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Indian troops’ vehicle ‘deliberately’ mows down man hurling stones in occupied Kashmir (Video) Three

Keep reading through the thread, you'll understand how stupid your comment is.

Get a real dose of history, you'll understand how stupid your comment is. Of course, half of you Pakistanis believe that you are directly descended from Muhammad's tribe. :rofl:, that;s what's probably taught there. But the truth is that you are converted Hindus, mixed with some Turkish and Iranian ancestry, nothing more. You cannot simply claim Aurangzeb's legacy by becoming a muslim. You are the ones he conquered, converted and killed. That way, I could become a Chinese citizen and celebrate China's victory over India in 1962, :china::rofl:
Congratulations, you've just proven who's in the wrong here.

nope... what happens when Men who supposed to take care of their family goes into terror activities and get killed ???
Who suffers the most in terms of loss in family and Economy to feed the family !!????
Get a real dose of history, you'll understand how stupid your comment is. Of course, half of you Pakistanis believe that you are directly descended from Muhammad's tribe. :rofl:, that;s what's probably taught there. But the truth is that you are converted Hindus, mixed with some Turkish and Iranian ancestry, nothing more. You cannot simply claim Aurangzeb's legacy by becoming a muslim. You are the ones he conquered, converted and killed. That way, I could become a Chinese citizen and celebrate China's victory over India in 1962, :china::rofl:


Do you read what you type?

nope... what happens when Men who supposed to take care of their family goes into terror activities and get killed ???
Who suffers the most in terms of Human loss in family and Economy to feed the family !!????

We all know that's not what you meant.

Do you read what you type?

We all know that's not what you meant.

I don't know what you're talking about. Ok, tell me a simple Yes or No.

Let's say I become a Chinese citizen. Can I now celebrate PLA's victory over India in 1962 and claim it as part of my heritage? Can i say that we Chinese conquered Aksai Chin?
Then you're even more stupid than I thought.

You are celebrating a guy who converted and probably killed a few of your ancestors. And I am the one who is stupid :lol:. Ok Einstein, I bow to your infinite wisdom.
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Shocking! words cannot describe this barbarism by Indian armed forces. International media, human rights organizations still silent on this. There is no worth of human life in Kashmir. People of Kashmir do not deserve this.
RIP poor souls.
Congratulations, you've just proven who's in the wrong here.
Since when did I follow an oil baron?

Since when did we start fighting over Sharia? Name me one conflict in Pakistan's history over Sharia.

Not you. Your country men.

Again, interpretation. Whenever something religious gets implemented, you need either the iron hand of a ruler or dictator. Like we have today true islam, interpretation of Islam and rest, one will have interpretation of the same. And violence for the same.

Anyways, am out.
Keep reading through the thread, you'll understand how stupid your comment is.
The Saudis allowing cinema and gender mixing and the huge crowd that came to see the movies do show that there is a problem with their society.

Maybe the battle of Badr needs to be fought again.
Higher possibility of the UCC coming into force. Shariah goes to the dustbin. Where it belongs.

Most of these tharkis were killed by information leaked by their girl friends. Ladki nahin sambhali gayi, aaye ladne. Thats what these chaps are. Sex addicts and pimps.

This is a bitter truth... people here forget that locals are informing the armed forces...

Once I talked to a Kashmiri in Delhi hospital... his statements were chilling... how governments allowed the separatists to bloom in valley...

His words are still going through my mind...

He told me that when government released a hard-core separatist in 2015 and how he created a havoc in the house of NC party worker and forced him to resign from the party... the price of not doing so was the life of his family members...

Police said to oblige his demand as they cannot provide 24×7 security...

His question was simple... how do you want us to openly oppose these separatists???

His genuine question is still unanswered...
He told me that when government released a hard-core separatist in 2015 and how he created a havoc in the house of NC party worker and forced him to resign from the party... the price of not doing so was the life of his family members...

Police said to oblige his demand as they cannot provide 24×7 security...

His question was simple... how do you want us to openly oppose these separatists???

His genuine question is still unanswered...

Which is why the new policy. No capture. Execute.
:rofl: Who is us? Your ancestors were Hindus who converted to Islam under people like Aurangzeb. You celebrating Aurangzeb is like an Indian from 1900 celebrating Britain's colonization of India. Hey we're British now, let's celebrate Britain's victory. :dance3:

Hey man our ancestors used to worship c0cks , drink p1ss , bathe in shit and bury there dead in an ashtray and then dump it in faeces river after bowing down to rats monkey pigs throughout there life and we realised when the Muslims came and taught us to how to wash and to bathe as our ancestors where filthy shit bags i.e. They were Hindus . we poured kerosene on all these jungle animalistic beliefs and have never looked back .

We love our religion more than our countries and we have many we love our prophet Muhammad pbuh more than our mothers we hold the Quran higher than anything this world has ever seen or will ever see .

And you say we're Muslims by force .
Get out of here dirty pagan .
Rich coming from the monkeys who deny the Aryan migrations, claim Hindustan won every war against Pakistan, think that Pakistan was always a part of Hindustan, steal Pakistani achievements as their own, think the Muslim conquerors were ethno-centric, and have a whole bunch of other really deluded beliefs.

Abdali was a Muslim, that's all that matters. Him being a Pashtun from Multan also helps.
Your education system is really awful. Abdali was an Afghan. He was born in Herat. He killed countless Muslims, pillaged and destroyed countless towns in current day Pakistan. You are deluded.
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