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Indian stoop too low to avenge Abhinandan episode, release their own drama.

It is so easy to make fool of Indians by the ruling class...

90 per cent Indians are idiots. It is so easy to take them for a ride: Justice Katju

Ninety percent of Indians are "idiots" who can easily be misled by mischievous elements in the name of religion, Press Council of India (PCI) chairperson Justice Markandey Katju claimed on Saturday.

"I say ninety percent of Indians are idiots. You people don't have brains in your heads....It is so easy to take you for a ride," he said at a seminar here.

He said that a communal riot could be incited in Delhi for as meagre an amount as Rs 2000. He said that all somebody has to do is make a mischievous gesture of disrespect to a place of worship and people start fighting each other.

"You mad people will start fighting amongst yourself not realising that some agent provocateur is behind this,"he said.

Katju said that before 1857 there was no communalism in the country but the situation was different now. "Today 80 percent Hindus are communal and 80 percent Muslims are communal. This is the harsh truth, bitter truth that I am telling you. How is it that in 150 years you have gone backwards instead of moving forward because the English kept injecting poison," Katju said.

"The policy that emanated from London after the mutiny in 1857 that there is only one way to control this country that is to make Hindus and Muslims fight each other," he said.

I like this guy, but he is wrong. 96 % of indians are low iqed morons.
you havnt encountered bakhts it seems
I dont consider Bakhts opinion to be of any value. Lets not forget these bakhts also believe their Abi None Done shot an F-16.

anybody? 1.3 billion bharti chutiay
1.3 billion Bharti chutia will remain chutia, nothing can be done about it. These 1.3 billion chutia's also believed their none done shot our F-16s. Nobody bought that BS, nobody is going to buy this BS, chutias excluded.
dont consider Bakhts opinion to be of any value. Lets not forget these bakhts also believe their Abi None Done shot an F-16.

my friend sane and normal people are not modi and his sehnas target they target low iq morons his support base
my friend sane and normal people are not modi and his sehnas target they target low iq morons his support base
Sane and normal people don't take interest in such things only emotional and bhakts take interest in such things
Urdu is no cheap language!!! It’s from Ordu, the most important achievement of the Turkish folks attained through thousands of years of conducting warfares and establishing Empires in almost all important parts of the known world....

Everything about the “Disbelief” is about being raw, crude etc. as per the Islamic understanding....

Urdu is language of India and the History of Urdu Language is related to the Join forces of the Hindu and Arab Kingships against the Invaders since the time of Rasul Allah Muhammed S.A.W.S. and before the era of Rasul Allah Isa Ibne Maryam A.S.

Urdu is the Language of the Religious Warriors, which is consist of 55% of Birj language, 25% of Dari/Farsi Language and 20% Arabic Language. Mongol Invasions has let the spread of the Urdu Language of religious warriors of Hindu and Arab Kingships and Tribes.

Urdu, Kurdu,Turku and Arabu and these tribes still call all the outsiders as Bustani , the language of Moo(Face) Gool(round) in Dakkani Urdu.
Which language is called language moogool?

Bustani Language which was completely not understandable for the Arabs and Hindoos. It was the Sassanid King who was with the Manchuria Military during the period of the Umar Bin Khattab R.A.A.

During the Delhi Sultanat period and during the time of Guru Nanak Dev Sahab , Mongols were speaking Naasri language because of the Turani tribes learning of Dari/Farsi/Arabi/Hindvi(Urdu)

Moghol means round face walay?

As you know, Hindustanis and are very practical nation. Thats why the name Mongols became famous all over the Globe. Arab kingships Religious warriors use to come whenever they get the message from the Hindu Kingships about the outside Invaders and even Hindu Kingships Religious warriors( Hindustani Aryas and Hindustani Muslimeen) use to go and fight the outside invaders in West Asia. Hindustani Kingships and Arab Kingships relations is because of religion. Arabs call Hindus , Ahle Kitab but only after the confirmation of the Hindustani Arya's, Raj Vansh. Raj Vansh give direction to the Dharma Guru's which is like Ulemas of Deen e Islam.
Somewhere I read that 2 soldier belonging to special command unit of Pakistan which is unheard of were arrested. Now they are terrorist.
Heard someone talking about Indians orginality guys come on Indians have nothing to do with orginial ideas they are only teached to copy and paste.
To the Indians jumping up and down "jhotay logon ki jhoti khushian"

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