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Indian Special Forces


Imagine............... Anthony Para jumping in Lungi:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

i prefer it with out a parashute
Good stuff , but India needs to put a hell of a lot of efforts to bring its SF's to International Standards or as a Regional force with its counter parts , SSG/Chinese SF and Russians.

Chinese special force or russians I can understand. Point taken. But SSG[special service group of pakistan]??!! looool Really? Did you actually say that?
angeldemon_007:Regarding the video of that operation i think its SWAT of the police. I couldn't understand much but i heard him saying Octopus wing, i think its the name given. But they are not SF, they are posing for the cameraman

They are Andhra Pradesh special police unit formed to counter terror attacks in October 2007

Organization for Counter Terrorist Operations (OCTOPUS) -- the newly-created exclusive wing to fight terror groups operating in the state.

I was a little underwhelmed this year by the Guaruds, from all reports there were very few of them and from the few pics availble they look a little underdressed comapred to A1 2009 below is a vid of them back in AI 2009
Check them out they have earpeices, knee pads, elbow pads, side arms and tactical vests and they also looked much meaner (just my personal opinion) anyone know the reason for them toning down thier apperance (do they still have that gear). It was confounded by how ridiculous they looked at the C-130j induction ceremony ^^^ (again just my opinoion) wearing black face paint whilst wearing green camos and bandanas and carrying old looking AKs, it was a real shame because before at AI 2009 and Vayu Shakti 2010 they really looked prfessional and modern.

Any help would be much appreicated. Thanks.
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I was a little underwhelmed this year by the Guaruds, from all reports there were very few of them and from the few pics availble they look a little underdressed comapred to A1 2009 below is a vid of them back in AI 2009
Check them out they have earpeices, knee pads, elbow pads, side arms and tactical vests and they also looked much meaner (just my personal opinion) anyone know the reason for them toning down thier apperance (do they still have that gear). It was confounded by how ridiculous they looked at the C-130j induction ceremony ^^^ (again just my opinoion) wearing black face paint whilst wearing green camos and bandanas and carrying old looking AKs, it was a real shame because before at AI 2009 and Vayu Shakti 2010 they really looked prfessional and modern.

Any help would be much appreicated. Thanks.

My view:-

Their dressing doesnt make sense to me as one guy is covering his face while other two in the front inspite of having face mask are not using it....make me feel that it is a fashion thing and not for hiding their identity.

Elbow pads and knee pads are a personal choice and not issued as a standard equipment.

No Tavors...pretty much the same firepower as the last time.

Not happy to see anyone of them wearing headsets with radio.

The Garuds didnt do justice to the title given to them by defence forum memebers calling them "the coolest Indian SF".
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coolest indian SF?? ,because of gear you saw with them,i'd say check out the army SF and MARCOS now they have some cool electronics gear,israeli/american/russian/european guns in their arsenal with all the sights ,optics and the other usual stuff with them now.

anyway just saw a cool episode of futureweapons which was focussed towards israel's new toys saw the micro tavor,kitty cornershot,simon room intervention explosive and other stuff.
coolest indian SF?? ,because of gear you saw with them,i'd say check out the army SF and MARCOS now they have some cool electronics gear,israeli/american/russian/european guns in their arsenal with all the sights ,optics and the other usual stuff with them now.

anyway just saw a cool episode of futureweapons which was focussed towards israel's new toys saw the micro tavor,kitty cornershot,simon room intervention explosive and other stuff.

Ya,i was also watching that programme.

Regarding that coolest looking SF..it was not my comment but some guys comment after Aero India 09.
Posting this vid dunno if it's been posted before:

IA in Kashmir always seems to look good, prob cos best stuff goes to them 1st as they are foreward deployed and need it most + prob cos alot of these guys are Para SF and RR. And they don't just look PR good but operatioanlly hard core and profesional (I know it shouldn't be a surprise but they are looking very nice).Shame though I have never seen an IA guy (SF or Non-SF) with a side-arm attactched to his hip or otherwise anywhere except a few promo shots but not on live ops. Have seen them on MARCOS (during recent op on oil rig and guarding Obama) and Guarud at AI '09 (but sadly not this year). Any reason why??

P.S only thing I don't like bout this vid is at the start, Sikhs are not represented, shame as they are one of the major religons in India, no? And make up a significant proportion of the Armed forces, I dare say some were most likely involved in this op. Just a minor thing
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Posting this vid dunno if it's been posted before:

IA in Kashmir always seems to look good, prob cos best stuff goes to them 1st as they are foreward deployed and need it most + prob cos alot of these guys are Para SF and RR. Shame though I have never seen an IA guy (SF or Non-SF) with a side-arm attactched to his hip or otherwise anywhere except a few promo shots but not on live ops. Have seen them on MARCOS (during recent op on oil rig and guarding Obama) and Guarud at AI '09 (but sadly not this year). Any reason whoy??

i think its because of the op,sidearms are useful when i am 5-7 m from the enemy which happens in CT/CQB situations where like the oil rig you'll see sidearms and mp-5's ,in kashmir a rifle is enough plus they have a lot of ammo and reinforcements so again why go for a 9mm.though i think some of the guys do carry sidearms.

in a jungle recon i'd keep a pistol because its uncertain whether my ammo for my main arm will be enough if the situation gets bad.
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i think its because of the op,sidearms are useful when i am 5-7 m from the enemy which happens in CT/CQB situations where like the oil rig you'll see sidearms and mp-5's ,in kashmir a rifle is enough plus they have a lot of ammo and reinforcements so again why go for a 9mm.though i think some of the guys do carry sidearms.

in a jungle recon i'd keep a pistol because its uncertain whether my ammo for my main arm will be enough if the situation gets bad.

Fair point, but surely as in Kasmir (especially in this vid) the terrain is urban and as such you may need a secondary, not just for the CQB aspect but as a secondary weapon for whatever reason- primary jams, runs out of bullets etc in that situation you would want to be able to draw your secondary and return fire and not do jamming drills or reload, seconds can kill.
Fair point, but surely as in Kasmir (especially in this vid) the terrain is urban and as such you may need a secondary, not just for the CQB aspect but as a secondary weapon for whatever reason- primary jams, runs out of bullets etc in that situation you would want to be able to draw your secondary and return fire and not do jamming drills or reload, seconds can kill.

good point but from what i think they'd surely be having a sidearm its just under all the camo we might not be able to see it as i have seen sidearm strapped across the thigh rather than the belt and the handle which is the only art exposed is a small thing so except for a high-res photo you cant spot it.but for sidearms the para's have got the glocks,sig P 226,beretta with them now compared to earlier when they only had browning high power.
good point but from what i think they'd surely be having a sidearm its just under all the camo we might not be able to see it as i have seen sidearm strapped across the thigh rather than the belt and the handle which is the only art exposed is a small thing so except for a high-res photo you cant spot it.but for sidearms the para's have got the glocks,sig P 226,beretta with them now compared to earlier when they only had browning high power.

Fair enough, I take your point. At the end of the day they are the men on the ground who know thier needs and equip accordingly. If they don't ALL have acess as of now i'm sure they will do in the near future as the MOD/Govt finally sees the importance of the SF and is starting to equip them accordingly.

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