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Indian troops’ vehicle ‘deliberately’ mows down man hurling stones in occupied Kashmir (Video) Three

Just like all those guys Abdali killed at Panipat deserved it.

No idea who that's and no interest to know about it.... But let me tell you anyone who raise arms and stones against India and security forces in kashmKa will be killed... No matter how, but them all terrorists deserved to be killed
No idea who that's and no interest to know about it.... But let me tell you anyone who raise arms and stones against India and security forces in kashmKa will be killed... No matter how, but them all terrorists deserved to be killed

You should read up on him, he was a great Pashtun leader from Multan who crippled the Marathas and constantly raided the Sikh Empire.
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Muslims deserve to rule the entire of India.

Hindus can go to Nepal.

Speak for yourself. The more irreligious you become the easier it is for us. May your tribe grow.

We are fine with the message from our Creator. We will bring justice. Bring Shariah. Replace your temples. Ensure rule of law.

I hope people like your id's are tracked to provide the clude to intelligece agencies to take care of anti national people...
Who the **** is “we”? You didn’t own shit! You’re a Pakistani. Literally your land and people were the first to be trampled and pillaged by the same people you claim to be referencing here.
The fact that most of you are mutts of everything from Persians, Greeks, huns, mongols, Turks, central Asians and anyone with a penchant for an easy victory should tell you how many daddy’s you have lol.

No “son of the soil” from the lands of present day Pakistan ever ruled delhi or India.
If anything, Indian Muslims can make that claim. But not you, A Pakistani. Don’t make me laugh.

Besides, just being Muslim doesn’t give you the right to claim the achievements of some other people that had nothing to do with you. So again, stop being so pathetic and accept that your land and people were nothing more than a cum bucket for invaders, Period!

Hell if that makes you stop crying and whining, sure.
Though it seems paradise is now fast being filled with half wits who instead of using their brains are just eating bullets and rubber. The allure of paradise is diluted with such a poor show of new entrants.
But at least now there’s no shortage of Virgins in paradise. the Indian army is making sure to send them all to paradise lol
What you wrote is true, but don't be so harsh. These people don't know history. Their education system is full of propaganda. They are praising Abdali here, but they don't realize Abdali burnt Lahore and looted everything.
You should read up on him, he was a great Pashtun leader from Multan who crippled the Marathas and constantly raided the Sikh Empire.

No... i don't care about him or any Pashtuns... but here's a chilling fact to you.

Last of Burhan’s boys killed, marking end of the 11 who posed in viral pic
Published May 7, 2018 | By admin
SOURCE: Hindustan Times


All except one militant who appeared with Burhan Wani, an iconic militant commander, in a famous photo that viral on internet a few years back and gave traction to militancy in Kashmir, are dead. Saddam Paddar was the last of the 11 militants to be killed in an encounter on Sunday in Shopian while the lone survivor of the “Burhan’s boys” group, Tariq Pandit surrendered in 2016.

The photograph that became viral in June 2015 marked a new age for militancy in the region as young militants posed boldly without masks in front of the camera and posted pictures online, in contrast to earlier times when they remained hidden and did not reveal much.

Here is the list of the militants who appeared in the famous photograph.

Burhan Wani (22): The poster boy of new age militancy in Kashmir, Burhan Wani, a Hizbul Mujahideen commander, was killed along with two other associates on July 8, 2016 in south Kashmir’s Kokernag in Anantnag district. His death plunged the whole valley into crisis for months as thousands of locals took to the streets and clashed with security forces, leading to the death of more than 100 persons.

Saddam Hussain Paddar, in his 20s, hailed from Shopian district and had been active since September 2014. A school dropout, he was a category A plus militant and district commander of Hizbul, with more than Rs 10 lakh bounty on his head.

Adil Khanday (20): Hizb militant, Khanday and another associate were killed in a gunfight with security forces in south Kashmir’s Shopian district on October 22, 2015. His death triggered massive clashes and protests near the encounter site and in their native villages in Shopian.

