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Indian soldier who complaint of bad food killed??

are you denying his death or are you supporting his murder

There is no death, the pic is of a CRPF personnel killed in an ambush around 10 days back, and not of the BSF soldier who made the video.
i was in shock to see this picture. this is the second such case where they have killed a soldier for speaking against bad conditions. this is sad sad

Reminds me of a movie Dialogue, "Do you think I like killing, but I have to kill him otherwise people wont be scared of me," His killing was a warning for other soldier to shut up and eat whatever the crap we feed you
i commented only after another member posted the pic which BTW looks exactly like his.
and BTW you cannot be in a position to use google search sometimes so that is why I asked members to verify if it was true or not.

Having said that tell me why we should not be passing remarks or even judgment when another Indian soldier was found DEAD who happened to be one of those who complained about bad behaviour of his senior Army officials.

You don't need a supercomputer to do a google search. If you can make a post on PDF you can do a google image search.

We appreciate your "concern".
There is no death, the pic is of a CRPF personnel killed in an ambush around 10 days back, and not of the BSF soldier who made the video.

Even a blind person can see its the same guy, His wife was claiming he is missing and now this picture.
Even a blind person can see its the same guy, His wife was claiming he is missing and now this picture.

Only Pakistanis can see that, for obvious reasons. I like how you guys are selectively skeptical. If anything is anti India you guys would believe any rumour, but if its anything anti Pakistan you guys will not believe it no matter how many proofs are shown. I
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are you denying
i did not claim that it was the case. i asked for verification so the onuw is not on me.
You don't need a supercomputer to do a google search. If you can make a post on PDF you can do a google image search.

We appreciate your "concern".
am posting from cell phone at the moment. still i don't think so it was any wrong to ask question
Picture doing round on social media is of CRPF jawan killed in Maoist attack earlier this month. You can save you shame on Indian army for some other time.

So he didn't meet his fate like Roy Mathews.

His popularity saved him. :lol:
i did not claim that it was the case. i asked for verification so the onuw is not on me.

am posting from cell phone at the moment. still i don't think so it was any wrong to ask question

No it was fair of you to ask, but unfair of you especially with you being a journalist and all to pass your judgment before even verifying the source.
Step - 1 . . get a random news without any news source

Step -2 . . pass on your judgement before confirmation to vent out your vile hatred.

Step - 3 when confronted with facts . . . go on "Abba dabba jabba " mode.

And then there are special cases who wont even bother reading the OP . .title hi kafi hai ::)

The Bollywood news is catching. You don't like what you dish out. Can you prove he is alive?
He is well and alive plumping pumbs in officer headquarters.pls pray for major mudassar who leaves behind his young wife and daughter
whats with you ugly indian mind here which is insulting a martyr?? maj mudassar embraced martyrdom while fighting the terrorists who were planning to bomb Nauroz celebrations in Orakzai Pakistan. thanks to his sacrifice that we have foiled big terror attack and saves lives.
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