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Indian student brutally attacked in Germany

According to the victim, he was approached by two men who asked him what his religion was before demanding that he convert to Islam. Otherwise, the men said, he was an infidel and his tongue would have to be cut out.

There's nothing here about an argument; the tongue cutting was a pre-ordained punishment for being in infidel.

I've never heard of this punishment before, i.e. cutting the tongues of infidels. Is there any precedent?
Should have just converted for the sake of it, could have saved him! But then these savages would have probably wanted to chop his foreskin off. Something needs to be done about this uncouth scum.
I've never heard of this punishment before, i.e. cutting the tongues of infidels. Is there any precedent?

No idea.

It is too much of a caricature in its brutality, which would make it a favorite for all kinds of criminals, religious and otherwise.

Also, how would it stop the victim from testifying? Did they cut out his hands also so he couldn't type?
Indian student brutally attacked in Germany

A 24-year Indian student in Bonn was brutally attacked by Islamic extremists who slashed his tongue when he refused to convert, German police said on Thursday.

The Indian student was attacked on Christmas eve when he was on the way to his place in Bonn.

The men enquired about his religion and asked him to convert to Islam, warning him that they would cut his tongue if he refused to do so, Der Spiegel reported.

The student, who was not identified, told the police that he was attacked by two men from behind after he ignored them.

The attackers beat him up and slashed his tongue and flew in a car.

Police spokesman did not give details of injuries but said the information that the victim gave was credible.

A passerby found the bleeding student on the road and called an ambulance. The student was admitted to a local hospital and was released a day later.

I don't have words to explain this cowardly act

these f#cking morons needs to be vanished

they are taking the legacy of aurangzeb to the next generation
No non Muslim can be forced to convert to Islam I am not going to believe the **** which some news papers right what I am going to say is that if this incident is right and it was done by Muslims than they did wrong because no Non Muslim can be forced to convert to Islam
You seems to be quite sure. Where were you last night ? :azn:

You got me! You know how anti-Indian I am...so I just cut the tongue of that Indian dude....:angel:

He said "Hey Pakistani, we won thr 1965 war and not you" ..and I was like " What the flying fcuk! You think it is a defence forum where I can't do anything to you? I just pulled my knife and cut his tongue" ...:cheesy:
You got me! You know how anti-Indian I am...so I just cut the tongue of that Indian dude....:angel:
He said "Hey Pakistani, we won thr 1965 war and not you" ..and I was like " What the flying fcuk! You think it is a defence forum where I can't do anything to you? I just pulled my knife and cut his tongue" ...:cheesy:
Quite funny. Read the article and apply common sense. Oh wait..I think you don't have one. Leave.
Hm 2 guys with knives while I'm unarmed.

Do I look like John ******* rambo to you?

This is real life. Not a bollywood movie.

Fight or flight is about survival.

You never engage in a fight when you are at a disadvantage.

:lol: I thought you were John Rambo..

All those big talks to Indian and Israeli guys..

Its good that you finally realize being an internet warrior does not mean you can take out any one in real!! :D
Even though I my self am a Pakistani, I do not understand some muslims. I accept western secularism and respect laws.

Why is that many muslims do not like western countries, but live there?

Why do such muslims go to Secular countries and seek nationalities?

such Muslims claim they only accept sovereignty of Allah, but why do they move to countries that are completely secular and do not recognize such sovereignty?

Muslims should learn to respect others, if not then they should not expect others to reply in kind.

are we supposed TO FEEL SORRY FOR him :disagree:

Next time a mosque is attacked somewhere in Europe, do not expect people to even care.
the irony of you asking us to suport you . we got more muslim baiters ,did he realy get his tongue cut any video footage ?
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