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Indian Special Forces

A pic of CRPF with Tavor...Good for the guys in uniform.:cheers:


SWEET.... not the standard Tavor either- looks lice the MTAR or CTAR?
IMI Tavor TAR-21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can anyone tell me if these members of the CRPF are a special unit (SWAT/QRT/ERT etc...??) And is that a earpeice I can see in his right ear??
they are a paramilitary unit ,they assist state police in fighting insurgency like in naxal areas and kashmir

lol! I know what the CRPF are but I want to know are these a special sub unit of the CRPF or just ordinary officers??
SWEET.... not the standard Tavor either- looks lice the MTAR or CTAR?
IMI Tavor TAR-21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can anyone tell me if these members of the CRPF are a special unit (SWAT/QRT/ERT etc...??) And is that a earpeice I can see in his right ear??

Ya..that is a earpiece in his right ear.

Got no idea who they are..as far as i know CRPF has COBRA commandos and that is not for Kashmir but naxalite areas.

Maybe QRT...even ROP..but got no info.

I think just the regular foot soldiers getting it...as no special force of CRPF is in Kashmir.
You are one stubborn teenager...
I said...my source told me that SF participated..which is correct...as oppososed to you providing so many links they didnt.
I never objected to SF participation. My discussion was mainly centered towards use of Tavor. One link i posted, said which regiment participated from both Russia and India.

Secondly..I guessed they were SF..from their helmets,Guns and techniques....to which you said that it is not possible coz SF didnt take part...and now since BORIS has confirmed this....the odds are less in your favour now coz earlier you were not willing to accept that SF took part.
Buddy, are you answering the whole group or just me ?? Somebody else wrote this not me. First read properly then reply.

Lastly...i didnt bet my life on anything...and you didnt prove me wrong a singlle time...
:lol: I was just kidding.

I asked you to provide Garuda pics with Tavor..you didnt...I did with Insas as i said.
Agreed, no proof of Tavor with garud in pics till now. But not every force show all their weapons during exercises. I said you might see it in coming Aero India.

You imagine RR is a force which gets is troops from god knows where...i gave you the correct answer..and still you have no clue.
You said RR is there in every battalion. What i said was no, its a separate unit. Regarding its supply of soldiers, yes they come from army only. Just like NSG, which gets its soldiers from army and others.

You were the one saying SF troopss didnt take part and NAGA battalion took part...to which i said SF took part..and i am right...and till now no one has proved they are Ghatak...only the debate has opened now...thanks to BORIS.
:what: Not me buddy. I never said Naga. Regarding SF my statement was : I don't know who these soldiers are, but you can easily determine if a soldier is in SF because there are few symbols indicating it but those symbols are not visible in the pics.

So my friend...where i am wrong...you are the one who is not willing to listen and increasing the length of the debate coz 'times of India' didnt say so(about SF participation)
As far as i remember you said only para commandos have tavor. Even you yourself posted pics of CRPF personnel using Tavor. I also posted many reports of tavor in CRPF, RR and other special forces. I agreed before also that there is no pic showing garud with tavor which i admit right now also but still that does not mean they don't use it. But you have also never seen a garud in actual combat or anti-terrorist operation.
You said just by looking the pic that they have to be SF because they are wearing new helmets and using tavor. Has your friend confirmed that the guys in the pics are SF ??/ As far as i remember he said they were just monitoring the drill.
Also i never said they are not, i said before also and i will say now also, the guys in the pics could be SF and could be not because no special forces symbol is visible to confirm they are SF.

Also it was just a discussion not a competition...:lol:
You are one stubborn teenager...

I never objected to SF participation. My discussion was mainly centered towards use of Tavor. One link i posted, said which regiment participated from both Russia and India.

Buddy, are you answering the whole group or just me ?? Somebody else wrote this not me. First read properly then reply.

:lol: I was just kidding.

Agreed, no proof of Tavor with garud in pics till now. But not every force show all their weapons during exercises. I said you might see it in coming Aero India.

You said RR is there in every battalion. What i said was no, its a separate unit. Regarding its supply of soldiers, yes they come from army only. Just like NSG, which gets its soldiers from army and others.