Naseer Pandit (29) and Waseem Malla (27): Both were top Hizbul militants and were killed in an encounter with forces in Shopian on April 7, 2016. Pandit was in the security detail of a PDP minister and had fled with two AK 47 rifles. Malla was an A++ category militant.

Afaq Bhat (25): Son of a policeman, Afaq, along with an associate, was killed in an encounter at Drabgam, Pulwama on October 26, 2015.

Sabzar Bhat (26): Bhat was the successor of Burhan Wani and was killed in an encounter on May 27, 2017 in south Kashmir’s Tral area of Pulwama. He was an A category militant. Bhat was among a group of young, tech-savvy militants who used social media to woo the youth to their cause.

Anees (26): Not much is known but police sources say he has also been killed.

Ishfaq (23): Ishfaq was killed along with two other associates in an encounter in Pulwama on May 7, 2016. A category A militant, he was involved in social media campaign to attract youth.

Wasim Shah (24): Shah was the only HM militant in the group photo who joined LeT later and became a commander of the outfit. Shah, along with an associate, was killed in a gun battle with security forces in Pulwama on October 14, 2017.

Tariq Pandit (25): A top Hizbul Mujahideen militants and close associate of Burhan Wani, Tariq Pandit was arrested after he surrendered to police in Pulwama on May 28, 2016. He was a category A militant.
When the Shariah comes in place just follow the law then. :D
Higher possibility of the UCC coming into force. Shariah goes to the dustbin. Where it belongs.

No... i don't care about him or any Pashtuns... but here's a chilling fact to you.

Last of Burhan’s boys killed, marking end of the 11 who posed in viral pic
Published May 7, 2018 | By admin
SOURCE: Hindustan Times


All except one militant who appeared with Burhan Wani, an iconic militant commander, in a famous photo that viral on internet a few years back and gave traction to militancy in Kashmir, are dead. Saddam Paddar was the last of the 11 militants to be killed in an encounter on Sunday in Shopian while the lone survivor of the “Burhan’s boys” group, Tariq Pandit surrendered in 2016.

The photograph that became viral in June 2015 marked a new age for militancy in the region as young militants posed boldly without masks in front of the camera and posted pictures online, in contrast to earlier times when they remained hidden and did not reveal much.

Here is the list of the militants who appeared in the famous photograph.

Burhan Wani (22): The poster boy of new age militancy in Kashmir, Burhan Wani, a Hizbul Mujahideen commander, was killed along with two other associates on July 8, 2016 in south Kashmir’s Kokernag in Anantnag district. His death plunged the whole valley into crisis for months as thousands of locals took to the streets and clashed with security forces, leading to the death of more than 100 persons.

Saddam Hussain Paddar, in his 20s, hailed from Shopian district and had been active since September 2014. A school dropout, he was a category A plus militant and district commander of Hizbul, with more than Rs 10 lakh bounty on his head.

Adil Khanday (20): Hizb militant, Khanday and another associate were killed in a gunfight with security forces in south Kashmir’s Shopian district on October 22, 2015. His death triggered massive clashes and protests near the encounter site and in their native villages in Shopian.

Naseer Pandit (29) and Waseem Malla (27): Both were top Hizbul militants and were killed in an encounter with forces in Shopian on April 7, 2016. Pandit was in the security detail of a PDP minister and had fled with two AK 47 rifles. Malla was an A++ category militant.

Afaq Bhat (25): Son of a policeman, Afaq, along with an associate, was killed in an encounter at Drabgam, Pulwama on October 26, 2015.

Sabzar Bhat (26): Bhat was the successor of Burhan Wani and was killed in an encounter on May 27, 2017 in south Kashmir’s Tral area of Pulwama. He was an A category militant. Bhat was among a group of young, tech-savvy militants who used social media to woo the youth to their cause.

Anees (26): Not much is known but police sources say he has also been killed.

Ishfaq (23): Ishfaq was killed along with two other associates in an encounter in Pulwama on May 7, 2016. A category A militant, he was involved in social media campaign to attract youth.

