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Indian soldiers in Singapore revolt in support of the Turks

Chruchill was one of the biggest criminals of the 20th century of a more criminal British Empire. I think he is just below Hitler in terms of criminality. His crimes are unwritten like the bombing of Dresden in WW2, to crimes in Asia, all the way back WW1 where he didn't follow the rules of war and bombed hospitals in Turkey.
Chruchill was one of the biggest criminals of the 20th century of a more criminal British Empire. I think he is just below Hitler in terms of criminality. His crimes are unwritten like the bombing of Dresden in WW2, to crimes in Asia, all the way back WW1 where he didn't follow the rules of war and bombed hospitals in Turkey.
Churchill would have left the Ottoman Empire alone if you hadn't joined the war on Germany's side. Maybe you should have stayed out of the war? As for Dresden, that was a response to the devastation of the Blitz. It is nothing in comparison to German atrocities against Jews, Gypsies and Slavs or Turkey's atrocities against Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians
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Chruchill was one of the biggest criminals of the 20th century of a more criminal British Empire. I think he is just below Hitler in terms of criminality. His crimes are unwritten like the bombing of Dresden in WW2, to crimes in Asia, all the way back WW1 where he didn't follow the rules of war and bombed hospitals in Turkey.

He was responsible for the death of 4 million people in Bengal in 1943. British fought a decisive battle against the Japanese on Imphal and Kohima front, but that is mostly forgotten in India.

Remembering India’s forgotten holocaust | Rakesh Krishnan Simha
Haven't you heard of Subha Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army? I should have said revolt rather than mutiny really as it was more serious than that.

British Indian Army did not mutinied.

Japanese defeated British army in Singapore ( largely due to incompetence of generals ). Subhash chandra bose raised INA from Indian POWs from Singapore.
Like the Japanese helped "liberate" China, Korea and The Phillipines?

This is how Winston Churchill liberate Indian, hungry people dying on street.

Churchill would have left the Ottoman Empire alone if you hadn't joined the war on Germany's side. Maybe you should have stayed out of the war? As for Dresden, that was a response to the devastation of the Blitz.

Entente powers have already divided Turkey among themselves even before Turkey joined Central powers. Constantinople was supposed to go to Russia, while Greece was to take control of Ionian coast. Rest of Ottoman empire would have been divided between Britain,Italy, and France.

Due to knockout blow delivered to Russia by bolsheviks, Turkey retained Constantinople , but rest of ottomon empire was divided as agreed upon. Ataturk organized an army in Anatolia and drove Greeks out of Turkey.He did this even when Sultan ordered him to report to Constantinople so that he could be court martialled.
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Entente powers have already divided Turkey even before Turkey joined Central powers. Constantinople was supposed to go to Russia, while Greece was to take control of Ionian coast. Rest of Ottoman empire would have been divided between Britain,Italy, and France.

Due to knockout blow delivered to Russia by bolsheviks, Turkey retained Constantinople , but rest of ottomon empire was divided as agreed upon. Ataturk organized an army in Anatolia and drove Greeks out of Turkey.He did this even when Sultan ordered him to report to Constantinople so that he could be court martialled.
The Ottoman Empire was a major ally of Britain throughout the nineteenth century. They helped us keep Russia out of the Mediterranean. That we became enemies was their choice not ours. Britain did want Middle Eastern oil but we didn't need to divide the empire for that. We could simply have asked the Sultan for exploration rights or else got our supplies from Iran.
Would they have been no hunger as a Japanese puppet state?

you tell me, if British were fighting for Indian people or saving their own behinds from Nazis and Japanese. :girl_wacko:
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