:what: Not me buddy. I never said Naga. Regarding SF my statement was : I don't know who these soldiers are, but you can easily determine if a soldier is in SF because there are few symbols indicating it but those symbols are not visible in the pics.

As far as i remember you said only para commandos have tavor. Even you yourself posted pics of CRPF personnel using Tavor. I also posted many reports of tavor in CRPF, RR and other special forces. I agreed before also that there is no pic showing garud with tavor which i admit right now also but still that does not mean they don't use it. But you have also never seen a garud in actual combat or anti-terrorist operation.
You said just by looking the pic that they have to be SF because they are wearing new helmets and using tavor. Has your friend confirmed that the guys in the pics are SF ??/ As far as i remember he said they were just monitoring the drill.
Also i never said they are not, i said before also and i will say now also, the guys in the pics could be SF and could be not because no special forces symbol is visible to confirm they are SF.

Also it was just a discussion not a competition...:lol:

A discussion becomes a competition when you try to dominate the discussion.

Secondly my friend..i siad...RR has people from the army..every regiment send its troops to RR...for eg the Bihar regtt sends its troops to 4RR,24RR,48RR...so in these RR Units only Bihar regtt troops will be there..No Gorkha..no NaGa..so likewise even the Para has its RR..i hope this time you get what i have said.

Then you said every special force of India will have Tavor..to which i said Garuds dont have it...and this is a recent pic of Garuds..chreck it..



Garuds participating in the induction ceremony of C-130

And finally you never said SF were there..you were just saying the Infantry and Ghataks are there and were not willing to accept that SF were involved...but now when someone has confirmed that SF were there..i think...the discussion has openend with another option of them being Paras.
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so likewise even the Para has its RR.
Para is itself like RR. It contains personnel from all sections of Indian army but they volunteer although they have to compete for spot. I hope you get my point.

Then you said every special force of India will have Tavor..to which i said Garuds dont have it...and this is a recent pic of Garuds..chreck it..
Yeah is said that because there are many reports of this. I again admit there is no pic yet. I think we have a conflict in Garuds case only. I read many such articles which indicated this. Now talk like a mature guy, you are basing the infantry weapons of a special force by seeing just a few pictures of just a few garuds who are posing for the camera. You have to admit that we have still not seen a garud in actual combat.

A discussion becomes a competition when you try to dominate the discussion.
sorry never meant for that.
Para is itself like RR. It contains personnel from all sections of Indian army but they volunteer although they have to compete for spot. I hope you get my point.

Yeah is said that because there are many reports of this. I again admit there is no pic yet. I think we have a conflict in Garuds case only. I read many such articles which indicated this. Now talk like a mature guy, you are basing the infantry weapons of a special force by seeing just a few pictures of just a few garuds who are posing for the camera. You have to admit that we have still not seen a garud in actual combat.

sorry never meant for that.

All Para battalions are not SF...and they are called "The Parachute Regiment"....so the Parachute regiment also sends its troops to RR.

And regarding your doubt on RR...here is what your favourite site wikipedia has to say about RR...

"The RR was raised as a para-military force and it was envisaged that its personnel , like the Assam Rifles, would consist of regular Army volunteers on deputation, ex-servicemen and lateral inductees from various para-military forces and central police organisations. However, this never happened and the force has consisted only of regular Army officers and Jawans , especially from the various Infantry regiments , like the Rajputana Rifles , Gorkha Rifles , Maratha Light Infantry , Sikh Light Infantry and Sikh Regiment. Both officers and soldiers are sent to the RR on deputation for a period of 2-3 years. RR personnel receive 25% more salary than regular Army personnel , plus additional benefits , that is why it is often a coveted deputation."

link:- Rashtriya Rifles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rest there is a difference between me and you...you trust newspaper articles and i trust pictures.

The day i see a pic of Garuds with Tavor..i will be very happy..till then..sorry i dont believe you.

Lastly just wanna say...i dont think i can make you understand anything..so better to end this debate right now. :cheers:
An article i would like to share with you guys:-

The Rambo of Indian Army

NEW DELHI: They are the invincible lot. Major Sudhir Kumar and his
comrades of the Special Forces are the Indian Army's `Rambos' who flirt
with death every day. Their forte is to hunt down foreign mercenaries in
the remote fastness of the mountains of Kashmir.

