intention of destroying and killing the natives did.
Hmm wonder why they would use god to justify their political and territorial conquests.

I don’t believe in religion, but I also don’t believe in insulting anyone else’s or looking down on them to the point of trying to kill its followers.

Another man in history named Hitler did that...look where he ended up. You seem to be of the same Ilk it seems.

Hmm let’s see. So if the sanghi Hindus feel similarly about Islam and it’s followers, are you justifying their ethnic cleansing and killing? Because they believe your religion is “jahil”?

I certainly don’t and wont. But here you are voicing the same opinions as a sanghi, just dressed in green.

We accepted God's path Islam and drew a line in the sand seperating from us from the hindus forever

Partition was supposed to be the final chapter so we didn't have to be around you, see you or talk to you ever again
Yet your greed snd stupidity led you to try and force a muslim majority state into a union full of hindus
We have had 70 years of conflict since because of indian stupidity

Some glorious rulers you are!
Claim you ruled for a 1000 years and yet came out with the short end of the stick? A moth eaten theorcratic state 1/7th the size of what you claim is yours?!!
This is absolutely hilarious.
You must’ve wielded a lot of power in those 1000 years to have come out with such a good deal.

Happy that you’re happy. Enjoy your rule over what we have you.[/QUOTE]

Short post due to time constraints

Yes muslim invasions were a necessity
600 million plus South Asians who are muslim today would still be steeped in Jahilat and worshipping idols

Yes we are happy with Partition we got Pakistan and Bangladesh and they are 1/3 of india with 200 million Muslims still in india and most of us dont have to live anywhere near hindus
From Quatul Islam to Malappuram... We ruled it all. We shall rule again.
OMG... This guy is funny. You claim that your religion ruled for 1000 years yet lost India to Hindus. Now Hindus are just started their rule after 1070 years, how are you going get it back.

In another 10 years the worlds only country for Hindus will be born, ensoy it baby...

When the Shariah comes in place just follow the law then. :D
Come back to reality and learn to live under UPC.
Kashmiris should respond by opening beef burger outlets, all over Kashmir.
There are already lots of street shops which sell beef dishes. Beef is mostly a poor people's meat in India and in Kashmir.
Pakistanis should support by announcing Sunday as a beef eating week day.
You can eat it every day every meal. Its not the best meat though. There are better ones.

When the Shariah comes in place just follow the law then. :D
Shariah cannot come in India. Not in the next 100 years at least.
There are already lots of street shops which sell beef dishes. Beef is mostly a poor people's meat in India and in Kashmir.

What's the meal of rich man? Veggie McDonald?
Indian McAnger

You can eat it every day every meal. Its not the best meat though. There are better ones.

Did you pass English test before migrating to Canada ? i never said eat it every day!
I do say that when beef should be preferred choice of meat!
prove the accusations or apologize
@The Eagle this man has accused the innocent Kashmiri man who was brutally massacred by indian regime a foreign-funded terrorist when asked for proof he came up with his usual rants and whataboutery
now you be the judge
aww. Touche. The guy is a terrorist supporter, makes him no less than a terrorist. Whoever takes arms against their nation in order to support the will of another nation is a terrorist. Prove to you what? That he is foreign funded? Many times it was given with video evidence that, stone pelters get money for doing what they are doing. Search it on youtube.
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