Wasim Shah (24): Shah was the only HM militant in the group photo who joined LeT later and became a commander of the outfit. Shah, along with an associate, was killed in a gun battle with security forces in Pulwama on October 14, 2017.

Tariq Pandit (25): A top Hizbul Mujahideen militants and close associate of Burhan Wani, Tariq Pandit was arrested after he surrendered to police in Pulwama on May 28, 2016. He was a category A militant.

Most of these tharkis were killed by information leaked by their girl friends. Ladki nahin sambhali gayi, aaye ladne. Thats what these chaps are. Sex addicts and pimps.
No... i don't care about him or any Pashtuns... but here's a chilling fact to you.

Last of Burhan’s boys killed, marking end of the 11 who posed in viral pic
Published May 7, 2018 | By admin
SOURCE: Hindustan Times


All except one militant who appeared with Burhan Wani, an iconic militant commander, in a famous photo that viral on internet a few years back and gave traction to militancy in Kashmir, are dead. Saddam Paddar was the last of the 11 militants to be killed in an encounter on Sunday in Shopian while the lone survivor of the “Burhan’s boys” group, Tariq Pandit surrendered in 2016.

The photograph that became viral in June 2015 marked a new age for militancy in the region as young militants posed boldly without masks in front of the camera and posted pictures online, in contrast to earlier times when they remained hidden and did not reveal much.

Here is the list of the militants who appeared in the famous photograph.

Burhan Wani (22): The poster boy of new age militancy in Kashmir, Burhan Wani, a Hizbul Mujahideen commander, was killed along with two other associates on July 8, 2016 in south Kashmir’s Kokernag in Anantnag district. His death plunged the whole valley into crisis for months as thousands of locals took to the streets and clashed with security forces, leading to the death of more than 100 persons.

Saddam Hussain Paddar, in his 20s, hailed from Shopian district and had been active since September 2014. A school dropout, he was a category A plus militant and district commander of Hizbul, with more than Rs 10 lakh bounty on his head.

Adil Khanday (20): Hizb militant, Khanday and another associate were killed in a gunfight with security forces in south Kashmir’s Shopian district on October 22, 2015. His death triggered massive clashes and protests near the encounter site and in their native villages in Shopian.

Naseer Pandit (29) and Waseem Malla (27): Both were top Hizbul militants and were killed in an encounter with forces in Shopian on April 7, 2016. Pandit was in the security detail of a PDP minister and had fled with two AK 47 rifles. Malla was an A++ category militant.

Afaq Bhat (25): Son of a policeman, Afaq, along with an associate, was killed in an encounter at Drabgam, Pulwama on October 26, 2015.

Sabzar Bhat (26): Bhat was the successor of Burhan Wani and was killed in an encounter on May 27, 2017 in south Kashmir’s Tral area of Pulwama. He was an A category militant. Bhat was among a group of young, tech-savvy militants who used social media to woo the youth to their cause.

Anees (26): Not much is known but police sources say he has also been killed.

Ishfaq (23): Ishfaq was killed along with two other associates in an encounter in Pulwama on May 7, 2016. A category A militant, he was involved in social media campaign to attract youth.

Wasim Shah (24): Shah was the only HM militant in the group photo who joined LeT later and became a commander of the outfit. Shah, along with an associate, was killed in a gun battle with security forces in Pulwama on October 14, 2017.

Tariq Pandit (25): A top Hizbul Mujahideen militants and close associate of Burhan Wani, Tariq Pandit was arrested after he surrendered to police in Pulwama on May 28, 2016. He was a category A militant.

Not chilling at all, more will come to fill their place, you know that right?

Shariah goes to the dustbin. Where it belongs.

Still bitching about Aurangzeb I see?
Still bitching about Aurangzeb I see?

Why Aurangazeb? Hell, he drove the Mughal machinery to the ground with his wars and emptied the coffers, which in turn allowed the Marathas to destroy the once powerful Mughal Empire. The rise of the Maratha Empire is in the foundation allowed by Aurangazeb. The Mughals were defeated and they are history. Exactly what the Shariah should be.
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