``Nobody can touch me. My life line is strong, my luck line is strong,''
the young major would declare to friends. And so it seemed for eight
long years and countless operations where the special forces hunted the
hunters who have spread terror in the Valley.

But then, Major Kumar's luck ran out. On August 29, the Major was dead.
He was just 31.

Kumar had led his team of SF men deep into the Afruda forest in Kupwara
district of Jammu and Kashmir. Moving at night, as they usually did, the
SF caught some 25 militants unawares in their camp. The SF team ploughed
through the camp with Sudhir Kumar in the lead. He killed nine militants
even though he was injured early on in the firefight. But later, despite
medical care, he died.

``Nobody could expect this guy to go like this,'' says a friend with a
sense of disbelief. For a man with just 11 years in the Army, Major
Kumar already had 10 medals - including two Sena medals for gallantry, a
wound medal and operation medals - adorning his chest.

The irony was that Major Kumar did not have to be where he was. After a
stint in the Valley he was in a cushy job as the security ADC to the
Army Chief Ved Malik in New Delhi. But when the Kargil affair blew up,
he could not resist the call to arms and requested his boss permission
to return to his unit. In Kargil, the SF was, as usual, thrown in for
the toughest tasks and took heavy casualties. Kumar was part of several
operations. He was recommended for yet another gallantry award for his
role in the capture of the Zulu top in Kargil where 25 Pakistani
soldiers were killed.

``He always led from the front,'' says a friend of his in the Army. In
an earlier operation at Trimukha in Kupwara district in 1996, Major
Kumar and his men had killed 14 militants, reaching their hideout after
walking through the night in driving rain. The reason for his success at
targeting militants? ``I can think like them...I'm a crook.''

And yet, those who knew him describe him as a ``cool, calm, low-key
person with a desire to learn...to know everything''. ``Not only was he
fearless, he was a good strategist too,'' recalls a friend. He had
topped a special intelligence course in the US and received an honorary
colonel's certificate from the governor of Alabama.

An avid reader, linguist, skydiver, skilled in radio
communication,...there were so many facets to this son of a junior
commissioned officer who belonged to Banuri village, near Palampur in
Himachal Pradesh.

Major Kumar was a man who as a little boy aspired to be a wrestler until
his mother decided to enrol him in the Sainik School at Sujanpur Tira. A
man who aspired to take his mother around in a car and bought one so he
could do so. ``A man who has done his bit for the nation,'' says a

The Rambo of Indian Army - Sujanians.org
Major Sudhir Walia - 9 Para Commando(Special Forces) Ashok Chakra


