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Indian student brutally attacked in Germany

Did you not read this part?

Nothing of the kind seems to be mentioned in this source.

BERLIN - Police say an Indian student in Germany has been attacked and injured by suspected Islamic extremists who accosted him and demanded that he convert to Islam.

Police spokesman Frank Piontek said Thursday that two attackers in the western German city of Bonn severely beat the 24-year-old and then slashed his tongue with a knife.

Police say the attackers walked up to the student in a city street late Monday and demanded that he convert to Islam — then beat him up after he refused to do so.

The student, whose identity wasn't given in line with German privacy rules, was taken to a hospital for treatment. He was released a day later.

The Bonn police's department for politically motivated crimes is investigating.

Suspected Islamist extremists attack Indian student in Germany over refusal to convert
Not sure why op brought up Aurangzeb, but Aurangzeb zindabad.

Poor bhartis trying to blame Pakistanis yet again, as if most of even give two fucks about you.

Let me guess. It must have been Pakistanis as well when you bhartis were getting assaulted in Australia.

Aurangzeb wasn't Pakistani. Nobody is blaming Pakistan. Blaming Aurangzeb doesn't mean blaming Pakistan. Don't be paranoid.

Nothing of the kind seems to be mentioned in this source.

BERLIN - Police say an Indian student in Germany has been attacked and injured by suspected Islamic extremists who accosted him and demanded that he convert to Islam.

Police spokesman Frank Piontek said Thursday that two attackers in the western German city of Bonn severely beat the 24-year-old and then slashed his tongue with a knife.

Police say the attackers walked up to the student in a city street late Monday and demanded that he convert to Islam — then beat him up after he refused to do so.

The student, whose identity wasn't given in line with German privacy rules, was taken to a hospital for treatment. He was released a day later.

The Bonn police's department for politically motivated crimes is investigating.

Suspected Islamist extremists attack Indian student in Germany over refusal to convert

But is is mentioned in the source that the OP posted. You didn't read it before commenting, and now you are trying to cover that goof up by bringing in another source. Read the first post of the thread before commenting. Always.
Not sure why op brought up Aurangzeb, but Aurangzeb zindabad.

Poor bhartis trying to blame Pakistanis yet again, as if most of even give two fucks about you.

Let me guess. It must have been Pakistanis as well when you bhartis were getting assaulted in Australia.

Dude!! You are having Bharatmania... Where did any Indian here blamed Pakistan?? It was SHAMK9 who said about Pakistan.. Last time I checked he was not Indian..

For me acts like these is a shame and it is giving a bad name to the religion.. Something that some one should not be proud of..
@seiko Dude, some people here post without thinking and their personal hatred towards India and their prejudice. :D
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Not sure why op brought up Aurangzeb, but Aurangzeb zindabad.

Poor bhartis trying to blame Pakistanis yet again, as if most of even give two fucks about you.

Let me guess. It must have been Pakistanis as well when you bhartis were getting assaulted in Australia.

You are the first person to take Pakistan's name in this thread. You yourself sub-consciously think it could have been Pakistanis :lol:

Anyway , we should wait for further information . It could have been anyone
Not sure why op brought up Aurangzeb, but Aurangzeb zindabad.

Poor bhartis trying to blame Pakistanis yet again, as if most of even give two fucks about you.

Let me guess. It must have been Pakistanis as well when you bhartis were getting assaulted in Australia.

what aurangzeb has to do with pakistan or Did I somewhere mentioned pakistan?

But is is mentioned in the source that the OP posted. You didn't read it before commenting, and now you are trying to cover that goof up by bringing in another source. Read the first post of the thread before commenting. Always.
That was an Indian link, some member inquired if this was being reported by any other source, hence i checked.....the media from our part of the world do like to sensationalise things...... what's the goof and why would i need to cover up.....one shouldn't jump to conclusions just on the basis of flags. !!
You're right. A man can handle two attackers, if he is trained, but it will become more difficult if there are more.

you are right ! i had to fight on 3 at once , broke one moron's knee but they overwhelmed me but luckily a PCR van passed nearby , so they hobbled off ! 2 i think i could have managed by rudimentary childhood marshal arts knowledge not 3 .
This is beyond horrific. I am shocked this has happened in Germany. More than likely these were German nationals so it is irrlevant were their parent's/grandparents came from. This was done in the name of Islam not because this guy was Indian it would seem and this is incredibly worrying- these extremists are roaming the streets trying to convert others at the end of a sword! Have we gone back to the Medieval times???!! It seems extremism on all sides is increasing in Eurpoe though, just the other day I was reading about a resurgence in Neo-Nazism in Germany and the UK and wasn't it ~1 yr ago when an Indian student was shot in Manchester,UK by some racist thug? And then you have the Islamist extremists coming up on the other side who are just as awful, didn't some Islamic extremist in France go on the rampage earlier this year at a school and on the street targettign French soldiers, these issues are going to come to a head sooner rather than later. The scary part is these are mostly either born in a European nation or a long-term inhabitiants of the nation meaning the issues are at home and in many/most cases these people are being radicalised domestically.

Brave boy- he had the courage to refuse to give into these thugs despite being threatened with a knife, for all our talk behind a keyboard we all must question wheter we would have this kind of guts in a similar situation. May these a-holes be brought to justice soon.
@ Windjammer

Can we get a non Indian source for this ?

Indian Student in Bonn Has Tongue Cut in Possible Religious Attack - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Police investigators believe the man's story to be credible and also believe that the incident could indeed have been the work of Islamists. He described the perpetrators as having long beards but no moustaches, a style often preferred by Salafists. There were, however, no witnesses to the attack and police are currently searching for suspects.
What we in this forum need to do is weed random acts from patterns of violence. Any society or place is going to have random acts...that is unfortunatly how people work. What we need to watch for are patterns and programs.

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