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Indian special forces carry out cross border operation into Myanmar. Several militants Killed

Crack 21st parachute commandos along with Indian air force Mi-17-V Choppers were involved in operations, which were carried out deep inside into Myanmar border areas can be confirmed by idrw.org at this point of time.

idrw.org can confirm that 21st para commandos did not suffer any casualties and Operation clearance had come directly from PMO after Myanmar Cleared India’s request for Cross-border raid.

IB and R&AW had pinpointed NSCN Camps in Myanmar which were planning many more Ambush against Indian Army in days to come as per Intelligent reports. Recent Cross-border raid was to send a strong message to North-eastern Insurgent who have united under one umbrella organisation on instance of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China which have been using bases in Myanmar to attacks Indian forces .

idrw.org in the pastreporthad hinted that Para commandos likely will be pulled in to carry out cross-border raids. Army carried out Two cross-border strikes in Two Camps in Myanmar and in both operations no Myanmar troops had participated in the raids.

21st Parachute (Special Forces) and IAF’s MI-17 Participated in Myanmar Operations | idrw.org
I also have same question
Yeah when Do PA Going for Fazlullah in Afganistan Nevertheless Hafiz Saheed,Lakhvi are Just tool for India to Expose Pakistan Duality When it Comes on Takin-on Terrorism. Freedom of Such Elements inside Pakistan Only Makes are Stance Against Pakistan Regarding Supporting Terrorism More Efficient.Indirectly Hafeez Saheed and Lakhvi Presence in Pakistan Strategical Asset for Us.
That is subjected to secrecy. But Hafeez Syed and Dawood' s presence on Pakistani soil is doing more harm to Pakistan than a surgical strike. Meanwhile according to Pakistani government, Dawood is not in Pakistan, so you are compromising your government.

Any ways, talk about this operation, don't jump 2000 kms away from scene of action :)

Abay chal. Doing more harm than good bla bla
I see a shift in their policies(which is a good news).
In all these years, Chinese weapons found their way into India through Myanmar.(Chinese goods were also smuggled into India through the same route). I hope not any more.

Burma has many pro chinese outfits , and in the past have also been funded by North Korea. Hence ongoing proxy war since 1988 uprising
I see a shift in myanmar's policies(which is a good news).
In all these years, Chinese weapons found their way into India through Myanmar.(Chinese goods were also smuggled into India through the same route). I hope not any more.

I agree there has been a major shift. China is wise because it sensed it pretty quickly. The moment the US came to burma to do business and seeing Aung san suu kyi released......meant the US and India were already working together. The same could be seen with Sri Lanka and how India got the US to slow down the probe on the atrocities.....fearing it would push Sri Lanka totally to the Chinese side. Goof to see the Sri Lankan ppl have waken up to the previous despot PM...hehehe
Dear sir....

When is Indian Army going to have balls to kill Hafiz Saeed/Dawood Ibrahim who India claims killed hundreds of Indians?
I also have same question
Won't they will be taken care of in Zarb-e-Azb That's what your army is supposed to do. Why don't you wait till your army clean up the mess ?
The same way surrender of 32,000 to Japanese forces in Singapore is not indian ? you should ask this question from your own country men not me

Own the surrender to own the Taj Mahal , that's how I see it :P
Whatever water is present in the river Indus, flows from India. Does that make the river Indian ? By your logic, it is.
Indian army hits insurgents in Myanmar; kills 15

New Delhi, June 9 (PTI) Hitting back at rebels who killed 18 soldiers in Manipur, special forces of the army today carried out a surgical strike inside Myanmar, slaying about 15 insurgents of the groups believed to be responsible for the deadly ambush.

The strike was carried out by commandos on specific intelligence input in coordination with Myanmarese authorities, with the Army saying that "significant casualties" had been inflicted on two militant groups believed to be NSCN(K) and KYKL.

Sources said about 15 insurgents were killed in the assault with no casualties among the soldiers.

Noting that the army had been on "high alert" after Manipur attack, Major General Ranbir Singh, Additional Director General Military Operations, said that in the course of last few days, "credible and specific intelligence" was received about further attacks that were being planned within Indian territory.

"These attacks were to be carried out by some of the groups involved in earlier attacks on our security personnel and their allies," he told reporters here while briefing on the operation without taking any questions.

"In view of the immenent threat, an immediate response was necessary. Based on intelligence, we conducted operations to counter these planned assaults," Maj Gen Singh added.

He asserted that "any threat to our security, safety and national integrity will meet a firm response" while ensuring peace and tranquility along the border and in the border states.

While he said the operation was carried out "along the Indo-Myanmar border at two locations, along the Nagaland and Manipur borders", sources said the strike was carried out inside Myanmar with the coordination of local authorities.

The Indian assault team returned safely, the sources said.
But shift is good, the army is of no use, if not utilized properly.
Shift in Myanmar's policy is good. China would have a tough time though.
I agree there has been a major shift. China is wise because it sensed it pretty quickly. The moment the US came to burma to do business and seeing Aung san suu kyi released......meant the US and India were already working together. The same could be seen with Sri Lanka and how India got the US to slow down the probe on the atrocities.....fearing it would push Sri Lanka totally to the Chinese side. Goof to see the Sri Lankan ppl have waken up to the previous despot PM...hehehe
So no more pearl and string games I suppose. Lol
Crack 21st parachute commandos along with Indian air force Mi-17-V Choppers were involved in operations, which were carried out deep inside into Myanmar border areas can be confirmed by idrw.org at this point of time.

idrw.org can confirm that 21st para commandos did not suffer any casualties and Operation clearance had come directly from PMO after Myanmar Cleared India’s request for Cross-border raid.

IB and R&AW had pinpointed NSCN Camps in Myanmar which were planning many more Ambush against Indian Army in days to come as per Intelligent reports. Recent Cross-border raid was to send a strong message to North-eastern Insurgent who have united under one umbrella organisation on instance of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China which have been using bases in Myanmar to attacks Indian forces .

idrw.org in the pastreporthad hinted that Para commandos likely will be pulled in to carry out cross-border raids. Army carried out Two cross-border strikes in Two Camps in Myanmar and in both operations no Myanmar troops had participated in the raids.

21st Parachute (Special Forces) and IAF’s MI-17 Participated in Myanmar Operations | idrw.org
Waiting for this Beast in Service of IAF Soon:smitten::smitten:


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