Even though life continues normally in the little slate-roofed mud house in the tiny village of Banuri, near Palampur, yet it can never be the same again for those living there.
In a dimly-lit small room, the immaculate uniform, belt and beret of an Army officer, hangs on the wall, and alongside you see the face of an earnest young, committed soldier staring at you. Along with the portrait and laminated blow-ups of the young officer, there are so many other memories which the ageing couple in the house clings to. There is pride in the moist eyes of Subedar Rulia Ram, as he talks about his valiant son. Major Sudhir Kumar, on whom the highest peace time gallantary award, Ashoka Chakra, has been posthumously conferred, brought honour not only to his family, but to all those who loved and respected him.
It was on August 29, last year, that he died fighting insurgents in the Kupwara sector of the trouble-torn state of Jammu and Kashmir. "It was on the night of August 27 that he gave us a call to say that he would be reaching home after two days, which he did, but in a coffin," recounts his mother. "Even as a small child his only aim in life was to join the Army and achieve something great," she says. It was not merely a fascination to adorn the olive green uniform, but to tread the path very few would dare to.
Born on May 24, 1968, in Jodhpur, Major Sudhir studied uptil Class V in the government school in the village itself. It was after being selected in the Sainik School at Sujanpur Tira in Hamirpur district, that he could see his dreams coming true. After passing out from the NDA in 1987, he was commissioned on June 11, 1988. Initially, he joined the 4 Jat Regiment. But later shifted to the elite 9 Para Commandos. His stint in Sri Lanka as part of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) saw him emerge as an expert in guerrilla warfare. There was no looking back after this as he was decorated with service medals one after the other. The endless list of decorations includes the Videsh Seva Medal and Special Services Medal in 1990, Siachen Glacier Medal, High Altitude Medal and Sainya Medal for Jammu and Kashmir in 1992.
He got the Sena Medal and Bar Two Medal in 1994 and Clasp Suraksha to Special Service Medal and Wound Medal in 1996. Major Sudhir was selected for the International Officers Advance Course in the USA. In that he qualified as an instructor with honours, after having done the course in protective services of VIP security and combat terrorism on military installations. Having added another feather to his cap, he was posted as the ADC to Army Chief,Gen V.P. Malik, from December 1997 to June 1999. His desire to be in the thick of warfare saw him becoming part of Operation Vijay, in Kargil. After it was over, Major Sudhir went back to counter-insurgency operations, his field of expertise, in Jammu and Kashmir.
He was entrusted with important tasks, which included being sent on special secret missions to Pakistan. "It was not without reason that bhai was chosen for these difficult jobs. He had a flair for languages, he had mastered Persian and Sindhi. He was also an expert in the use of explosives and could easily decode the wireless messages of the militants," disclosed Arun, younger brother of Major Sudhir.
The 31-year-old officer was killed in the dense forests of Haphruda in Kupwara, but only after gunning down a few militants. As he led a squad of five men in the area, he heard disembodied voices, but was unable to spot them. He along with his buddy crawled uphill and on reaching the knoll saw two armed militants, barely four metres away. He immediately killed the nearest sentry and charged towards the second, who jumped back into a large covered hideout in a depression, 15 metres below.
Without any hesitation, Major Sudhir charged at the hideout with only his buddy giving him covering fire.Taken aback, the militants, 20 in number, rushed out in an attempt to flee. Major Sudhir singlehandedly grappled with them and firing from a distance of two metres, killed four militants. In this action, he was hit on the face, chest and arm and fell down, bleeding profusely at the entrance of the hideout. Although, unable to move, he called up his troop commanders on the radio set, not to allow the militants to flee. It was only after 35 minutes, when fire stopped that he allowed his evacuation. Bleeding profusely, he continued to pass instructions to his troops on his radio set. He passed away holding his set, in the hand.
While no amount of help can compensate for the loss of Subedar Rulia Ram's son, the state government has not bothered to consider the bereaved father's request for a job for his other son and daughter. "Since there is not even a single earning member from my family," rues Sub Rulia Ram, "I had personally requested the Chief Minister, P.K. Dhumal, to give a government job to my son or daughter, when he had come to our house, immediately after Sudhir’s death." Major Sudhir's younger brother, Arun(28 ), had met with a serious car accident in 1992 and is unemployed. His younger sister, Asha, a student of BA-II, in Government College, Palampur, too, is willing to do a job, provided there is some help from the government.
Even five months after Major Sudhir sacrificed his life for the nation, not a single person from the state government has payed his family a visit, let alone offer help. It is a matter of great regret that the martyr who is being revered by the entire nation, is a forgotten man in his home state.

upender: Major Sudhir Walia - 9 Para Commando(Special Forces) Ashok Chakra - Posthumous 29 August 1999 - COIN Ops - Jammu & Kashmir
Hi can I have an I.D on the unit in this vid, I know they are not SF though, some sort of state polics:

not looking too bad, hopefully all states will have a unit like this or better.
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All Para battalions are not SF...and they are called "The Parachute Regiment"....so the Parachute regiment also sends its troops to RR.
Thanx for this info.

Regarding you trusting pics. Look man its your opinion but i stand by my opinion. You cannot determine a force weapons when you have never seen them in actual combat.

Also thanx for sharing those 2 articles about our martyrs.

Regarding the video of that operation i think its SWAT of the police. I couldn't understand much but i heard him saying Octopus wing, i think its the name given. But they are not SF, they are posing for the cameraman :)
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